Friday, June 20, 2008

Maybe it's okay...

I have heard a lot of people complain that many bloggers paint their world to be a perfect place. That they "pretend" that their life is always happy. The perfect little mommies with their perfect little homes.
Last night I was up at 4:30am writing a blog after having a nightmare. I have been concerned about this scary world we are raising our children in, and that fear seems to manifest itself in my late night dreams.
I cried and wrote, and by the time I was finished I felt much better. I re-read my entry and found it to be a lovely indication of the terror I sometimes feel as a mother.
I was about to "publish post" but then thought the better of it. This was personal and moving and disturbing all at the same time. It was a journal entry. Not really a blog entry. So I printed a copy and erased it from my drafts page.
I am not criticising anyone for bearing their soul on their blog. I do that myself. Often. But I also think that it is alright to have a sunny, happy blog too. A personal blog is a portrayal of one's self to the outside world. I think that if someone chooses to focus on the positive, that is fine. I know that I personally don't believe that their lives are all bliss, but even if they are, how wonderful for them. To each their own.

P.S. I don't consider this a happy, sunny blog.

In honor of sunny, happy blogs - a few sunny photos from my family....


April said...

I don't know- I kind of like hearing what people really feel- I would have loved to read your post from last night- as long as the blogger isn't always depressed or always serious I enjoy a little drama and/or something different than a normal family website-

sometimes I get bored with people's blogs because I feel like I am looking at scrapbook or something-

Natalie Jane said...

I will email it to anyone who wants to read it. It is just a little personal for a blog. Just send me your email.

The Linabooty's said...

In honor of this I think I will post a real and honest blog about all the Diareha and Vomit I have been cleaning up this week. I think denial can be a good thing there are just some things you don't want to relive.

kristi lee said...

To each their own, right??!! I enjoy reading anything you write! And yes, I love to use !!!!!!!!!!!

Natalie Jane said...

What? You love to use? Use what?

Abby said...

These photos of Lydia remind me of paparrazi shots - she is the glamorous blond celebrity poorly hiding her identity with designer shades, and protectively looking in every direction is her attractive body guard.

Crazymamaof6 said...

love the pictures she is a DOLL in those sunglasses!
i think the blogging all happiness and wonderment is great, if you live in fantasy land,or you want to present that to your readers, my friends that do it, admit they don't always have fabulous days BUT they put that out there since they aren't going to inform the in laws they can't stand one particular child more often than the others, OR they are flat broke and don't want neighbors to know. or more often they WISH they had a more perfect life.

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