I know that it really isn't "P.C." to use the term housewife. I guess I could use my official title:
Domestic CEO, B.A. Class 5, D-1
My friend Wendy and I came up with this method of classification a while back while jogging. (Okay, more like a brisk walk mixed in with snack breaks for our daughters.) Anyway, I will explain.
Domestic CEO - that is obvious. I am in charge of the household.
B.A. - This indicates the level of education obtained. (G.E.D./H.S./A.A./B.S./P.H.D.) Wendy is an attorney, but I can't remember what she decided on for her particular title.
Class 5. This is the amount of years I worked full-time after completing said schooling, before staying home.
D-1 - Dependants - 1 (husband's don't count) Once I have another child I will be D-2.
So.. My sis-in-law Sara who is having a baby in a couple months will be:
"Sara Clifton, Domestic CEO, B.S. Class 6, D-1"
Wendy and I thought of lots of random little titles we could add if we felt so inclined. Like adding "S.G." standing for "Sex Goddess" or maybe on the other side of the spectrum: "B.H" for "Blames Headaches". :) Any other ideas? I like "W.T." for "World Traveler" and "N.L.H." for never left home. Maybe if you have a side business "entrepreneur" could end the title. Let me know what your "official" title would be.
Oh - the point of this blog - housewife happenings (I know the word sucks but for those of us who stay at home with our kids and are not gainfully employed, that is exactly what we are. Sorry)
So....getting on with it. The other day it was about an hour until Shane would get home from work and I realized that I had forgotten to go grocery shopping. I had made a trip to the farmers market for veggies, but forgot the chicken and french bread that was supposed to make up the rest of the meal. I really wanted to make a real meal because Shane has been taking over evenings a lot for me lately. Unfortunately, there was nothing in the fridge. Mayo, soymilk and that was about it. One hour later check out the spread. No trip to the grocery store needed!

Oh - and thank you so much to "Texas Natalie" for this awesome lunch idea. Lydia was eating spinach. Spinach!

- OK, let's see... Domestic CEO, MEd., Class 5, D-1 (pending promotion to D-2) However, despite all those letters and numbers, my ability to "whip up" a dinner such as the one you have pictured is next to nothing.
- You probably don't remember me but I went to CV with you and I was in your seminary class once (I found you through a friend of a friend, you know how that works, I am always looking for fellow CVers:)anyways, I just had to tell you that I LOVE the idea of feeding your kids in a muffin pan...GENIOUS!! It's so perfect since they always want alittle taste of everything! Great idea and your dinner looks amazing!
- I love the lunch idea. That is the neatest idea ever!
- ooh, groovy! so glad you tried it out. i haven't yet, but it's in the plans! :)
- You clever thing you! Dinner looks amazing. . .as always! The muffin thing does work great. My mom said she would do that for our lunches when we were little. We've done it for a while here and call them "Rainbow Picnics!" They're super fun and easy too when friends are over for lunch.
- Okay - that spread looks re-donculous. Domestic CEO,BA,Class 1,D-4 BTW- if you are going for a digital SLR - don't buy the lens that comes with the body. Buy the body only and do some research about which lens to buy!
- JACKPOT!! Do you know I have a dozen muffin tins?I bake alot.More than I should really,but now I have a use for them when I am not baking.And I am wondering why the heck I never thought of it.
- Hey Natalie, Thanks for stopping by my recipe blog (especially for leaving a comment)! So fun to make new blogfriends! I am LOVIN' your classification system! and your toddler buffet! Janie, Domestic CEO, MaEd, Class 10, C-6 (Soooo glad to finally be home with my babies!)
- thanks for stopping by my blog! i'll have to try the idea w/ the muffin tin. my child is SO picky!! your little girl is adorable.
- this is such a great idea!
OK, let's see...
Domestic CEO, MEd., Class 5, D-1 (pending promotion to D-2)
However, despite all those letters and numbers, my ability to "whip up" a dinner such as the one you have pictured is next to nothing.
You probably don't remember me but I went to CV with you and I was in your seminary class once (I found you through a friend of a friend, you know how that works, I am always looking for fellow CVers:)anyways, I just had to tell you that I LOVE the idea of feeding your kids in a muffin pan...GENIOUS!! It's so perfect since they always want alittle taste of everything! Great idea and your dinner looks amazing!
I love the lunch idea. That is the neatest idea ever!
ooh, groovy! so glad you tried it out. i haven't yet, but it's in the plans! :)
You clever thing you! Dinner looks amazing. . .as always! The muffin thing does work great. My mom said she would do that for our lunches when we were little. We've done it for a while here and call them "Rainbow Picnics!" They're super fun and easy too when friends are over for lunch.
Okay - that spread looks re-donculous.
Domestic CEO,BA,Class 1,D-4
BTW- if you are going for a digital SLR - don't buy the lens that comes with the body. Buy the body only and do some research about which lens to buy!
JACKPOT!! Do you know I have a dozen muffin tins?I bake alot.More than I should really,but now I have a use for them when I am not baking.And I am wondering why the heck I never thought of it.
Hey Natalie, Thanks for stopping by my recipe blog (especially for leaving a comment)! So fun to make new blogfriends!
I am LOVIN' your classification system! and your toddler buffet!
Janie, Domestic CEO, MaEd, Class 10, C-6
(Soooo glad to finally be home with my babies!)
thanks for stopping by my blog! i'll have to try the idea w/ the muffin tin. my child is SO picky!! your little girl is adorable.
this is such a great idea!
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