Our Christmas was wonderful. I am still in denial that the season is on it's way out. My parents left on Monday night and I cried like a toddler.
I am consoling myself by eating everything in sight
spending the evening going through the photos I took this week. All 500 of them. Not kidding. I (finally) got a new camera and I am a bit trigger happy. Most of the shots were of the tree while I experimented with light (I have a lot to learn), but I did catch some nice images of our celebration. I had so many photos, I put most of them over on my family blog, so if you want to see some more of our festivities, check them out over there. Keep scrolling down, there are 9 posts in all. I told you. Trigger happy.

Shane did a beautiful job on our house this year. It was magical.

Man, I love this camera.

All the kids went in to buy my Dad 5 pounds of Pine Nuts. That's a lot of Pine Nuts. The smell of roasting pine nuts was absolutely intoxicating and the most Christmasy smell imaginable. (Screw Chestnuts. These are way better.) We ate all 5 pounds in less than a week.