Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pee-Pees and Wee-Wees

This is random, but I need to decide what we are going to call "boy parts". There are a lot of options out there and I want to pick the right term.

Now, I could just go with "penis" and make things simple. I'm not opposed to that, but again, I want to weigh all my options.

With Lydia, I didn't have the stomach to use the v-word. The v-word is possibly the grossest word in the English language, I don't care what the vagina monologues say. Some people insist that you need to use the technical terms for body parts. While that's fine, I was permanently scarred by a story my friend Lisa told me about her 3 year old niece. She was taught the technical term for lady parts. While shopping with her mother at a busy supermarket, her pants became wedged in an uncomfortable area she started screaming at the top of her lungs, "My VAGINA!!!!"

We went with the term "pp place".

Now I need a term for the boy parts. I've heard some interesting ones. "Little Peter", "Pinket", Wee-Wee. Of course, no one chose a more embarrassing name than my parents. Tallywhacker. I kid you not. Tallywhacker. (I started laughing hysterically just typing that.) They must have been hell-bent on embarrassing their elementary age children. They also choose to call poop "ToeToe".

So tell me. What do you call the "private parts" with your children? And while we are discussing things, any interesting "potty" names? My brother in law's parents called poop "messy". Gross.


Unknown said...

we go with straight up penis and vagina. of course, maya also thinks "crotch" is exclusively girl part, and "package", "parts", "privates", not to mention my fave "balls & weiners!" aren't tossed around frequently too. good times.

Anonymous said...

I dont have a boy but I'd probably go with pee pee..

My daughter calls her privates a front butt..

Love Being A Nonny said...

For our boys: Package.

For our daughter: Front bottom, Back bottom


Stacie Aho said...

I don't normally comment here, although I do read every post of yours... haha. So today I feel compelled to comment. I have a boy and a girl (boy first). I never have been comfortable using the "real" term because I wasn't raised saying them and they make me feel all awkward and such. BUT- I have heard many times that we need to teach our children the correct terms. If they were ever touched in these places they need to know they can come to us and tell us where, without feeling like it's a "silly" thing to talk about. When you name it a "wiener" or for heaven's sake a "tallywhaker" I think you're telling your child that it's funny and uncomfortable.

SO... I say, suck it up and call it a penis. It is what it is. My son asked me the other day what the stuff behind his penis was. I had to do all I could to not laugh out loud. I referred him to his father who told him it was what held his testicles. I was dying inside, but SO glad that we are able to tell our son these things without making it a silly matter.

Anyway- that was long, but I just thought I'd share my thoughts :)

Life with boys... said...

Believe it or not this is a conversation I have had on several occasions.

We have two boys with a third on the way and we use the term "penis". To avoid any confusion or embarrassment down the road.

As the oldest has just turned four, we are beginning the conversations of appropriate places to talk about it. I have recently explained that some people (namely strangers at restaurants, groceries stores, and other public places) don't want to hear about your penis or your butt. So if you need to tell me something about either thing in public, please let me know that you have a problem with your "privates" in a quiet voice. (so far so good) We also imposed the rule at age 3, that only Mom, Dad or a Doctor is allowed to check them out if something is wrong, otherwise they are his and no one needs to see or touch them.

As a prior preschool teacher, it is hard to decipher what a child is talking about when pet names are being used. (don't get me wrong this isn't necessarily a common topic of conversation, that is unless you are working with potty training children) However, some of the more common ones aren't hard to figure out it's when they get creative, and you go entire conversation thinking you are talking about one thing to find out it's not at all what you thought you were talking about.

Sorry that ended up being a little long winded.

amydear said...

We went with the very neutral "boy part" for penis until he was old enough to be responsible for that word. Now he's given it a really long name I hope he forgets by the time he's married. We go with "little bum" for girls, with the explanation of vagina later. I don't want too much poking around in there, and I don't like saying that word myself. : )

stevelucky said...

"Poor pinkus. Poor little pinkus."

Pinkus. That's my vote.

Nickie said...

After reading some of these comments I now know my daughter is somewhat normal for calling hers a front bottom and a back bottom...She is almost 12 and still calls it that. As for my son he is 5 and he calls it his wee-wee or his pee-pee.

I think when they are young it is okay to have different names for them. When they get older if they want to us the technical terms they can.

I have also taught my kids to say privates when we are in public or around other people.

Cynthia said...

Well I wouldn't recommend using this term but it is a funny story. When my oldest daughter was 3 she saw my best friend changing her son and asked why he had a potato down there.. from then on she told everyone Aaron had a potato in his we still crack up about it and they are 14. We have never told them about it and I am sure they wonder why we crack up every time someone says potato.

Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said...
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Melissa at Perry Jayne said...

Probably because I come from counseling background, but I vote for using the real terms for private parts. Several comments have already talked about this, but it's important for your child to be able to communicate with others (counselors, teachers, doctors) about their private parts and have these professionals know exactly what their talking about without having to decipher a silly name. I didn't grow up that way. My parents called boy parts "wee wee". But I've actually gotten so much more comfortable using the real terms with my kids and I know that they are comfortable- but we do teach them also that it's not appropriate to talk about private parts in public. Good Luck.

Green Acres in the City said...

We have 2 boys so I am full of them in this house. We stuck with tee tee. Not sure how it got that name but thats it in a nutshell!

GretaLouise and JackBoyer said...

We use the real names for them, but my now three year old has morphed hers into its own - China.

We call my son's penis, a penis. My good friend uses the term "Wombus", and that makes me chuckle!

I always called girl parts "Petunia" or "Peach" - so lady like!

Natalie Jane said...

front butt???? Awesome:)

I personally call it a "Judy".

House Queen said...

Well, I never actually "instructed" my boys what to call it now that I think about it. I think I called it "privates" with my oldest and then one day while changing the diaper of my baby boys, my oldest sail to him, "I see your package." So, they both call it package now. This is fine by me. I really do not get into the correct terms myself. I have heard all of the info on how it can be the best way to go but I was not raised that way and I just don't like it. Don't be embarrassed about "tallywhacker." I have heard that and so much more uttered from my husband and his family! Geesh!

Krulls in Haiti said...
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Lisa B. said...

We called (still call with our pre-schooler) boy's front parts 'pee pee' and 'privates'. We don't seem to make girls - have 3 boys :) so we haven't had to come up with a name for girl's parts.

Unknown said...

What about Willey, or junk. haha. I say willey, If he starts calling out "Willey! Willey!" in the store, people will think he has an imaginary friend. haha

sara said...

I was in the vagina monologues twice so I always said I would use the anatomically correct terms with our kids. We just have one girl for now and I always called her vagina just that. Now she calls it, "nina" and that's fine with me. Cute, but still close enough to the real name. When she gets older it might evolve, but I love that she has come up with something that she can say on her own that she's not ashamed of.

BumbleBee Bagz said...

all of my boys (3 of them) call it a "bird" I had never heard of that until I met husband and that is what his family has called it for generations! which is really funny considering the names of local places around where I live....for instance...You have to drive through "Bird in Hand" to get to "Blue Balls" to then get to "Intercourse" and this is all in Amish country!!! lol

Anonymous said...

My girls have always called theirs, their bottom or their privates, and my boy has always called his a pee-pee until we had an owie on it and a Dr used the word penis, and he thought the doctor was saying "base" we had to correct him from saying he had an owie on his base, to an owie on his penis..and ever since then he (now 2) calls it his penis.

Becky said...

I'm ashamed to type this, but my son calls his: "eww". I think because when he was younger and I'd change his diaper and he had poo'ed, I'd say "ewww" just joking around. Now he calls his penis that. Its kinda cute. But weird. :o)

Michelle said...

We have two girls and we go with "peep". Yes, there are marshmallow peep candies, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there, I guess. If we have a boy next, I don't know what we'll go with!

Sarah Larsen said...

This is such a good post!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading the post, and the comments.

Emily Taylor said...

We are thinking of this issue right now. I'll admit I'm a little shocked about "front butt", I don't know how I feel about that, how is it so popular? I'm imagining someone yelling THAT out at a grocery store. "MY FRONT BUTTTTTT!!!". haha.

We'll probably do penis, pee pee and privates for boys. I'll have to think about it for girls. What did mom and dad have us call it?

Natalie Jane said...

I don't remember. Is it possible we blocked it? I'm thinking we just called it privates. Or vajayjay.

Paige said...

I have always just said "vagina" and "penis." I agree w Stacie Aho.

However, it seems that children will often come up w nicknames on their own. O calls her vagina her "body," which an get a bit confusing.

By the way, I believe the Brits say "fanny" for vagina; this amuses me.

MamaOtwins+1 said...

Well, we only have boys - so the v word doesn't come up. My hubby wanted the twins to call it their Little Mister, but when they were young they would run through the house holding it saying "LA LA LA LA" and it became their "la la". Now they refer to their nuggets or privates, or penis if alone with Mommy. Little man hasn't gotten around to calling it anything yet.

ps. I gave you an award today.

Lisa Lew said...

Embrace the technical terms. As they get older, they'll need to know that you are comfortable talking to them about their bodies and about sex. If you aren't comfortable using the words - they won't be comfortable talking about it.

Heather said...

I agree with you about the word vagina, I just don't like that word. My son is not yet 2, so we don't often have to use a word for his little man at all yet, but when we do, we use pee-pee or penis. My daughter is almost 4, and she just refers to the whole area as her butt. I've tried correcting her and telling her it was her who-ha, and, even though I don't like the word, her vagina, she keeps calling it her butt. I'm positive that once she gets older she'll go with who-ha or vagina.

jenny said...

You are hilarious! I have no advice on this since I'm quite childless. Also, I love that you linked my Valentines! Glad you enjoyed them.

Digger said...

I had two boys. With my oldest (4 now) I started off with Penis then switched to "Pee-Pee" when he couldn't say that very well. Later, he changed it to "Peeper" (long story as to why). And now, within the last year it's changed to "crotch". My youngest (just turned 1) doesn't seem to care at all what I call it. He goes with whatever his brother says. So I don't really think it matters one way or another, they'll find whatever makes them feel comfortable with it at the time. (And for the record, both boys do know the appropriate term, but neither of them use it.)


Are You Serious! said...

♥ I've always been scared that my kids would shout out vagina or penis or whatever so we just do crotch and when Emma was little she called it her big butt and little butt... I think it all goes back to what you feel comfortable with! :)

Quinne said...

We call little boy parts either penis or peezy cause it kinda sounds like the real name. We call going poop going boojie (I don't really know how'd you spell it). My mom came up with that term when we were little and it's stuck with us. So your kids can go boojie or just booj for short. it works for us cause i don't like saying poop.

MollyinMinn said...

As much as I agree, I hate the word "vagina," we do use the "correct" words around our house.

Of course that is made easier by the fact I have all boys and they probably like using the word "vagina" even less than I do.

joyq said...

Vagina and Penis. Sick words for sure. I explained to my kiddos that we have "real" names and "nick" names. Your vaginas nick name is tooter. Your brothers penis will herby officially be referred to as tooter, as well. I am saving up for counseling.

Front Butt may be my favorite word ever.

Frugal Vicki said...

We actually just say his pee pee. My kids are the opposite, my son is older and my daughter younger. We are in the "running around naked" phase. Hubby doesn't mind so much. Me....I do NOT like looking up to see a little guy trying to do a headstand with....all that in my face. I told hubby today that he won't enjoy it so much in baby girls phase. He looked absolutely HORRIFIED!
Oh, and beware....right now my son keeps telling me that his pee pee is being a "bully" because it "gets big" and hurts him. So not the best moments of motherhood.

Carrie said...

My hubby's family has THE WEIRDEST words for things. They called his penis a "tinkler" (which, actually, is kind of cute) but calls poops "messes". So instead of saying my daughter pooped, they say "she made a mess." It drives me nuts. It confused MY mom, who said, "I don't know what Abby did when you were out but her grandma said she made a big mess!" I had to explain that meant she pooped. I think that's sad to make it sound like a bad thing!

As for vaginas, they avoid that word all together.

My favorite? They call gas "firecrackers" or "crackers". Which I actually like!

granola girl said...

I call them vagina and penis. I haven't had a boy but he's on his way and that is what we'll call it. My husbands parents called it a toto (like in the dogs name on wizard of oz) He said everytime he watched that movie he would laugh and thought it was hilarious that the dogs name was the same has his penis. My dad called it a peeper sometimes but also used the term penis. My girls know the term vagina but we refer to it as bottom--front and back. I think kids should know what the technical term is and then if you refer to call it something else in conversation that is fine. All I know is I'm not calling my little boys penis a toto!

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