Friday, January 29, 2010

One day of buttery sunshine

Yesterday reached into the mid 60's. In January! It was marvelous. I figure, if winter isn't going to bring me snow, let's skip right to Spring. Lydia begged me to wear her new yellow "lemon dress". I said ok, but only if she stayed inside. "Okay Mommy!" and she ran her little toot upstairs to change.

She directly went to the playroom to play with her princess castle.

Collin was napping so I went outside for a few minutes to experiment taking photos in the light. When I turned to come back inside, look who I found "sleeping" on the swing. "Oh alright. You can play outside. Just don't get your dress dirty!"

And she's off!

Watching her made me remember perfectly the childhood feeling of cool grass under bare-feet. Running, just for the joy of it. Happy Birthday sweet little girl. I can't believe that today you are four.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Yellow and Grey Wedding

Oh if I could do it all again. What a spectacular yellow and grey wedding I would plan. My wedding was perfect, but lavender? What was I thinking? Lavender is not me. It wasn't me 9 years ago. I only picked lavender because I couldn't find sage bridesmaids dresses anywhere. (And I knew where to look. I worked at a bridal boutique.) 2011 will be our 10 year anniversary. Maybe a lavish yellow and grey anniversary party? Maybe a dinner in Paris with Shane in a grey tux and me in something stunning and yellow? You never know.....










More Yellow and Grey ideas here, here, here and here.
Fantastic yellow and grey brunch linens.
My favorite yellow and grey craft is here.
My favorite "real" yellow and grey wedding here.
My very favorite yellow themed post.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Join me for a spot of tea?

Doesn't this just make you want to sit and talk for hours? I need some girl time desperately. By the way, where can I get wallpaper like this? It's incredible.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Harvey Faircloth

My friend Mara took a break from her NYC Hedge Fund career to start a clothing line with a friend. Now that line "Harvey Faircloth", is a enormous success. It seems to be mentioned on every fashion blog and you may have seen it in Elle last October. It is a little out of my price range (being a stay at home mom doesn't pay as much as you might think), but this top with dark jeans and black heels would be so fabulous. A girl can dream right?

So so (so) tempted.

I'm not sure if I have ever been so tempted to buy anything in my life. I want this entire bedding set. And the curtains. And the flowers actually. I mean I really really want this set. When I turned the page in my Pottery Barn catalog and discovered it, I nearly sprinted to grab my wallet. I am so incredibly proud of myself for some how stifling the urge. I'm thinking a Mothers day/Anniversary gift. They are only a few days apart. (Tell Shane.)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Yellow and Grey Love Letter

My mom used to put little notes in our lunches. They always made me smile. I designed this little yellow and grey note for Lydia's lunch this week. (She is turning 4!!!) Feel free to print a few for the loves in your life.

Friday, January 22, 2010

My first run....and my new bra!

I went on my first run last night. I spent a week prepping. Two trips downtown to get the perfect (yellow) running shoes. Moisture wicking socks. Black pants that take five pound off. The usual. By Monday I was pretty much prepped. However I didn't run until last night because I have been waiting for my bra to arrive. THANK YOU to Mormonish Mom who recommended Enell Sports Bras. Wow. I mean wow.

Seriously ladies if you are in the DD club (or bigger) you have got to pick up one of these babies. When I was running I wasn't moving. I mean "the girls" stayed in place! Again...I was running and I was totally supported. Usually I wear two bras to the gym and I don't get even close to the support as with the Enell bra. It is tight, but in a wet suit kind of way. It was actually comfortable. I am so excited to think of all the kickboxing, jumping and running (!!!) in my future. I have the sports bra, but I am thinking I need the Lite Bra for some yoga. How have I gone this far in life without one?

By the way, my run was good. It felt great to get out and feel the wind in my hair and burn in my lungs. It was hard, but I expect it to be that way for at least a couple months. I have a long road ahead until I really feel like I am a "runner" but it is a start.


The winner of the Divado giveaway is "m, r and b". Congrats! Email me and I will get you your prize!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let's get a bit superficial for a moment, shall we?

I think as humans we tend to view ourselves in terms of the things that "define" us. (Ooo goodie. A deep blog post.) I define myself by my children - I am a mother. I define myself by my husband - I am a wife. I define myself by my beliefs - I am a Mormon. I think most people see themselves through the powerful aspects of our lives. Our loved ones. Our Faith. Our career. Our passions.

But let's ignore all that stuff for a bit.

What about the really small things that define us. One of the best parts of getting to know someone is to find out the really small things that make them who they are. But I want to get even more superficial than that. What are the "things" that define us. Like actual physical objects. The "things" in our lives that are so much a part of us, they become synonymous with who we are.

For example. My friend Lisa (who just announced she is having a baby girl!!!!) would not be the Lisa we know and love without her HUGE collection of random t-shirts. I mean, it is incredible. If there is a cool t-shirt out there, she owns it. Lisa, I really think you should make some kind of collage of all your tees. I would buy that print. A blog every week of you wearing your tees as your belly grows. Oh man, it would be awesome.

My friend Amy could be partially defined by her incredibly worn copy of the movie "Can't Buy Me Love". She WAS Cindy Mancini in high school.

One of my boyfriends from high school would not be the man he is today without his Timberland Boots. He wore them everyday. I just noticed in his Christmas card photo that he is still wearing them.

I have several (male) friends who would have no idea how to exist for a moment without their blackberries. Whether it is work, the score or the weather - they are checking.

What would Julia Child be without her pearls? Fonzie without his jacket? Tina Fey without her glasses? Hugh Hefner without that hideous smoking jacket?

Anyway - as I was dwelling on such fun non essentials, I started compiling my own list of defining "things". Not only what other people would know, but somethings only I would think of. What I found was that they changed so totally and completely over the years that you can almost create a time line of my life based on these "things" and what they represented. Seriously, it was fun. You should try it on your own blog.......

Me. On a small scale.


Wonderbread Sack - I carried one around with me as a purse for years.

Books. Way too many to name.

Doll stroller named "Poodo the Llama".

Flannel nightgowns.

Best Friend heart necklace.

Posters. (Kirt Cameron, Kittens, Cast of Just the 10 of us.....)

Cabbage Patch Doll

High School:

Roses. - I worked as a florist and I dated really sweet boys.

Flannel shirts. - It was the 90's in Washington. No judgement please.

Lemons. Yum.

Ender's Game.

Chicken Fried Rice and Egg Foo Young


My Honda Prelude. Is there anything better than kissing good night after a date in your own car? Ah, the joys of youth.


My guitar.

My CD's.

Diet Coke.

Burritos made in the sandwich maker.

Black polyester pants from the thrift center.


And at the end of college....Shane and a big fat engagement ring :)

First 5 years of marriage (i.e. no kids yet)

Black heels.

Birth control.

Black yoga pants.

Sports Bras.

Starbuck's Hot Chocolate.

Pride and Prejudice DVDs.

Dark rimmed eye glasses.


Alarm clock. (I was a career women who needed 8 hours of sleep and always made sure I got it. I haven't sleep 8 hours in a row in years.)

Chi straightener.





Black flip flops.

Barefoot Contessa cookbooks.

All things yellow.

My Computer.

Nursing pads.

Violet eyeliner.

Handmade jewelry.

"The Mix" : Cherry Coke Zero mixed with Caffeine Free Diet Coke.


Birth control.

So that is my list of defining "things". I would love to read yours. If you do make a list, make sure to leave the link in a comment so we can all check it out.


Nickie said...
Great post.... I LOVE Ronald Miller :) Kurt Cameron Cabbage Patch kid dolls BF necklaces Black Flip flops (reefs) Cannon Rebel xsi Kitchenaid And many more We have so many of the same things on our list...Fun post
Rose and Ivy said...
Burritos made in the Sandwich maker??? yum! Do you have the recipe????
joyq said...
I am blogging on this tomorrow. It's too good. I will be sure and link to you- You inspire me!
Kelley said...
i love this post! what a great idea!
Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...
Totally love this post...and may do it when I get back from vacation....Great idea
Stacy said...
I put mine out on my blog...
Lannae Johnson said...
I love, love, love that your charm necklace made the list - makes me very happy!
{melissa} said...
gave it a shot..that was fun!
Sarah said...
Great post! I'm finally admitting to stocking your blog. You like stockers though right? :) I don't even know how I found it, but I feel like I can relate to you, and your blog has inspired me! I'm "currently" trying to blog my way out of this recession. Thanks for sharing your self, your cute family, and your creative blog!

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