I'm a brunette! Well, brunette with a little ombre. I really like it, but now I know, I'm really more a blond at heart. But I'm keeping it until at least the Spring. It's a fun change.
I have a new blog design! If you're reading this on google reader, head over and check it out. A few things aren't ready, like the sidebar and the header topics, but you get the idea. I have a cute new button too so make sure to grab it. Thanks to Redbud designs!
I'm full of fun changes lately.
I'm also a month behind in blogging. But lets just focus on Christmas for now shall we?
As you can see from our Christmas morning pic, we had a very nice 9 foot red and gold tree on display in the living room. I thought it was plenty.
Then Shane decided he just had to have a fresh tree too. Picked this beast up for the study at Costco all bundled up. Had no idea how HUGELY fat it would be. The house smelled amazing.
Then I went ahead and added a kitchen tree entirely made up of handmade ornaments, paper garland and crocheted mini stockings.
There may have been several small trees upstairs as well. It's an addiction Shane and I share apparently.
Shane and I shared the Elf on the Shelf duties.
Mr. Tranny Elf was my favorite.
Little dinner and gift exchange out with friends. Even tried fried baby octopus. Kind of tasted like chicken wings.
Shane and I hit the company Christmas party and watched everyone get drunk.
Had a total sugar hangover from all the shirley temples we ordered at the open bar. Party!
Shane performed his pancake magic at the church Christmas breakfast.
He may just have to take his act on the road!
Collin helped me with our Christmas cookies at home.
Often stark naked if the kitchen got hot enough.
Found this taped to Collin's door. Love Lydia's use of phonic spelling. Of course, all Collin was able to read was the word "star" which he thought was nice.
Kid performed at their school Christmas shows.
My sister Abby did the "Twelve Days of Christmas" for us which was a blast. We each got a Santa-izer one day :)
We were so excited to host Shane's 3 siblings along with their significant others and kids.
Cutest cousins ever! And is my daughter freakishly tall or what?
That made for a house full of TWELVE people for Christmas.
Good thing we had tons of food.
Decorated ice cream cone Christmas trees.
My favorite quote from the visit was when Lydia asked her Arkansas uncle.... "Uncle Neal, why does it sound like you live on a ranch?"
Oh dear. We need to get this southern girl back to her roots!
Thanks Neal for getting me a new sister in law for Christmas! Just what I wanted!
I also got these cute new glasses.
So many pretty ladies, it's no wonder I went brunette.
Jonah, Collin, Lydia and Lucca.
All ready for bed.
As is Shane's family tradition, we talked about the symbols of Christmas.
Then the kids performed an impromptu Christmas Eve puppet musical. It was quite good.
And finally.... Christmas morning!
Santa brought a mini air hockey table. Big hit.
As was Collin's whoopee cushion.
And Liddy got a sweet new doll.
And for me..... a bit of snow!!!!!
Not enough for a snowman, but plenty for a batch of angels.
In all it was pretty perfect.
I hope your holiday was wonderful too!
Happy New Year!