Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our Christmas

Our Christmas was wonderful. I am still in denial that the season is on it's way out. My parents left on Monday night and I cried like a toddler.
I am consoling myself by eating everything in sight
spending the evening going through the photos I took this week. All 500 of them. Not kidding. I (finally) got a new camera and I am a bit trigger happy. Most of the shots were of the tree while I experimented with light (I have a lot to learn), but I did catch some nice images of our celebration. I had so many photos, I put most of them over on my family blog, so if you want to see some more of our festivities, check them out over there. Keep scrolling down, there are 9 posts in all. I told you. Trigger happy.

Shane did a beautiful job on our house this year. It was magical.

Man, I love this camera.

All the kids went in to buy my Dad 5 pounds of Pine Nuts. That's a lot of Pine Nuts. The smell of roasting pine nuts was absolutely intoxicating and the most Christmasy smell imaginable. (Screw Chestnuts. These are way better.) We ate all 5 pounds in less than a week.

It would seem that, quite by accident, we have started collecting Christmas snow globes.

Lydia really is growing up. Most of the candy actually ended up on the gingerbread house instead of in her mouth.

Sugar cookies, fudge and mace bundt cake. I probably gained 5 pounds this week. Who am I kidding. I definitely gained 5 pounds this week.

At least I was able to squeeze into my dressy pants for a night out with the girls.



We loved having you spend Christmas with us.

Counting down to next year!


Lianna Knight said...

Love all the did a great job!

My favorite pic though was of the entire family at the blessed you are :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had a beautiful Christmas : )

Luke and Hailie Girl said...

Looks like we both had a Canon Christmas! I am glad you had such a nice Christmas, your family is absolutely gorgeous..

Beth Robinson said...

good times! Love the photos! Nice camera!

Melanie Anne said...

What gorgeous Pictures! Wow--I think you have some photog talent! Your Christmas looks magical and sweet. I am glad your parents could be there!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Fun great camera - so jealous.

Anonymous said...

That's the same camera I'm saving up for! How do you like it? What did you have before??

House Queen said...

Love the family photo! I want that Camera as well but almost got a cheaper one...the Xti . Please let me know after you have played with it if I should keep saving or go ahead and get the cheaper! and...if you hear of any super deals...please share!

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