Sunday, December 6, 2009

28 of you are going to freaking love me.

So guess what. As a little Christmas treat I am having a bonus giveaway thrown in here. Actually I have already chosen the winner. Or should I say winners. This is totally crazy but EVERYONE who entered the Heritage Makers Giveaway last week is getting a free Heritage Makers Swatch book! A $20 value! All you have to do is comment on this posting letting me know that you have seen that you are a winner, and email the Heritage Maker Consultant letting her know you are one of the winners of the Natalie's Sentiments Giveaway. She has a list of the winners too. So check the list I have included. Congrats!!! (Again, email the consultant Alana. Not me. Her email is



Krulls in Haiti said...

Holy Cow! I do freaking love you :) What exciting news :)

-Michaela Krull

fiveofakind said...

Too Awesome! Made my day :) Thank-You!!

Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said...

sweet!!!! that is so awesome! thank u to u both!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Your blog header is again one of the best....

BumbleBee Bagz said...

I love ya! and I didnt even have to win anything :)

Jessica and Ryan said...

This so made my day!! Thanks so much!!

Stacie Aho said...

Woot woot! This is awesome!!! YAY! Thank you :)

Hannah said...

Wow! How exciting! Thank you so much! :)

Nikki said...

Oh, I freakin love you!!! Thank you!!! Yay!!! :D

Brady and Berta said...

I get to win twice? Hooray!!! Making up for all the years I haven't won a darn thing!

Brooke said...

Awesome! You so made my morning!

Thanks Natalie!

The Linabooty's said...

So I was so kicking myself for not entering this giveaway and then saw I won and squealed! Chris is going to love it! Thanks again.

Sarah said...

Thank you so much!! I'll be emailing her soon! :)

Rach said...

I love it !! Thank you, Thanks you, Thank you, and oh have I said Thank you!!!!

Kahla said...

OH, I'm sooo excited!!! I totally love you, you rock for and just made my day (and I needed it, I have to go back to work from maternity leave tomorrow and have been so down)!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Natalie!

Canadiachik said...

Oops...that was me!

Unknown said...

yay! I am sooo excited. thanks.

The Wheeler's said...

You are so awesome!! Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Thanks!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Right on! Thank you! :)

Jessie said...

very cool! Thanks!

Nat and Charles said...

Thanks! What a great surprise!!!

Dave and Abby said...

saw the posts! thanks Nat.

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