Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My loves

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wendy holt said...

Love these! I'm a bit envious that your children cooperated with pictures. I'm sure mine will need to be extensively photoshopped. I'm sure Lydia is a big help, every mom need a 7/8 year old to help.

RealHouseWifeOfNOVA said...


LindsayBetes said...

So precious! You are BLESSED indeed! :)

TGS said...

How cute. I just bought that same dress at Kid-to-Kid in Boise while we were there. I didn't know how to cover it though. I'll have to find a jacket like that. It's what summer dresses should be!

Cheryl said...

Beautiful children!

Natalie Jane said...

Wendy- the key is promise of candy. Serious candy. Like two full candy bars of their choice. Works like a charm.

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