Thursday, April 4, 2013

Planning a nursery!

I was a wee bit upset when the doctor couldn't tell me the gender of the baby last week. I may have broken into tears that I couldn't explain or control. Sometimes these hormones are just a whole ball of fun. My doctor actually thought maybe there was something going on at home I needed to discuss since my outburst was so out of no where. 

"No. Everything's fine. (snif) Except my husband works all the time (voice raising to a scary high pitch) and he couldn't even be in town to make it to my ultrasound!" (WAIL!!!!)

Poor doctor. She just handed me a tissue and reminded me we needed to take some blood.

Anyway, back to the fun parts of pregnancy. I'm trying to figure out a nursery, and I'm thinking of going yellow and gray. Shocker right? It's just such a nice gender neutral scheme. 

Do you think I could talk Shane into ripping up the new carpet and putting in hardwood? 
No? Well, you never know.

The white tree in on the wall of this nursery is my favorite. And I have a rocker a lot like this.

After seeing all the decals on Top Design Magazine
I started thinking maybe I could move beyond just paint.

Pretty sure I'm going to need to start looking into felting too. This mobile is adorable! 

I think I'm nesting. 

I can feel it taking over me.


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Green Acres in the City said...

Love it! I have been away from the blogosphere for a while and didn't know you were expecting again. So happy for you!

Push Pop Mama said...

Ah yes. Sobbing at the doctors. All part of the joy of making a baby.

I like the first decal you showed.

ZogLady said...

Love, love, love it!!! I'm not a grey paint person since we lived in only grey for the first five years of our marriage (rental)... But I have one exception... YELLOW with grey! LOVE IT! Am actually considering it for one our bathrooms... With a chevron chunk in yellow and yellow decor! Geee! lol

Hanna said...

{{{Big Hugs}}} Aren't hormones fun!?!?

On the brighter side, I love that room - it's so beautiful and bright and happy!

Joy@WDDCH said...

Awww, so sorry you didn't get to find out! I haven't been on blogger all week so I missed your post about it.

We purposefully didn't find out this time and it definitely makes it, um, interesting to try to nest and plan things. I cannot wait to see what you do for the nursery!!! I love elephants so my vote is for elephants!!!!!

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