Saturday, April 13, 2013

Insta (Saturday) #33 - The good parts of the week

Obviously the last couple weeks haven't been the best. But I'm just such a Positive Polly, I have to focus on all the wonderful things that have happened too! 

Okay, not really.
Mostly I'm OCD on posting things on time because I publish my blog as a scrapbook and if I fall behind, it gets all messed up.

Though we did have some nice things happen. 

In the midst of our stomach flu epidemic, Collin came to tell me he wanted to say a prayer to Heavenly Father to help his tummy feel better. Then just knelt down and said it. It was pretty sweet.

He was the first to get better.


Lydia also showed her spirituality:

Lydia - "how does Heavenly Father make our spirits?"

                                                          Me - "I'm not sure.

"Lydia - "I think He uses sparkle and suction cups."

She then breaks into hysterical laughter. :)

Spring has finally come to the Northwest.

Lots of playing outside. 

Panda pancakes.

New baby clothes!

Hawaiian Haystacks were a huge hit. (Before we all got sick of course).

Last weekend we stayed home and watched the LDS General Conference together. The kids didn't seem to notice the huge couch I was sitting on. They piled on Daddy and stayed there.

Collin discovered the world's longest hopscotch.

Lydia and BFF rocked the school 80's dance. 
(The DJ yelled out "Who ya gonna call?!" and none of the kids knew what he was talking about.)

(Look at our tree blossoms!)

And lastly:

Lydia came in with horrible bruises one morning. 
When I asked where they came from she explained:

"Oh, when I was in the shower I was making bum prints on the glass door and fell out. But don't tell me not to make bum prints anymore, cause I'm going to!"

And with that, enjoy your weekend. 

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Julie said...

LOVED this post! I laughed and smiled about everything. Especially the 80's dance DJ. :) So funny!
PS- You can "schedule" your blog post for the past- not just the future. That way the dates don't get messed up for printing! Just discovered this recently myself. Let me know if you need more explanation.

Natalie Jane said...

I know I can "back post" but I don't like how it shows up on reader.

LindsayBetes said...

I need to know what Hawaiian Haystacks are, they look so yummy!

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