Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hey! Art Plagiarism is not Cool!

Remember last year when I posted this project I did for my bedroom?

Well, I got an email this morning letting me know that this image was spotted on Etsy 

Um. Wait. That looks a little familiar. 

Whoa. NOT okay.

Look what's conveniently left out of my image.

Yep. She cropped out my watermark.

That's called PLAGIARISM. And that pesky little watermark is there for a reason. 

This isn't that shops first time with Art Plagiarism. Check out another offense here.

Seriously not cool. Etsy - there should be some repercussions for things like this.

post signature


Aimee said...

Unbelievable. Thanks to your heads up, I discovered today that she's stolen from me, too.

This is PLAGIARISM and THEFT of my design, and it's illegal.

Anchor & Vine Designs print -

Sprik Space's print - - copyright February 2011.

Leslie Ruth Petree said...

So not cool at all! I reported the item on Etsy and also sent her message. I'll also share your post on Facebook so the word gets out. Shameful!

Mindy said...

Wow, how blatant can she get?! That's ridiculous! I went ahead and reported her shop too.

Lori Davis said...

I've never been on Etsy, but I sure wish I was just so I could report this lady. I was suspended for plagiarism once, and feel everyone should have to pay as I did many years ago. :) Love your photo!

Matthew Buchholz said...

Sorry to hear about that, Aimee! I was the one who emailed Natalie about this in the first place, and while she has taken the print down, google has a cached version here:

Laura said...

Wow -- crazy to hear everyone chiming in here. Ugh. She stole a notecard design from me, which she also removed. (

Please everyone, make sure to report her shop to Etsy & any offenses of her stealing your work to There should be some consequences for stealing from so many people who are trying to make an honest living, and Etsy should be striving to maintain integrity in its marketplace.

Candice @ Made With Love said...

Such a horrible offense, and not to mention creepy!

Mommystired said...

Ooooo. That's a big no no. I thought by now people had figured out this can get you in big trouble.

Joy@WDDCH said...

That's REALLY not cool!!!

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