Monday, October 10, 2011

R U LDS 2?

When I'm traveling though the blogosphere, I'm always amazed at how many bloggers are Mormon. I usually have a suspicion, once I hap upon a blog, that it's a woman of my faith. They just have a kind of Mormon feel to them. Then I see a little Mormon button and I know for sure. Not sure if I have a Mormon feel to mine. Hope so. I like being Mormon. It's a big part of who I am. (Though the actual name of our church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" in case you didn't know.)  I've mentioned before I have a deep respect for Mormon women. Though I openly admit some of the Mormon culture particular to this area drives me a little bonkers. But I guess every place has its issues. I've definitely learned this in the myriad of places I've lived.

So just wondering....

R U LDS 2?

The winner of my 4th Anniversary Giveaway is My Kids Recipes.  
Congrats! Email me and I will get you your prize.

SOOO many great giveaways in the works. Stay tuned....


ellen said...


Unknown said...


Lauren said...

I am not. I am christian and go to a non denominational church :)

Blair said...

You know I am!

Alzbeta said...

Nope :).

Jessica said...

Yep! Just hit my 11 year mark on 9/30 :)

Cari said...

Oh yeah!

Heather said...

Nope. Born and raised Catholic. Though I would label myself as Non-denominational for the past 18 years.

Laurie said...

I am LDS and proud of it!

Lisa B. said...

I'm a christian and go to a non-denominational church.

Kelli said...

Yep and you do have that Mormon feel to your blog. I knew you were

Anonymous said...

Me too! :)

Michelle said...

Yes I am!!!

Angie said...

I am, too.
Just curious, if you don't mind, could you elaborate on some of the things that are cultural to Mormonism that drive you crazy? I've heard this from a few people lately and it's really made me think.
For example, my mom has always been one who felt that she needed to have a handout for lessons in RS. Lately, she's realized how silly that is and that you can still teach a great lesson without something cutesy to give away. Definitely a culture thing.
But I met another lady the other day who believes that marrying inside our religion (meaning only marrying another LDS person) was very much a cultural thing. She doesn't believe in it. And while I don't know if that would be considered deep doctrine, it has been encouraged by prophets and other apostles, which makes it doctrinal to me.
So, it's really got me thinking a lot about where the line is drawn between important, must-do doctrinal things and cultural things that don't really matter. Just curious as to what you think on the matter.

Shannon Gillman Orr said...

I am a Mormon.

There are a few cultural things... I call them "isms", but they tend to disappear when you get out of the western states.

I live in New England and the culture of being a Mormon here is SO different. We tend to get down to doctrine, love people for who they are, and leave the fancy stuff at the door. Very different than where I grew up in AZ, but it is great.

Kathleen W. said...

I'm impressed with the number of Mormon bloggers out there, and how lovely their blogs are (yours included). The focus on family, homekeeping and other arts is really wonderful.

I'm in the minority as a Buddhist (more of a philosophy of life than a religion for me), but I was raised Catholic. That religion just wasn't for me.

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