Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mommy is taking a sick day - Or week.

Warning. This post is a bit gross.

I had surgery yesterday to fix a Deviated Septum. It is now 10:30am the next morning and I feel like I am going to die. My face feels like it could explode at any moment. At least I feel better than I did yesterday. I have some serious issues with general anesthesia. I ended up staying in the recovery room three times longer than the doctor planned on. Oh, and I am happy to announce I have a new most embarrassing moment. That would be puking blood all over the place in front of a busy hospital foyer. As the nurses scrambled for something to clean me up, my nose was gushing blood into my hands. I will pay top dollar for the security tape that captured that delightful moment. For destruction purposes only. I am still throwing up blood.

Anyway, I am going to take it easy for a bit until the sensation that I have pencil erasers shoved up to my brain passes. I have strict instructions not to lift anything heavier than 10 pounds for at least a week. Since Chub-o (Collin) is nearing 20 pounds, he is definitely off limits. Thank you to those of you who have offered to help. I appreciate it more than you know.

I am going to attempt to go back to bed. If I don't return emails or calls in a timely manner, I apologize. This post is the most active thing I have accomplished in 24 hours besides brushing my teeth. I have the giveaways for next week written and scheduled to post next week, so that will still be going on. As for me, I'll be at home wishing for stronger pain meds.


Unknown said...

Natalie! I am so sorry! I had no idea you were having surgery! I will call you today... I hope you're feeling better. I love yoU!

stevelucky said...

puking blood in front of a room of people? embarrassing? i completely disagree. that sounds KLLLER! while i'm sure it wasn't the most pleasant experience, i bet it really freaked those people right out, zombie style. i would love to see that tape too.

amydear said...

I had that surgery 10 years ago, and I have to tell you, the worst is yet to come. Just wait until you go back and they pull the packing out of your nose. It was yards and yards of stuff and it hurt like H____! And then he stuck something up my nose to cauterize it. Um, maybe I shouldn't be telling you this? In the meantime, rest up. That anesthesia knocks you out for several days.

House Queen said...

You poor thing. Take it easy. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

Hey Natalie, I am a frend of Krisi Gay's I had the same surgery a few years back. I hope you don't have the bruising I did. Looked like someone slugged me good. The packing removal we no fun. I took a couple of pain pills before which kinda put me in la-la land during the process. Good luck

Lisa B. said...

Oh goodness, that doesn't sound fun at all. I remember in 2000 rushing to the emergency with a suspected kidney stone, and having to wait at least an hour in the lobby (it was Dec. and the hospital was completely filled) with incredible pain. I ended up throwing up in front of everyone there, and let me tell you that was a new embarrassing moment added :) I can't imagine the horror of blood though. Natalie, you are so in my prayers, and I hope your pain is less today! Keep us all updated!


Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Sorry to hear bout your nose surgery! I had my deviated septum operated on a few years ago. The worst experience of my life!! Never again! I threw up blood too, and mooned everyone around b/c my hospital gown came untied. ugh. I hear ya on embarressing moments! Hope you get feeling better!!

Chapel said...

Hope you feel better soon!!! and if I were closer, your lil' chubster could join mine for a mini-vaca!! :) Take Care & demand to be treated like a 'queen bee'!! :)

Jessica said...

No fun! I'm sorry we are out-of-town and are no help. I would love to watch the kiddos or bring a meal over when we get back. REST!!!!

Green Acres in the City said...

Love those moments. Take care and we will be praying for a rapid recovery Sweet Natalie!

The Linabooty's said...

So sorry you feel so awful:( Perhaps being published in Real Simple again cheered you up a bit? Seriously are they paying you on the side?:)

Natalie Jane said...

In real simple again huh? I haven't gotten mine yet so I wasn't sure :) They should be paying me!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Oh man that just makes me cringe... I hope you recover VERY quick!!!!

Luke and Hailie Girl said...

So Sorry you are having a rough recovery.. My thoughts and prayers will be with you..

xcdenke said...

Oh my sweet BF! I'm soooo sorry you feel so awful! Had I known you felt this bad I would not have made my joke earlier. You know the one I speak of... gulp! Ah yes, I do remember your adverse reactions to anesthesia, eek. Feel better my lovely!

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