Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Best Age?

My mom was saying a while back that she thinks Lydia's age - 3 going on 4, might be the best age. I have found myself dwelling on that daily. The best age. Every age has its wonderful, and not so wonderful points. I have to agree that this age is my favorite so far. Still a little girl without sarcasm or peer-pressure to taint her sweetness. Able to articulate herself and surprise me constantly. Old enough to play on her own in a world of make-believe. Young enough to still want me to join her. Oh Lydia. I love my little girl.

What do you think is the best age?

Please excuse the black marks around the breakfast nook. We had some "incidences" with the black chairs crashing into the walls. There are always the not so great things about every age.


Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Age 3 is my favorite. The reasoning skills set in.

What a precious video. She is adorable!

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

That is a good question. I can't wait to see what others say.

Just wanted to thank you again for the awesome Pediped shoes I won. We got them in the mail yesterday. My little man loves them! They are VERY nice shoes. I think he has the nicest shoes in the house now! :)
best wishes,

Are You Serious! said...

♥ She's so cute!!! :)

House Queen said...

I tend to agree with THREE being the best. I remember that being great with my oldest and now I am loving it with my baby too!

nilu said...

she is so cute...can't wait till my little one is her age...she is only 7 months now..she has started banging her sippy cup on her high chair table--not quite refined for a tea party yet!!!:)

~Shawna~ said...

I'm going to have to go with an older age, since my daughter is older. She is 9 now, and it's wonderful. She's turning into a little lady, and a great shopping companion for mom! We do a lot of things together now - lunch, movies, reading, shopping, getting our hair done. She's still my little girl, and I am still her mother, but we are also becoming good friends. I'm loving it!

Randi said...

OOOH. I am with you. Rori is 3 and a half now and I am constantly just wanting everything to STOP!!!!!!

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