Thursday, May 14, 2009

Collin's Nursery

I had basically resigned myself to the fact that Collin was going to have a "bare nursery" for a while. Just a crib and a changing table. Maybe a blanket on the wall. That was what we did for Lydia at first. I didn't have the energy for much more, and since I went a little over budget on Lydia's room, no big. Then, the day after my shower, the Nesting Instinct took over. I had the most overwhelming need to personalise his room. First I grabbed the decorations from my shower. Then I went throughout the house, collecting anything that could remotely be considered baby boy oriented. I threw it all on the nursery floor and stared at it, waiting for inspiration.
Nothing came until I saw these cute little wall hangings at Hobby Lobby. 50% off. That would work. I decided to do a loose "animal theme". Shane and I had it finished in one night. It isn't my dream nursery by any means, and I made still change it up, but it was a fun challenge to create a room on a dime. I think I spent a totally of $50. I should really start watching some home decorating shows. I think I would like them.

This wall is a little cluttered for my taste, but when I tried to get the decal off the wall, as seen here, the paint started to come with it. I thought covering it up with photos would be easier. The collage is one of Shane as a baby with his parents.

All ready for the first diaper change.

Lucky for me, my friend Kristi was just taking down her son's nursery, so she gave me this great animal print, along with a couple baby blankets that match my crib bedding perfectly. She also made me the adorable fabric blocks that you can see on the bookcase below.

Someday I would like to get a bookcase to match the nursery set, but I never could find one that fits in between the windows like I needed. I love having see-through bins in a nursery. They make life much easier.

This monkey is the only toy I have bought for Collin. I just couldn't help it. Look at that face! Lydia named him "Roddy"

Finished product. Now I just need the baby.


House Queen said...

Very cute...I love home decorating shows!

Life with boys... said...

Sometimes simplicity is the best. It looks great Natalie. Soon little man will be here for you to snuggle.

On a seperate note, I realized the other day that I have written to you several times on here, and my name has always been concealed, so I thought I'd introduce myself, I am Nicole and live in Texas.

Natalie Jane said...

Nice to meet you Nicole :)

Lucas*Jennifer*Noah*Eleanor said...

Looks great! :) I also went with a "very loose animal theme"... I'm not really into themes for nurseries... or any room for that matter... simple and eclectic!

btw- yes, I do have a compulsive cleaning problem... which is a huge part of the reason why I never leave the house! lol

beth said...

Wow, maybe I could use your help!

Luke and Hailie Girl said...

I think it looks sweet and I am sure he will love it..

Gilbert Family said...

it turned out really cute...I am impressed! I still haven't finished Hudson's nursery and he is almost a month just inspired me :)

Bird Stalker Photography said...

what an adorable nursery!

michelle said...

The nursery looks fabulous! Now all you need is that sweet little baby in it :)

Are You Serious! said...

♥ very cute! I love your hobby lobby find! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Natalie! Very cute nursery. Congrats on an adorable little girl and soon-to-be-born son! It will be fun to catch up on your family on your blog. Ben & I are still in Utah. Two boys and a third boy on the way. Life is crazy, but good.

Ashley said...

It turned out so cute! He'll love it!

Over from SITS...


xcdenke said...

Love it! You thrifty shopper, you! Yes, you would LOVE watching HGTV redecorating shows. They are about all I watched when I was constantly in and out of the hospital waiting for test reults. I fell in love!

Nama said...

I love the green & blue combination! What a beautiful little nursery!

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