I think that he has "dropped" because I can breathe again and it doesn't feel like my stomach is going to burst open at any moment. I have to run to the bathroom even more often, but I'll take that over the pain any day. I was even able to chase Lydia around the house for a few minutes today without feeling like I was going to die. She loved it.
I have eaten a half a box of Cocoa Puffs in less than 24 hours. I have almost completely stopped cooking. Standing that long kills my back. I have stopped looking in full length mirrors. I have a romantic anniversary date with Shane this weekend and I have nothing to wear. If I can't find Cinnamon Bears tomorrow I may just go a little crazy. (Been craving them for a week. Where do they sell them?!?!) Just three more weeks. I can do this.
Good luck finding cinnamon bears there in chattanooga. i looked EVERYWHERE! I had to order them on amazon. Now I get to eat them all the time here in good ole Utah.
as a fellow cinnamon bear lover, my recommendations are: candy store at the mall (that's where i get the best ones) or at "natural" grocery stores in the bulk section. why ARE they so hard to come by? it's infuriating! good luck with that! and with everything! so exciting. i think little boys are about the sweetest thing. i had a rough go round the first time (tho not as rough as you have, it seems), but my baby boy was SUCH a delight. and my second baby boy has been the same. in fact, if they could all be like those boys, i'd have dozens. unfortunately (or fortunately, i guess), we know better! ;)
The MALL! Of course! I never thought to check there. When do malls open. 10? Crap. I have a doctors appointment. May have to skip it.
Three more weeks isn't that far away so hang in there! I had my baby 2 1/2 weeks ago and I can't believe how fast it flew by! Also...I had my first son too and I just wanted to tell you how fun it is to have a boy. I was so nervous (since I only had two girls)to have a boy but now I know how exciting it is. Be careful changing those diapers though...they have a way of aiming right at your face ;) I've been hit a few times!
If you haven't tried them yet- you have to try chocolate covered cinnamon bears, they are addicting! I buy them online through the byu bookstore- they are the cheapest place I found them, even having to pay the shipping. It's worth every penny though! Good luck on your search!
Ohhhh, I am so excited for you! So fun to think about a little boy for you and Shane. (I'm so baby hungry for a little girl!) Lydia's room looks soooo beautiful. You're amazing!Good luck with everything! I love the name too! I can't wait to see what the precious little guy will look like!
You know people are going to be sending you tons of cinnamon bears, right? One of the perks about blogging and loads of friends. I will have to agree with about everyone, boys are wonderful. My guys were perfect angels, except for the whole terrible 2 stage, mind you. But, all in all, the BEST! Love the name Collin. But, I can't help and think of Pride and Prejudice. xoxo
-You'll have a special something coming your way soon!
P.S. Don't think about checking my blog anytime soon. We've had some technical difficulties and I haven't been able to update at all. BTW, my word verification was: slitypo (?) Poopity, poop, poop, poo!
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