Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blurb Giveaway-

This Giveaway has closed.

There was a general outcry of despair when Blurb decided they would not be compatible with Blogger for a while. My cry was the loudest. However, if you haven't heard, Blurb is back to "Slurping" blogs with a vengeance. What is "slurping" you ask? Well, it is just about the coolest development for multitasking bloggers ever. You can actually upload your entire blog into Blurb to create a blog book. It is incredibly easy and the finished product is fantastic.

There are a lot of self-publishing companies out there, and I've tried almost all of them. Seriously though, you haven't really seen anything until you have tried Blurb. Blurb is a creative book-publishing platform that lets anyone produce their own bookstore-quality book. Blurb’s BookSmart software is totally free to download and includes a huge (HUGE!) variety of professionally designed layouts. The photo quality is the best I have found and the prices are very competitive. (Like half what I have paid for similar books.)

There is no way that I could justify spending as much time blogging as I do without knowing that I can make my blog into a book. It takes care of most of my journaling and all of my scrapbooking. If you would like to see a preview of how my most recent Blurb book came out, check it out at the top right of my sidebar. I apologize that it is mostly text. The first bit of my book is from my old blog "Natalie's Essays" and the preview is just the first 15 pages.

You can do any type of book that you would like on Blurb; wedding album, cookbook, novel...you name it. My latest and greatest idea is to "slurp" my son's baby album. I am planning to start an entirely new blog just for family photos. When he hits a year, I slurp the blog and have his "Baby's First Year" book done in an hour. Scrapbook done and grandparents get loads of grandchildren photos on my blog. The best of both worlds. I will let you know when I start that new blog. Hopefully by the end of the month.

Blurb has graciously given 5 book credits of $29.95 to be awarded to you! That is 5 winners for this giveaway alone.

Contest Rules:
1. Go to Blurb and check out their products. Check out the books in Blurb’s Bookstore at www.blurb.com/bookstore. Leave a comment on this post between now and Monday, May 18th, explaining what you would create if you win a free book from Blurb.
2. For a extra entry, let me know in a separate comment that you are a subscriber or follower of Natalie's Sentiments.
3. For a third entry, let me know in a separate comment that you have blogged or tweeted about this giveaway.

Five winners will be selected by random generator and announced on Tuesday, May 19th . Good luck!

P.S. This is one of the few giveaways that will be open to International readers. FYI


Tiffany said...

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit, but this is the first time I've heard of Blurb. It would make for a fantastic wedding book following my June wedding! Thanks for "letting me in" on this great product and sharing!

Becky said...

I truly believe journaling is important, but it never became more important than just recently. After my husband passed away I decided that a blog/blurb book would be an ideal way to combine memories and pictures in a beautiful way. I love Blurb.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd make a book of recipes, or perhaps one of my own photography.

Anonymous said...

I follow you via RSS Google Reader! Would never miss a post!

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so excited that Blurb can slurp Blogger. I had checked this out a long time ago but it coudln't then.

I'd love to win, but I'll be doing it anyhow. =)

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

I also just tweeted/Facebooked it.

Kelley said...

I have never heard of blurb either, but what a great way for me to make a wedding album! Whether I win this o not, I am definitely taking a deeper look into blurb!

Thanks so much!

Kelley said...

and I'm a follower!

Jill said...

gotcha on my google reader girl!

and i'm planning on doing a blurb book from my family blog...so i'd love to win one!!!

sprinklesbowtique said...

oooo I would love this! I would choose the blog book of course!

sprinklesbowtique said...

I"m a follower too!

Jill said...

and i too am a follower!

Kathryn said...

This is an incredibly tough call for me, because I'm a writer! I would either make a cookbook of family favourites as a family keepsake, or write a book for my son.

curtiskaty at hotmail dot com

Rachel said...

Oh my goodness how have I never heard of Blurb til now?? I love it and would make a fantastically pink book! Thanks for letting me know about this!

Rachel said...

Of course i'm a follower:0)

Rachel said...

I'm also copying your post and putting it on my blog!

JoEllen said...

I blog religiously and have had the goal to print my blog into a book once a year for journaling and scrapbooking purposes...but I have never gotten around to it yet! This would be a great opportunity to start...thanks for the giveaway!

JoEllen said...

I follow your blog...

Janelle said...

I would love to take this opportunity to do an anniversary book for my parents. There wedding pics were burned in a fire and all of their grandchildren are growing up so fast. I know they would love to have a book to have and to hold!

Janelle said...

I am a follower :)

Judith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judith said...

We're expecting our second child, a little boy, in early July. I would create a book about the first few months of our expanded family. Love this idea!

jenjamin said...

Yes.. it is about time I slurp a blog... I have enough now to do it. I am totally excited to have my recipes all on one great book not to mention a testimony journal and family blog book. Yours turned out great.

Life with boys... said...

I think I would use it to create an art book for my 3 year old...all the art he has created in the past year. Or I would slurp the blog...

Life with boys... said...

totally follow you...

April J. said...

I have started a blurb book but have yet to finish it. Such an awesome idea.

April J. said...

I am a loyal follower, I feel like we are awesome friends!

April J. said...

I blogged about your give away.

Nickie said...

I love the cookbook idea...I have so many of my grandma's receipes to put in it...Thanks for the fun giveaway...

Nickie said...

I am a subscribe:)

Love your blog..

Katie Stacey said...

I love Blurb. I am in the process of making my 2008 blog posts into a book through Blurb. Thanks!

Katie Stacey said...

I'm a follower!

Moonjava said...

Oh wow! What a gem of a site! I've been trying to find something like this. Thanks for bringing it out into the open! One of the things that I've been thinking of doing is creating my own cookbook (a mix of recipes that I've made, in addition to ones that I've found sporadically and have modified from online). This would be awesome!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I need to get my last year blog post done... But wasn't sure how to go about it! So many posibilities over there!!!

Moonjava said...

I'm a follower! Thanks!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I'm a subscriber... :)

Anonymous said...

I would have my blog turned into a book, that is a fabulous idea! I had heard of services like this, but never researched them. That would be great! I started my blog when I got pregnant so that would be a great sentiment for my LO later down the road :)

Anonymous said...

I am also a FOLLOWER!

Julie said...

Oh my gosh I'm going to pee my pants!! J/K
No really though, I love keeping a blog instead of a journal/scrapbook and to be able to print it!?! That would be FABULOUS!!

Julie said...

I am a follower!

Julie said...

I tweeted! My tweet name is julieneff.

Tales of a Peanut said...

I had heard about Blurb but never checked it out. Thanks for reminding me because it looks awesome! I think that I would first make a cookbook for my family since I've been planning on doing that for a while! Then I would use it to make a baby book for my little girl who is arriving next week!

Tales of a Peanut said...

I also follow!

Pleasant Vonnoh said...

I've never tried Blurb before. What a great way to try out a product...FREE! :) Thanks!

ceceUNedited said...

I will create a series of blurbs about my mother and her life, memories i have and collect others from family members. I will also do the same for my grandmother (her mother). This way I will always have a book of memories of my mother ( who passed when I was 12) and so will the family. As well, to be sure there will be memories of my grandmother so that we will always be able to remember her.

ceceUNedited said...

I am also subcribed to natalie sentiments

ceceUNedited said...

I also tweeted this entry!


Brooke said...

I would love to do a book for my children. I have so many memories and stories I would love to put in it!

Thank you so much Natalie! I'm crossing my fingers!

Brooke said...

I'm a Happy Follower!


Brooke said...

I tweeted about this!



Morgan said...

I have always wanted to try Blurb but just haven't had the money to! What a fabulous giveaway! I would be making a wedding book from all the pictures I will have after my wedding in June! Oh I just hope I win!

Morgan said...

I'm following this blog!

Morgan said...

I blogged about this giveaway!

Jocelyn said...

I am follower!

Jocelyn said...

I would make a book about my son's journey to correct his club feet!

NACJMAC said...

I love blurb books. I just got my first one published. I am doing books about my garden. A volume for every year- So naturally the book I would do if I won would be my garden this year. (the one I just did was last year's garden) I turned out so fun. Blurb does such a great job!

NACJMAC said...

Oh, and yes I follow your blog. Pretty much every day. I love to see what new things you're doing and just feeling connected with you in a small way despite the many miles between us.

Natalie said...

i'd definitely be slurping my blog posts into a book!!

Natalie said...

i'm a follower :)

Unknown said...

i would continue making my blog books...3 down, many to go!

Unknown said...

i subscribe.

Anonymous said...

I would blurb my blog as that is a way that i journal about everything from kids, married life, tributes and celebrations. I am desperately trying to keep up with my two boys scrapbooks and this would be a way of keeping up with everything else going on in our lives! I have always wanted to just haven't had the chance to yet!

Anonymous said...

P.S. I am a long-time follower!

Liz*** said...

I can't even count how many of these books I need to make. I would probably start with a wedding one and go from there! Thanks for introducing us to Blurb!

Liz*** said...

I'm a follower!

Brandy C. said...

This would be great for me. I have just started a business blog www.sewcuteshop.typepad.com for my shop www.sewcuteshop.etsy.com and have THREE YEARS of 'family' blogging and pictures I need to organize some way.
Great Idea.

Stacie Aho said...

I LOVE blurp. I created a photo book for my son from my blog a couple months ago. It looks great. I will definitely do it again and hope I win :)

Stacie Aho said...

I'm a follower :)

House Queen said...

I am so glad to hear that they are once again working with Blogger. I need to go back and try to find out how to do it now. When I went to it several months ago to make one I learned I could not do it. Now, if I can just figure it out! I, too am thinking about making a blog just for milestone photos and going back and putting then in order of both of my boys to have an album of them growing up! Also, I was thinking of doing one for each year of school! Too much?? Thanks so much for such an awesome giveaway!

Jess said...

I would love to do a blurb book of my blog. It is my way of journaling for my children and would love to have a hard copy of it.

Anonymous said...

would like to make a photo book with a bunch of pictures I had been given after my grandmother passed away. I have pictures of my mom and her siblings as children, my grandmother as a child, and her mother. I would love to make a hardbound book of these momentos


Anonymous said...

I follow


Anonymous said...



kimert said...

Hi from SITS! Great blog. :)

Sarah said...

I would make each of my children a book so that they have a copy of my memories!

Cindy Howard said...

I tell everyone that doesn't blog,that it's a great way to journal using blurb. I would be using this giveway to publish my blog.

Unknown said...

I am so excited to learn about Blurb! What an excellent resource. My husband and I run The St. Patrick's Day Parade in our city. 2010 will our 25th year. I would put a book together to tell the story. And thanks for educating me about "slurping a blog!" Perhaps I'll try to be more consistent with writing now that I am aware of such a great tool.

beba said...

I would make a book containing a portfolio for our business.

Unknown said...

Tweeted with enthusiasm.

Becky said...

Well, I am working on my parents' wedding book, "restoring" the photos and everything. This would be the perfect motivation to finish it!

Becky said...

Yes, I subscribe via Google Reader.

Heather said...

I'd love to do a book either of my blog or better yet just a book about my sweet two year old.


Joe and Liz said...

I'd love a book for my blog or my girls blogs. I've started making these, but haven't published mine yet. I would love to win one. girlygirlsboutique(at)gmail(dot)com

Maria's Space said...

I am dying to do pregnancy journals in book form for my babies. I have them all written up as I kept a journal through both. The pictures are also included, I just need to put it on paper.

Thanks for the great giveaway

Maria's Space said...

I follow you through email subscription

Maria's Space said...

I blogged this giveaway here:

Maria's Space said...

I am a follower

Unknown said...

I have been wanting to do a blog book for a long time. I just need to get on the ball! There is SO much info and photos on my blog, and I'd ove to preserve them!

Unknown said...

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/1momof5/status/1784001895

Kathleen W. said...

I think it's a fabulous idea to create a book from my blog, especially considering how much time I've put into it and all the thoughts I've posted about my son.

I'd also consider making a book devoted to my son's toys. I think he'd like to look at that when he's all grown up.

Kathleen W. said...

I'm a subscriber at katwalck at hotmail dot com

Kathleen W. said...


Unknown said...

I love Blurb, and would make a book about Beacon, the beautiful city, in which i have a house. Yay. thanks for the contest

Jessica said...

Neat! I would definitely create a "Cuthbertson Memories Made in 2008" book filled with postings from the last year. Or maybe it should be titled "Life with Kellen". :) Thanks again for another great giveaway.

Jessica said...

A blog post will be completed today. :)

Jen said...

I would make a book with about my kidos, but it would have to be wild, crazy, and fun. Something that every one will have fun reading!!


Darcy said...

I would love to make a blog book!

beck said...

I have been wanting to try out blurb for a long time! This is my chance! Thanks!

beck said...

Oh and I am a subscriber on my google reader to Natalie's sentiments, so that 2 for me!

Love you blog! and your cute fam!

JT42 said...

i have always wanted to make my blog into a book and had heard of Blurb a while back, but as you said they were 'disconnected' for a while! I'm so glad to hear they are back...I would LOVE to use their service to get my blog into a book, at least from the beginning of blogging days until the end of last year...a lot has happened since I started my blog and I would love to see it published! Thanks for a great giveaway!

JT42 said...

I subscribe to your blog

JT42 said...

I am a follower as well!

ecky said...

i would either choose a blog book - to use as a baby book for my daughter OR a text only book of the letters that my husband wrote me.

elkesten at yahoo dot com

beth said...

I think it would just be my scrapbook that I never had time to work on. Even if I had the time, the kids would have been right on top of the pictures.

beth said...

I am a follower.

Cherry Blossoms said...

I would love to make a blurb book with baby pictures of my husband for his birthday! He would be so surprised!

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

Cherry Blossoms said...

I am a follower of your blog!

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

Cherry Blossoms said...

I tweeted here:

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

em said...

Funny, I think I was reading your blog at the same time you read mine. I was reading your past ones about being very nervous for this child. I have had very similar situations (plural). Let's just say I cried for quite a while when I found out I was pregnant with my third. In fact, I started blogging because I realized I couldn't have a child like Max and not share the joy. You should read my 2nd blog ever. I didn't know how I was going to make it through that first year...this is bringing back so many memories I think I might do a blog tonight just to dedicate it to you... :) I'll keep you updated. But the point is I am still alive, more importantly, all my children are alive and I'm pretty sure I'm still sane.

{amy k.} said...

I would DEFINITELY "slurp" my blog- I've been wanting to do this for a while now! Winning this would be the perfect chance. Keeping my fingers crossed..... well, all that can be crossed, I'll be keeping crossed! :)

{amy k.} said...

I'm a follower

MISTY and CO... said...

I AM SO EXCITED THAT BLURB IS BACK! This is so awesome because they are THE BEST site for publishing.

I would publish my 365 day project. I plan to publish no matter what BUT would love to win!!!

MISTY and CO... said...

i am a follower and love your blog!

Mimi said...

I would love to have a book to document my family vacations.

Thanks for stopping by my blog & helping to make my SITS day special!

Sommer said...

I would love to make a hard cover blog book! I've needed to since September...Yikes! I

Laura said...

I've been planning to publish my blog with blurb for a while now. I think it's a great idea. Maybe one at the end of each year...

Laura said...

I subscribe. :)

Beth W. said...

Haven't yet 'blurbed'...but, I keep reading about it. Me? I have all these pictures from our first 'family' vacation...I would make a book for all the boys to remember the adventure! Thanks. Beth W.

The Linabooty's said...

I would print my blog of course:) Actually have it started on blurb already:)

The Linabooty's said...

I'm a follower!

The Linabooty's said...

I'm new to twitter but I tweeted you as well:)

Ginny said...

I really want to make a Blurb book for this year & maybe even for last year. I this is a great way to get a year of photos into a book instead of my scrapbooking (which seems so far behind!)

Ginny said...

tweeted https://twitter.com/momof2dancers/status/1800919465

Rachel said...

i would make the coolest wedding album story book ever.
or a book about radishes.
no, probably the first one.

Heather said...

I would make a book of my kids for my hubby for Father's Day.


Heather said...

I am a follower. :)

The Gift Closet

Terry tammons at triad dot rr dot com said...

My entire family has just gotten into photography and everyone has a special project they ultimately want to publish! On top of that, oldest daughter is getting married this fall so that would be wonderful to publish as well! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Your blog is so bright and pretty :) If I won, I would do one on my crafts, or do a book of my daugher.

kristi lee said...

S that D Liz Lemon...I HAVE to get my blog in print. For REALZ!

kristi lee said...

I'm a follower...a CHRISTIAN follower, mind you! Just had to be clear!!!!!!!! (this is a joke peeps...if you knew the details you'd laugh too)!

So glad blurb got things going again for bloggers.

Lemonlime said...

Someone had recommended Blurb to me when I was looking for a place to print out memory books of my kids. I've been wanting to use Blurb for awhile now, but my digital scrapbooks are "collecting dust" on my hard drive. Thanks for letting me know about slurp. That's great.

Lemonlime said...

Found you through SITS. I'm now a follower.

April said...

um...I never win these stupid blog contests...although I did land a pair of your earing once...which was fun...oh and Emily hooked me up with some more of your jewelry for Christmas- I get compliments all the time on my big earings made by paisley lane.

ok so with some hope, here I go, I have been wanting to turn my blog into a book for some time, plus with mom gone I decided for Christmas I am going to make a book of her life, with every picture, every poem she wrote, copies of her art, letters from friends, snips from journal entries, her last days, her funeral, her eulogy- so I am already planning on doing a book for her anyway-

I was looking into Heritage Makers and I just don't like the quality or price...so I would really like to see a book done by blurp first- from the looks of their sight, they look pretty professional- do they fold their pages with sewn bindings or is each page flat and glued? I want the sewn binding look...

April said...

I am a google reader follower

Unknown said...

Those books look awesome! I would probably make one of their children's books. Here's hoping. :)

Unknown said...

I am a new subscriber! Love your blog!

Kyla Armstrong said...

I'm so excited they are compatible with Blogger again! I would totally make a blog book. I did one about 3 years ago and I've been waiting to do another.

Kyla Armstrong said...

I blogged about it!

Mandy said...

I am a huge fan of Blurb! I made a blog book last year, and I'm in the middle of formatting my blog from 2008. I need to win this giveaway since I"ll be placing an order really soon!!!

Mandy said...

I am a follower!!

Ali said...

If I won, I'd most definitely create a Blurb photo/guest book for my wedding in 2010. We're still in the early stages of planning, and winning this would be a great blessing! =)

Ali said...

And I've been a follower for months!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Ali said...

And I just tweeted about it @ twitter.com/alitheali


amylouwhosews said...

OH I need this so badly! When I started blogging it was right after I had my daughter 3 1/2 years ago - I thought, this can be my scrapbook rough draft. I'm sad to admit that I only have printed pictures from her first year and now I have a 16 month old boy! I post to my family blog all the time for extended family to see them since we live far away. I would love to make a book out of it and be done! I like the 'idea' of scrapbooking but not the time and the mess it takes. Really I just want pictures and journaling! Yay BLurb!!

now that was a long comment just to say, I'd slurp my family blog.

amylouwhosews said...

I'm also a follower!

Cynthia said...

Never hear of Blurb! It looks awesome. I think I would just do a book about my kids since that is what I mostly blog about.

Cynthia said...

I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

I would love to create a book for my niece who is due June 1st! I would love to have pictures of her at birth- then as she got a little older. Each month type thing, Blogging with a picture once a month is something I'd love to start doing.

ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Canadiachik said...

I'd make a recipe book for my sister or a book of kid-pics for their grandma.

Canadiachik said...

I follow!

The Pyper Fam said...

Since blogging is my excuse for not scrapbooking or journaling (very often) I would definitely make my blog into a book. They have a ton of great things. I had heard of blurb, but this is the first time I'd spent any time actually taking a peek at what they do! Thanks!

The Pyper Fam said...

And I am, of course, a follower of Natalies Sentiments! :)

Melissa said...

I would love to turn my blog into a book to document my first year of marriage and many other milestone events! Being announced as a winner on May 19th, my birthday!, would an awesome birthday present! Thanks for sharing this!

Melissa said...

I am a follower.

Melissa said...

I facebooked about this.

MommaArch said...

I would make a book of my blog.

MommaArch said...

I am a reader

Jennifer Walker said...

I am right with you. I was so excited to discover blurb and then so disappointed when they stopped slurping from blogger. I too was thrilled when they decided to add blogger back. I now have four years of my family blog and can't wait to start slurping it soon. I'm sure I'll be able to make a few books out of it.

family blog and

Laree said...

I've been looking at blurb for a while to print my digital scrapbooks out. I hope I win!

Allison Scherer said...

Hey thanks for doing all the research so the rest of us don't have to. I would make an alphabet book for Isabella like the one you did for Lydia.

here in hyrum said...

I would love to catch up on my families photo albums. This is a great way to get alot done quickly.

amydear said...

I've heard of Blurb and am VERY happy to hear that they are supporting Blogger again. I would make a book of my blog. Yeah!

amydear said...

I follow your blog.

Becky said...

My husband is out to sea (in the navy) and I would love to send him my blog in book form so he can keep up with what has been going on. I would also love to have a book here for my kids to read about all the adventures we have been on that I have blogged about.

Becky said...

I am also a follower. I love your blog.

Antonia said...

My best friend is getting married in August, and I would love to put together a book of photos of her and her fiance. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

SewCute Shop said...

I am a subscriber.

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