Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Paisley Lane Giveaway

I know I just had a giveaway, but I had to get in on the fun of the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival! Please comment on this blog to be entered to win this silver and black necklace and earring set from my Paisley Lane Organics Collection. I will announce the winner on Wednesday August 6th. And don't forget, I love trading product, so if you make something fun and want to get a little handcrafted jewelry for yourself (plus a little blog love on my site) - let me know!

(Mention that you subscribe to my blog or have me on your google reader, and I will enter you a second time.)

Good Luck!


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OtterKim said...

This is a beautiful piece - hope I'm a winner! Please visit my contest for a free Idina Menzel CD and tote set at www.OtterKim.blogspot.com. Thanks!

The Shabby Princess said...

Beautiful!! Here's hopin'!

N said...

That's beautiful! I'd love to win that!

ali said...

so pretty. please enter me

Beth said...

Great giveaway idea, thanks for the chance to enter!

Anonymous said...

very generous! It's beautiful!

Thank you.

amandagdonovan at gmail dot com

Suzanne said...

very pretty!

Katie L. said...

What a great giveaway! How gorgeous! I visited her shop and she has some beautiful stuff, I especially liked the Vintage stone necklace with new handmade earrings. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me to win these beautiful items. Thanks for the giveaway!

The Dickson Family said...

That is a beautiful necklace.

Tara said...

very pretty. Love it!

Tara said...

What a gorgeous piece! Thanks for the chance to win.

mommykoala (at) live (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having a giveaway. The necklace and earrings are lovely.

Tuesday Girl said...

So pretty, I would love to win!

Rhonda said...

Black and Silver are my favorite colors for outfits!

The Brandleys said...

So cute! Seriously, I'm always looking for new jewelry! Oh I slao subscribe to your blog via bloglines! love your stuff!

Jane O' said...

Very Pretty. I love this new style of big chunky jewelry.
Thank you for hosting.

Sincerely Iowa said...

Beautiful! Enter me please!

And on my way to add you to my Google Reader right now!

Thanks for offering this!

Sam said...

Wow, that is utterly gorgous, I need a new bit of glamour to dress up my work clothes with!!

Rebecca said...

That is a lovely set!

Dixie said...

How lovely! I just subscribed.
Thank you for this wonderful chance.

EB said...



Joy said...

This would look fabulous with some new tops I just got (first time I've shopped for myself since I was pregnant with first daughter!!!)!

Katy said...

It is gorgeous! I would love to win it!!! Thank you so much! :)

April said...

Organics collection?? Is the piece really organic? I have the perfect outfit for that necklace.

Jen said...

I love that. Pick me!

torinem said...

What a beautiful necklace!

David said...

this is a beautiful necklace. i would love to win it.

SmilingSally said...

The large white center piece is impressive.

Christie said...

How beautiful!! I love your header, btw... so precious! And I'm definitely subscribing to your lovely blog!

Sarah said...

Beautiful! Are you seriously collecting random pins/buttons? I'll totally send you one from our local festival (complete with royalty photo) if you'd like.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful piece of jewelry! Thanks for the chance at winning! m_huston(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful necklace!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter! Check out my contest too! http://www.mommybrainreports.com/?p=191

monicaAT mommybrainreports.com

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful! i so hope i win!!

Mechelle said...

Oh this is just gorgeous! Lovely prize! I put you on my google reader~
((hugs)) Mechelle

Unknown said...

That is such a pretty necklace.

Christi S said...

This is lovely! Thank you for sharing! Have a great week!

NACJMAC said...

Ohh, you live a dreamy life, and I love just reading about it! That necklace reminds me of you- glamorous, fun & creative! Hope it's me!

The Linabooty's said...

uh....fourth times the charm:)

kim said...

thanks for the generous giveaway!!! Your jewelry is beautiful and I hope you pick me. :)

A Family Completed... said...

So beautiful! Thanks for the entry :)

Meredith A. said...

How beautiful! I love the simple colors!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful necklace.


Miss Blondie said...

Thats gorgeous!! I'd love it!!

Becca said...

Beautiful! I'm just amazed at the creativity. Someday, I'll try to be that creative - but now I just admire from afar!

Preppy Mama said...

That is absolutely beautiful. I would love to wear that!!

Vic said...

Beautiful, it would look gorgeous on my daughter.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Oh my! That is a gorgeous piece! I would love that. I am trying to decide what I can make to swap. Hmm, clover nicklaces? tilet paper ghost? ok, gimmee some time....I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

It's lovely! I would love to have it!


Mommy Minded said...

How beautiful!

EG said...

What a great necklace!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Pretty piece!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

ZogLady said...

Oh my! It's wodnerful! I'd be thrilled to be entered into this draw!

My blog is: http://zoggieworld.blogspot.com/

Stop by anytime!

Kristen M. said...

That is a beautiful set. Thanks for the giveaway.

Scatteredmom said...

What a pretty set!

I subscribed to your feed-so nice to have some great blogs to read when things calm down a bit. :)


Jessica said...

Awesome set - whoever wins will look stunningly gorgeous!

eetomost said...

What an awesome give away! I love the necklace, so pretty!

I've just put you on my blogroll:)



Also, check out my give away:)

ancient one said...

Oh yes, that would be so lovely. Please enter me. Thank you!!

Gilbert Family said...

count me in! It's beautiful! Also, I added your blog on my link list, I don't know if that is what you meant by "subscribing to your blog" but if that means I get to enter twice to win...WOO HOO!!

Anonymous said...

wowswer woman, that is gorgeous! how generous of you!


and i just added you to my reader!!!

Bunny B said...

I wanna win!! That's gorgeous! Thanks!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...

I'm an RSS Subscriber! Thanks!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Over The Tipsy Top Design said...

Thanks for the shout out!!! We love our earrings and thanks for leaving us such love great comments!!! Love, The Tipsy Girls

Han5nah T. the Manatee said...

How pretty!

Anonymous said...

beautiful! i hope i win!
sadiekate2001 (at) yahoo (dot) com

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Very beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Woo..this is an absolutely stunning necklace. I love the centre piece, quite a conversation piece indeed. Ooh..I wanna.


The Dales said...

Wow, that is a beautiful piece! I hope I win it!!!!!


LC said...

What a beautiful piece -

thanks for the great offer :)

leahrcole at yahoo dot com

Karin said...

Very pretty!

Betsy said...

I love this!

CrystalGB said...

How beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.

Debbie said...

Now that is a gorgeous necklace. Thanks for the chance to win.

Qtpies7 said...

That is a very pretty necklace! I don't usually like silver jewelry, but I do like it here.
I wish I was actively crafting so I could do a trade with you. Maybe if I get my yarn out I could knit some cute baby legwarmers for your qtpie!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful set! Thanks for the great giveaway!


Karen said...

That's a lovely piece.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful piece! ppreacherswife at gmail dot com

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

I'd love to win this piece. It is beautiful, and so is the picture of you and your daughter. Thank you for the giveaway

juan_hurrican (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

That is a very lovely necklace. Thanks for the great giveaway.

mommy-2-3 said...

very beautiful necklace...thanks

artmarcia said...

I love the cutwork design in the necklace--beautiful!

TinaW said...

This is just beautiful! tinawittmer(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anissa said...

That is simply beautiful! Wonderful design!

Angie(quillysilly) said...

This is seriously cute! I do paper art items, so if you are ever interested in trading something, just take a look at my site and let me know!


Anonymous said...

Such a beautifully stunning piece - I would love to win that. I will totally subscribe to this blog!


Wehaf said...

That is simply beautiful. Thank you for such a truly lovely giveaway.

urchiken at gmail dot com

Ellerenee said...

What a beautiful set. Just checked out Paisley Lane at etsy- I subscribed. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous stuff! Thanks for the chance to win. I'll have to check out the rest of your stuff.

PS said...

I love the background on your blog, it is fantastic!!! The necklace is fabulous too, I'd love to win it!

Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!

proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Suzie Williams said...

Beautiful necklace! I love the style.

kamewh said...

Very pretty- a great style! Thank you for the giveaway!

xcdenke said...

I can't believe how many people have commented. WOW! The necklace is GORGEOUS! You never cease to amaze me. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is beautiful! I would wear it all of the time.


Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

This is beautiful and elegant. I am VERY picky about the jewelry I chose to try and win, and this one is perfect!

Claire Roach said...

What a classy and lovely necklace and earring set! Thanks for the giveaway. claireroach81(at)hotmail(dot)com

Tarasview said...

That is a beautiful necklace.

"Deal"icious Mom said...

very pretty I would love to win.

Millie said...

Ok I know I am meant to comment on the necklace... of course its pretty or I wouldnt comment on it but WOW your little girl is breath takinly(is that a word)beautiful! I have two sons 6 and 3 she can have her pick.. one is sweet and quite and the baby is a wild child ;) Thanks for the chance to win!

Elizabeth said...

I want to win!! I check out your blog all of the time

FaithfulMommy said...

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful necklace. I'd love to win. I don't have anything nearly that nice. Thank you for a generous giveaway.

Mommyton said...

You are now on my Google reader and I LOVE your necklace!!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous necklace! *crosses fingers*

Someone Being Me said...

That is beautiful. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Katrina said...

I would love to win! Thanks!`

Alaina said...

I love that! So beautiful!

alainamj (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

Kristofer said...

wow . . . . i heart that necklace! you are beautiful and do A-mazing work! thanks for sharing your wonderful jewelry for the giveaway! however wins is a lucky lady! kristen.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty. Count me in.


Anonymous said...

I would love to win this, it would make the perfect gift for my best friend or myself! Thanks for the chance.


Anonymous said...

It is lovely. Thanks for the chance.

Kathie B. said...

Beautiful. I can see where you get your inspiration, your daughter is beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win. Visit mine at www.mypreppypurse.blogspot.com

Stephanie said...

That is a stunning necklace~

dolphin lady said...

This is absolutely exquisite! I would love to win!! And I am going to add you to by Google Reader.

Ginny said...

What a beautiful piece, I'd love to win it.

cstironkat said...

What a great looking necklace. It is a work of art. Thank you for the chance to win.

Courtney said...

Gorgeous necklace!!!

The Pyper Fam said...

I'll be 120! :) Please enter me to win your beautiful jewelrey! I love it! :)

Anonymous said...

Pretty necklace!

dogmadre said...

This is the nicest necklace--I love it. So unique and pretty! Many thanks for this generous giveaway!

Kimberly said...

What a GORGEOUS set!!!! I love it. I also love the Love Charm with Pearl pendant on Sterling Silver Chain necklace on her site. GORGEOUS!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this. It is lovely.

Charlotte said...

That is a beautiful set, I'd love to have it! Thanks for the chance to win.


janetfaye said...

The necklace is gorgeous.

anetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

mom2boys said...

This necklace is beautiful!Please enter me : )Thanks!

TCarver said...

Very Beautiful! It is times like this I wish I had a blog;-)

Unknown said...

Your photos of your little girl are beautiful - and so is this necklace! Thanks so much for the giveaway!!


Kyra said...

This is so beautiful! Great giveaway!

Amy said...

wow! That is beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!

Maggie said...

That's a beautiful necklace! I love it!

Melissa~ said...

Hi Natalie,

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog yesterday! And yes, I would *love* to trade with you for some earrings! Just let me know details!

I subscribed to your blog too! Can't wait to read more after the giveaway craziness!

♥ Melissa~
Pink Paper Peppermints

ZogLady said...

Oh! I forgot to mention that your on my blogroll!


Kristyn Martin said...

Beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity!

Jodi said...

Wow it is so pretty, I have the perfect outfit to match :)


Anonymous said...

That is very pretty! monk5@charter.net

Cherie J said...

How beautiful! Please enter me. Thank you!


Blessings Abound said...

Simply gorgeous! Thanks!

Nicole T said...

This set is so beautiful! Cant wait!
blinkin104 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I should comment on how beautiful the piece is or how beautiful you and your family are. Wow. Love the design of the necklace. Please count me in on the chance to win!


Anonymous said...

Oh,and I am adding you to my blog roll :)

AudreyO said...

That necklace is gorgeous and very unique. Thanks!

shaunjoy said...

Very pretty necklace -- thanks for offering this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

That is truly lovely!

Karen said...

This is gorgeous!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

toohotforturtle said...

This is beautiful. I love it.

judybrittle said...

That is absolutely stunning. I would really love to win this beautiful set. Thank you so much!

Gretchen said...

It's absolutely beautiful!!! I would feel so elegant wearing that on our 20th wedding anniversary trip.

christene said...

She has so much beautiful jewelry on her site..this one is great
cjinhb at msn dot com

Unknown said...

What a beautiful set. Stylish and stunning. Thanks.

thundercloudgirl AT hotmail DOT com

family said...

That is beautiful! Please enter me!


Kristan said...

so pretty. :)

Manda said...

Black and silver is gorgeous together! Beautiful jewels!
Thanks for the opprotunity!


Sarah Z said...

Love this set - so beautiful!

Thank you!

Positively Peaches said...

So I love love love the necklace and your blog is great too. I couldn't figure out where to subscribe...maybe because I am an amatuer. However, I did add you to my bloggy roll. Thanks so much

Anonymous said...

Wow, the necklace is just beautiful! Thank you so much for turning me on to Paisley Lane. I saved her etsy shop. She's really talented.

World's Greatest Mommy said...

This is gorgeous! Very dramatic piece that I really want to win.

Anonymous said...

very pretty!

gotfire at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

wow, that's beautiful

Fae said...

that necklace is so lovely!

Neen said...

That is simply stunning I'd love to be able to wear it.

Robyn said...

That is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

wow...you make beautiful jewelry! i'm impressed.

fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

Dee said...

OH i LOVE that set! You have such beautiful stuff! I am going to subscribe to your blog as well! I would wear that necklace and those earrings ALL THE TIME! I LOVE them!

You are VERY talented..and this is such a wonderful giveaway!

tweety0166 (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

what an awesome necklace!

Marcia said...

What an exquisite necklace to win! Great giveaway...thanks.

Gardening Mommy said...

Beautiful work! And your family is just lovely! Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Beautiful!! Hope that I win that!

Lisa Garner said...

Gorgeous necklace! I would be thrilled to win it! Thanks for having this giveaway. (-:

The Chatty Housewife said...

Your work is stunning! Thank you very much for the great giveaway! nw_wife(at)hotmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

How generous and beautiful! Now what can I wear this with...

Thanks, KJ

misty said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity.

planetmisty at gmail dot com

Molly C. said...

Omg! I love this necklace! It is so pretty.

frugallm said...

I love it! It would go with just about everything!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

This is so exquisite! Thanks for the chance!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

tiffanyannrosson at yahoo dot com

Katie said...

What a pretty necklace. Thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

This has a very classy look to it!
I have you in my google reader too.


Maude Lynn said...

That is gorgeous!

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful necklace! I love the pendant. =)

ladybuggg said...

oh i love that gorgeous silver pendant. so pretty! :) thanks for having a gievaway.

Jennifer said...

This is just gorgeous & I'd be thrilled to win. Thanks for the chance.


Anonymous said...

That is so pretty!

Stacy said...

That is as really beautiful piece.

Thanks for the giveaway, isn't this fun!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful necklace! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

Jinxy and Me said...

This is so pretty! I love it!

Peggy said...

This set is beautiful and I have the perect dress to go with it . Count me i and I have you on my google page

Ilissa said...

This is lovely. Please count me in. Thanks for the chance.

TheRagan3 said...

That necklace is gorgeous! i'd love to win it!!

lace said...

Gorgeous. I'd love to wear this.

Jessica said...

Wow! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win!!

Unknown said...

Wow! There are a lot of comments! Hm... well I think I should win this contest because I am the baby the first baby you ever loved.... sorry lydia. And the only jewlery i have seen in the past 5 months has been cheap china crap so I would like some beautiful handmade jewlery from Paisley lane giveaway!

Dina said...

It's just lovely and I would have something pretty to wear when I dress up.


Teri said...

That jewelry is beautiful and it would look stunning with a dress for my sister-in-law's black and white wedding :)

taysmommy said...

pretty pretty necklace!


Jenny W said...

mmmmm....jewelry.... :)

Denise said...

How pretty. Thanks!

37 Questions said...

Just beautiful! Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous necklace and earring set, would look great on. Thanks for the giveaway. Have a wonderful day.
tedbear2379 AT saintly DOT com

byoc said...

What a beautiful set - I love it. Thanks for the chance to enter! I don't make jewelry, I paint and draw and am considering making some handpainted pins.

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