Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back in the cool club

Normally, Natalie's post about peanut butter bars would leave me feeling a little "too bad so sad" for myself. Especially since these little beauties could quite possibly be my favorite cookie of all time.

Lydia has a VERY serious, life-threatening peanut allergy. So serious that not only can we never have peanut butter in our house, but even if we are away from Lydia, Shane and I can't eat peanut butter. Just breathing on her after eating the gooey goodness could cause a reaction. Our doctor said, "You can eat it if you are spending the night away from her, but make sure to shower before going home, and throw your toothbrushes away." So basically no peanut anything for us.

Hold the phone! My friend Jenn sent me a link that is changing everything. Sunbutter! It is made from sunflower seeds and is totally safe for people with peanut allergies. And it is DELICIOUS!!! I am so excited. This weekend I made the above mentioned cookie...could not tell the difference. Now, I am not going to be making Lydia sunbutter sandwiches anytime soon, since that just seems like it would be confusing to her. Cooking with it on the other hand? Oh yea.

P.S. I found it locally at Target.


Robyn said...

Yay for your find.

simply kris said...

hi natalie, it's kris with sayingitsimply.blogspot.com just wanted to let you know that some minor medical situations have set back our creative processes but we'll be back up and running shortly~ and sending you examples for your biz sign. my apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. talk to you soon!

Are You Serious! said...

♡ Those look really good! That's amazing how allergic she is to it, but yay for a substitute... :)

Blessed said...

That is great! We've been fortunate and so far our little one doesn't have any food allergies - she's only 10 months old so there are several things she hasn't been exposed to yet, but I had a couple of cousins who were deathly allergic to things so I somewhat understand the impact an allergy like that has on a family.

I am really glad to see alternate products coming out for people who do have allergies. I'll be pointing my friend Sue at Living my Dream (http://jabberwalkiejoke.blogspot.com/) to this post - both of her children have severe allergies.

Gilbert Family said...

I will have to tell my sister about Sunbutter...her daughter is allergic to PB too! Thanks for letting us know about the good find!

Unknown said...

What a find? Now if only they could take all the fat out of that yumminess!

Emily Taylor said...

I just made those bars last week for girls camp (but with peanut butter). I ate half the pan. You can still see the effects it had on my butt. But happy for you, now you can enjoy your own version.

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