No lie, I almost got arrested picking these flowers. I saw them growing around an abandoned building, so I went out at night to get a few for my table. Suddenly I was in the spotlight from a police car. I think he thought I was a drug dealer or something, but then he saw my stolen flowers and turned the light off. Mama fugitive. That's what they call me down in the joint.
I knew you had a record.
Seriously!? How scary for you at the moment and how wonderful for us to laugh at your expense later! Kidding Nat. Luv ya. But still, funny story. And cool tip.
So glad I stopped by! You've got a lovely blog - I am obsessed with the color yellow as well:)!
I was a Nonny fugitive today. The *sweet tea police* almost got me for refilling my tea at McDonald's when I had actually bought it an hour earlier.......yikes! Could I share a cell with you?
Happy Easter!
Hahahah!!! No way!!!!
No way that is so funny. They look so beautiful. Oh I want spring. We got a record of 8 inches of snow Monday night in less than 12 hours. Snow day for the kids yesterday. Gotta love Idaho.
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