When my friend Jenn asked if I would watch her daughters for a couple days, my first thought was slumber party!!!! Lydia deserved a couple days of fun food, movies, giggling under the covers and staying up too late. Before Collin was born we had "Lydia days" every other week. Now it is more like every other month. As such, I thought we should do this party right.

After jammies were on, we laid down every spare blanket in the house to create a pallet on the floor. (Is the word pallet used everywhere in the states? It means a temporary bed. I have only heard it since living in the south.) We set up "Charlie Brown Halloween" for the girls to watch from under the covers. Then Shane read stories and everyone was "asleep" by 10pm. (We heard their giggles much later than that.)

The next morning (that started before dawn) Shane prepared his famous shaped pancakes. As you can see, the key is to make an initial outline of the shape and then fill it it. Chocolate chips as a finishing touch. "Scrumptious!" (as quoted from Lydia). It was a great exhausting time for all. Lydia keeps asking when the next slumber party will be. I'm thinking maybe her 13th birthday.
How precious! I have got to figure out this cool pancake shapes thing! : )
cutest thing ever!
You can never start having girltime to early!I remember sooo many wonderful times with my best friend when we were long; we love talking about all the great things we did when we were little!!
I love the bubbles and the pancakes. What a fun idea! Lydia is one very loved and lucky girl!
So so so so cute! Love the pancakes!
seriously Ah-mazingly cute pancakes!
I know, right? Shane is a pancake artist. That is why I married him.
Natalie...is it okay with you if I have a small crush on Shane because of his MAD and AWESOME pancake making skills? I cannot get over that!
♥ How fun! The pancakes are awesome...
Xander has polished his pancake making skills thanks to Shane's techniques and your blog. But, now he has got his work cut out for him with the food coloring idea. Brill!
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