Friday, October 16, 2009

Excuse me, but do we know each other?

The other day I ran into an old friend and I was thrilled to find out what she was up to. What I was shocked to find out was that she already knew all about me. She reads my blog. "What?!? Why have you never commented?"

"Oh, I'm not a commenter."

Ok, I totally understand not commenting. When you read all your blogs in google reader, it can be a bit of a pain. There are several blogs I read religiously and never comment. (Shame on me, I know.) However, I do have a little bitty favor....

If I actually know you, meaning we have met before or I know your spouse, could you comment on this post and let me know who you are? Maybe add how we know each other. My mom would get a kick out of that. She loves reading the comments on my posts. Even if I know that you read my blog, or if you comment regularly, still comment if you don't mind. I want to update my "friends list" as I have several outdated links. Even if you don't have a blog, comment so I know you are out there. You can always comment anonymously and include your name.

OR......If we've never met, but you found my little blog through someone I do know, let me know that too.

Basically, I'm curious who is reading.......It will make my day, I promise :)

Side note - interested in seeing what a true drama queen is like? Check out this video of Lydia on my family blog..... hilarity.


Kelli said...
I read your blog all the time. We've never met but yellow is my favorite color and that's what interested me initially.
Chris said...
I read all the time. I comment some of the time. We don't "know" each other, but we "know" each other. ;) P.S. That sweater outfit Collin has on a couple of posts ago is ADORABLE! It ALMOST makes we want to have another baby. ;)
Madsen Family said...
I (originally) hail from the greater Spokane area and we have plenty of mutual friends. I found your blog via Taraka's and I have to admint, I am a bit addicted to it. I love your style, your writing, your take on motherhood, etc., etc. I have a blog of my own, though it is dead boring and mostly about the rearing of our only son, Will (but the grandfolks dig it, at least). So, now that I'm "outed" as a shame-faced blog-stalker, I'll be sure to comment more. Jessy(Spear)Madsen
Sara H said...
I don't remember how I came across your blog but I love reading it. We don't know each other either but your blog keeps me entertained : )
Barclay Kathryn said...
You don't know me, I I didn't find your blog through anyone you know, God just helped me stumble upon a fun, uplifting, cheerful blog one day. I feel like you're a lot like me and I aspire to be just like you. : ) I'm on the outskirts of the Chicagoland area.
Barbara said...
I am friend/neighbor of Kristi Gay..I really enjoy reading your blog about your family. I have bought some jewelry from you as well. YOu have a beautiful family.
Barbara said...
I am friend/neighbor of Kristi Gay..I really enjoy reading your blog about your family. I have bought some jewelry from you as well. YOu have a beautiful family.
Tales of a Peanut said...
We don't know each other in real life but I found your blog somehow before my daughter Charlotte was born. She and Collin were born on the same day! And I'm participating in the Slim Down!
kristi lee said...
Allow myself to introduce myself: I'm kristi, we used to hang out, now we have lots of kids and that hanging doesn't get to happen often, i like chocolate, your jewelry, sarcastic humor, shopping, shall I go on??? oh, and i covet lydia's hair!! random comment, i know!
Natalie Jane said...
Um kristi, I thought we were hanging out tonight?
Nama said...
I love your blog! I found it some time ago (I don't actually remember how...) and have followed it ever since. But no, we don't "know" each other. I'm just a stalker. :)
Kristina said...
Hey! I dont know you or your husband! I THINK I started reading during your awesome give away...we have been trying to get pregnant for almost 4 years now and I was hoping to win something for my "hope chest." And, I loved reading, so I stayed!!!! Nice to meet you...
Misty said...
I totally feel like we know each other. I consider you one of my best blogger buddies! Have a n awesome weekend!
Sarah Seitz said...
We've never met but I'm a faithful follower :). I blog (sometimes!) at
Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...
I read your blog everyday and love it...and feel like I know you..... teresa
~Shawna~ said...
We went to high school together in Spokane! =) I love your blog, Natalie. I look at it everyday (if not more). I am also a (not very good) member of your Holiday Slimdown blog, but I don't comment when I'm supposed to, mostly because it's not good news... lol. I love staying in touch with old friends. I have my own blog as well, but it's mostly just updates on my family and such for relatives and other friends I don't see very often too.
Mrs. Dirnberger said...
I read your blog..and I am a follower! we dont know each other but I do enjoy you
The Pyper Fam said...
I meant to comment on the post about your adorable 'obese' child! He is so dang cute, I love love love the chub! :) And then I meant to comment on how you and Lydia really know how to throw a perfect slumber part! :) Wish I was there! :) So now, I will finally comment and let you know that I love reading your blog. :) Thanks for all the fun posts! I love your creativity and style and your mommy advice and anecdotes! :)
Rachel said...
I have been reading your blog for about a year. My sister in-law post one of your giveaways and I have been hooked. You have never met me but maybe someday! : )
kiley said...
I found your blog through Taraka Pyper a few months ago during your baby give away but realized that a number of other blogs I visit are your 'friends' :). Randi Brunt is my sister in law for one and I went to school with your sister Emily. Don't believe we have ever met. I LOVE your blog as I have a princess obsessed 3 1/2 year old girl, and peanut allergic (amoung other things) 2 year old boy who was a very difficult baby, and a 5 month old super chunky baby girl (named Lydia) who by the way gets a kick out of Collin's talking videos on your other blog :). Very fun - I am a fan and check in often :)
BamaManda said...
Well I personally have never met you and I honestly cannot remember for the life of me where I found your blog. It had to be from a friend of mine entering a giveaway of yours or just a link off another blog! But you are in my google reader and I enjoy your posts! I'm new to this whole blogging thing so I know I love the very FEW comments I get on my blog, so I must get up on my blog manners and start showing other people love as well! Btw, as for yesterday, so fun the shaped pancakes! I MUST try that sometime! Have a wonderful weekend!
Paige said...
We worked together at Crye Leike when I had a new baby girl and you were pregnant with Lydia. And now we both have strapping baby boys.
Lilith Silvermane said...
I read your blog daily (when I open my Google Reader, it's one of my favorite blogs to check out) We are also Facebook friends :) That's me! I'm here.. BTW... love your Halloween photo with the kids!
SewCute Shop said...
Luckily, I have met you. I found your blog through Kristi G. when you guys were doing the homemade holidays at her mom's house. Then less than a year later we met up a Jack and Jill. It is great to have met you once, but be with yoru family almost everyday Brandy SewCuteShop.TypePad.Com SewCuteShop.Etsy.Com (and when you hosted a giveaway for me, I found one of my VERY BEST customer and blogging friends LANNAE- who I will be spending some time with middle- November, crazy huh !)
Liz said...
I'm not even sure how I came across your blog and I've never met you before, but your blog is awesome and so fun to read. I love your style and your great ideas!! Thanks a lot! By the way...I live in Tennessee too!
Canadiachik said...
I found your blog through some giveaway posting on some other random blog...then found out we have a mutual friend! I think you have fab taste and great ideas!
beth said...
I think I know you! I spent a bit of time in the Chattanooga area and just as I started making friends, we up and moved. I still read your blog to keep updated. I miss all of Dakota's cute friends from nursery, including Lydia. She was so cute and I loved watching her dance around all of the time. Wish I could sneak away for another girls night.
Jenni said...
Hi Natalie, we've never met--I'm your cousin Spencer's wife and got the link to your blog through your mom and dad's Christmas letter last year. It's a fun blog, so I like to keep it on my reader. Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet someday! -Jenni
Jenni said...
now that we've reconnected, i can't stop reading your two blogs! how in the heck do you do the cute framing and fonts on your pictures? i loved the pancake picture!
Cara said...
we don't "know" each other but Lydia has a tutu skirt that I made her a long time ago and you gave another one away.. I read your blog every day but don't really comment on blogs all that I am out here :)
Nichole said...
I read your blog...I am Nichole(your cousin Madeline's best friend in Idaho).
susan said...
Hey old roomie! I check in and read your blog maybe once every few months. I really only check yours and one other friend from HS because they are the best (I like your pictures and posts). I have no blog. I am afraid to start one thinking I will be OCD and my life will be about blogging so I just stick to FB right now. The two babies and Julianne keep me way too busy as it is, plus I watch 2 kids and go to school one day a week. That's me in a nutshell. John and I would love to see you and Shane again. Take care, Susan Biery
Aimee said...
Faithful lurker, and we've never met. :)
trish said...
You don't know me and I don't know you, but I know exactly what you mean! I've had people say, Oh yeah, I read that on your blog. And I'm like, YOU read my blog? It's so weird to have people *you know* reading your blog. At least it is for me, since my blog started out being read by none of my real life friends. :/ By the way, I sent you an email. I hope it doesn't go to spam! :)
ellen said...
I have no clue how I found your blog but I enjoy reading it!
LesleyannAustin said...
I read your lovely blog most days, since my good friend Alexa Lett told me about it. We met last year, you probably do not remember but it was at a Christmas open house in Mtn Shadows. I loved a green pearl necklace and earrings you had for sale.I am a fellow artist/decorator and would love to give you a piece of my art for one of your giveaways. I am also a stay at home mom of 4 boys. I believe Lydia goes to mothers day out at our church, I recognise the OBC courtyard in your photos.Let me know if you are interested in seeing my art.Have a blessed day.
Gilbert Family said...
I read you blog all the's great! I went to CV with you and I think we had a seminary class together once :)
Brady and Berta said...
I totally blog stalk you, which your Mom told me was okay. I am married to Spencer's little brother Brady and we live in Phoenix, like everyone else. I love following your blog and hope that you don't mind. Mine is nowhere near as exciting!
tommie said...
Coming out of lurkdom to comment....I do not know you. I originally found your blog though a photo meme....not sure which one though. I absolutely love your mad photog skills. I, too, have small ones...well, one just turned 5 and the other is 6. But they seem small to me! I have lost my desire to blog recently, after being the victim of identity theft, I wonder if it relates?? Reading through google reader... tommie of tuesday update
The Johnson Family said...
I first found your blog because I was the lucky recipiant of your fabulous jewlery, from over the over the tipsy top blog. I have been a blog follower since. I have taken many of your suggestions: purchased Sophie for my baby boy, also purchased a "birthday shirt for myself" from the sew cute shop! Wish we could meet, I feel like your a kindred spirit!
Lisa said...
Hi, I'm Lisa from Glendale, Arizona. Stay-at-home mama of four. I can't remember how I found your blog, but have checked in now and then for a few months now. I love your style and color and have found some fun entertaining ideas here...Plus, it's always fun to see how other moms do it! My blog is private, and if I the "permissions" portion of my blogger wasn't down, I would add you...
Micah C said...
I read you blog - we have never met -I can't remember what series of links brought me here. So, here I am anyway.
aurora said...
Hi, I'm Aurora. Loving your blog from Texas! xo
Big Toe Mom said...
I read your blog all the time too. I dont remember how I found it, but I love it. I have a daughter now 14, who was so like Lydia.... they could be twins, really, except she has brown hair. but the princesss, and dance and sillyness. I also just love to see you enjoy being a mom! Its a hard job, probably the hardest job I have ever had, but so worthwhile. and the blessings, ahhhhamzing. I live in Phoenix, and I am LDS too. and so I stalk. not on purpose. just cuz, I try to read your blog before I drive to seminary. p.s. My son LOVES Colin videos!!!
Jessica said...
I see you almost every Sunday if the kiddos allow us to be at church during the same time. However, I feel like I knew you prior to meeting you because of Wendy Lou :) Actually, I remember the first time I met you. I ran into Harrison Bay's sacrament meeting to give Wendy something and you pulled me aside and asked me if I was Jessica or Wendy's sister-in-law...I don't remember exactly. We had just moved to Chat-town. Oh, and a few weeks later we went walking at the park and I tried to kill Lydia with my PB&J sandwich. :)
Amy F. said...
Hi, I'm a reader. :) I know you through my husband Jesse, you were friends in high school and through church. He was fortunate to have such a great group to hang with. You're on my blogger friends list, so I look whenever you post something new. I have no idea how you make the time to blog so often, but it's fun to read. It's cheerful and beautiful. I'm wishing you more sleep in the nights to come...
Leslie said...
hi natalie! i always love your blog. don't remember how i found it, but i believe we are mutual readers. :)


Kelli said...

I read your blog all the time. We've never met but yellow is my favorite color and that's what interested me initially.

Chris said...

I read all the time. I comment some of the time. We don't "know" each other, but we "know" each other. ;) P.S. That sweater outfit Collin has on a couple of posts ago is ADORABLE! It ALMOST makes we want to have another baby. ;)

Madsen Family said...

I (originally) hail from the greater Spokane area and we have plenty of mutual friends. I found your blog via Taraka's and I have to admint, I am a bit addicted to it. I love your style, your writing, your take on motherhood, etc., etc. I have a blog of my own, though it is dead boring and mostly about the rearing of our only son, Will (but the grandfolks dig it, at least). So, now that I'm "outed" as a shame-faced blog-stalker, I'll be sure to comment more.

Sara H said...

I don't remember how I came across your blog but I love reading it. We don't know each other either but your blog keeps me entertained : )

Barclay Kathryn said...

You don't know me, I I didn't find your blog through anyone you know, God just helped me stumble upon a fun, uplifting, cheerful blog one day. I feel like you're a lot like me and I aspire to be just like you. : ) I'm on the outskirts of the Chicagoland area.

Anonymous said...

I am friend/neighbor of Kristi Gay..I really enjoy reading your blog about your family. I have bought some jewelry from you as well. YOu have a beautiful family.

Anonymous said...

I am friend/neighbor of Kristi Gay..I really enjoy reading your blog about your family. I have bought some jewelry from you as well. YOu have a beautiful family.

Jennifer said...

We don't know each other in real life but I found your blog somehow before my daughter Charlotte was born. She and Collin were born on the same day! And I'm participating in the Slim Down!

kristi lee said...

Allow myself to introduce myself: I'm kristi, we used to hang out, now we have lots of kids and that hanging doesn't get to happen often, i like chocolate, your jewelry, sarcastic humor, shopping, shall I go on??? oh, and i covet lydia's hair!! random comment, i know!

Natalie Jane said...

Um kristi, I thought we were hanging out tonight?

Nama said...

I love your blog! I found it some time ago (I don't actually remember how...) and have followed it ever since. But no, we don't "know" each other. I'm just a stalker. :)

Kristina said...

Hey! I dont know you or your husband! I THINK I started reading during your awesome give away...we have been trying to get pregnant for almost 4 years now and I was hoping to win something for my "hope chest." And, I loved reading, so I stayed!!!! Nice to meet you...

House Queen said...

I totally feel like we know each other. I consider you one of my best blogger buddies! Have a n awesome weekend!

Sarah Seitz said...

We've never met but I'm a faithful follower :). I blog (sometimes!) at

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I read your blog everyday and love it...and feel like I know you.....


~Shawna~ said...

We went to high school together in Spokane! =)
I love your blog, Natalie. I look at it everyday (if not more). I am also a (not very good) member of your Holiday Slimdown blog, but I don't comment when I'm supposed to, mostly because it's not good news... lol.
I love staying in touch with old friends. I have my own blog as well, but it's mostly just updates on my family and such for relatives and other friends I don't see very often too.

Mrs. Dirnberger said...

I read your blog..and I am a follower! we dont know each other but I do enjoy you

The Pyper Fam said...

I meant to comment on the post about your adorable 'obese' child! He is so dang cute, I love love love the chub! :) And then I meant to comment on how you and Lydia really know how to throw a perfect slumber part! :) Wish I was there! :) So now, I will finally comment and let you know that I love reading your blog. :) Thanks for all the fun posts! I love your creativity and style and your mommy advice and anecdotes! :)

Rach said...

I have been reading your blog for about a year. My sister in-law post one of your giveaways and I have been hooked. You have never met me but maybe someday! : )

Kiley said...

I found your blog through Taraka Pyper a few months ago during your baby give away but realized that a number of other blogs I visit are your 'friends' :). Randi Brunt is my sister in law for one and I went to school with your sister Emily. Don't believe we have ever met. I LOVE your blog as I have a princess obsessed 3 1/2 year old girl, and peanut allergic (amoung other things) 2 year old boy who was a very difficult baby, and a 5 month old super chunky baby girl (named Lydia) who by the way gets a kick out of Collin's talking videos on your other blog :). Very fun - I am a fan and check in often :)

Amanda said...

Well I personally have never met you and I honestly cannot remember for the life of me where I found your blog. It had to be from a friend of mine entering a giveaway of yours or just a link off another blog! But you are in my google reader and I enjoy your posts! I'm new to this whole blogging thing so I know I love the very FEW comments I get on my blog, so I must get up on my blog manners and start showing other people love as well! Btw, as for yesterday, so fun the shaped pancakes! I MUST try that sometime! Have a wonderful weekend!

Paige said...

We worked together at Crye Leike when I had a new baby girl and you were pregnant with Lydia. And now we both have strapping baby boys.

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I read your blog daily (when I open my Google Reader, it's one of my favorite blogs to check out)

We are also Facebook friends :)

That's me!

I'm here.. BTW... love your Halloween photo with the kids!

Anonymous said...

Luckily, I have met you.
I found your blog through Kristi G. when you guys were doing the homemade holidays at her mom's house.

Then less than a year later we met up a Jack and Jill.

It is great to have met you once, but be with yoru family almost everyday


(and when you hosted a giveaway for me, I found one of my VERY BEST customer and blogging friends LANNAE- who I will be spending some time with middle- November, crazy huh !)

Liz said...

I'm not even sure how I came across your blog and I've never met you before, but your blog is awesome and so fun to read. I love your style and your great ideas!! Thanks a lot!
By the way...I live in Tennessee too!

Canadiachik said...

I found your blog through some giveaway posting on some other random blog...then found out we have a mutual friend! I think you have fab taste and great ideas!

beth said...

I think I know you! I spent a bit of time in the Chattanooga area and just as I started making friends, we up and moved. I still read your blog to keep updated. I miss all of Dakota's cute friends from nursery, including Lydia. She was so cute and I loved watching her dance around all of the time. Wish I could sneak away for another girls night.

Jenni said...

Hi Natalie, we've never met--I'm your cousin Spencer's wife and got the link to your blog through your mom and dad's Christmas letter last year. It's a fun blog, so I like to keep it on my reader. Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet someday! -Jenni

Jenni said...

now that we've reconnected, i can't stop reading your two blogs! how in the heck do you do the cute framing and fonts on your pictures? i loved the pancake picture!

Unknown said...

we don't "know" each other but Lydia has a tutu skirt that I made her a long time ago and you gave another one away.. I read your blog every day but don't really comment on blogs all that I am out here :)

Anonymous said...

I read your blog...I am Nichole(your cousin Madeline's best friend in Idaho).

susan said...

Hey old roomie! I check in and read your blog maybe once every few months. I really only check yours and one other friend from HS because they are the best (I like your pictures and posts). I have no blog. I am afraid to start one thinking I will be OCD and my life will be about blogging so I just stick to FB right now. The two babies and Julianne keep me way too busy as it is, plus I watch 2 kids and go to school one day a week. That's me in a nutshell. John and I would love to see you and Shane again. Take care, Susan Biery

Aimee said...

Faithful lurker, and we've never met. :)

trish said...

You don't know me and I don't know you, but I know exactly what you mean! I've had people say, Oh yeah, I read that on your blog. And I'm like, YOU read my blog? It's so weird to have people *you know* reading your blog. At least it is for me, since my blog started out being read by none of my real life friends. :/

By the way, I sent you an email. I hope it doesn't go to spam! :)

ellen said...

I have no clue how I found your blog but I enjoy reading it!

LesleyannAustin said...

I read your lovely blog most days, since my good friend Alexa Lett told me about it. We met last year, you probably do not remember but it was at a Christmas open house in Mtn Shadows. I loved a green pearl necklace and earrings you had for sale.I am a fellow artist/decorator and would love to give you a piece of my art for one of your giveaways. I am also a stay at home mom of 4 boys. I believe Lydia goes to mothers day out at our church, I recognise the OBC courtyard in your photos.Let me know if you are interested in seeing my art.Have a blessed day.

Gilbert Family said...

I read you blog all the's great! I went to CV with you and I think we had a seminary class together once :)

Brady and Berta said...

I totally blog stalk you, which your Mom told me was okay. I am married to Spencer's little brother Brady and we live in Phoenix, like everyone else. I love following your blog and hope that you don't mind. Mine is nowhere near as exciting!

tommie said...

Coming out of lurkdom to comment....I do not know you. I originally found your blog though a photo meme....not sure which one though.

I absolutely love your mad photog skills. I, too, have small ones...well, one just turned 5 and the other is 6. But they seem small to me!

I have lost my desire to blog recently, after being the victim of identity theft, I wonder if it relates??

Reading through google reader...

tommie of tuesday update

The Johnson Family said...

I first found your blog because I was the lucky recipiant of your fabulous jewlery, from over the over the tipsy top blog. I have been a blog follower since. I have taken many of your suggestions: purchased Sophie for my baby boy, also purchased a "birthday shirt for myself" from the sew cute shop! Wish we could meet, I feel like your a kindred spirit!

Lisa said...

Hi, I'm Lisa from Glendale, Arizona. Stay-at-home mama of four. I can't remember how I found your blog, but have checked in now and then for a few months now. I love your style and color and have found some fun entertaining ideas here...Plus, it's always fun to see how other moms do it! My blog is private, and if I the "permissions" portion of my blogger wasn't down, I would add you...

Micah C said...

I read you blog - we have never met -I can't remember what series of links brought me here. So, here I am anyway.

aurora said...

Hi, I'm Aurora. Loving your blog from Texas! xo

Big Toe Mom said...

I read your blog all the time too. I dont remember how I found it, but I love it. I have a daughter now 14, who was so like Lydia.... they could be twins, really, except she has brown hair. but the princesss, and dance and sillyness. I also just love to see you enjoy being a mom! Its a hard job, probably the hardest job I have ever had, but so worthwhile. and the blessings, ahhhhamzing. I live in Phoenix, and I am LDS too. and so I stalk. not on purpose. just cuz, I try to read your blog before I drive to seminary.
p.s. My son LOVES Colin videos!!!

Jessica said...

I see you almost every Sunday if the kiddos allow us to be at church during the same time. However, I feel like I knew you prior to meeting you because of Wendy Lou :) Actually, I remember the first time I met you. I ran into Harrison Bay's sacrament meeting to give Wendy something and you pulled me aside and asked me if I was Jessica or Wendy's sister-in-law...I don't remember exactly. We had just moved to Chat-town. Oh, and a few weeks later we went walking at the park and I tried to kill Lydia with my PB&J sandwich. :)

Amy F. said...

Hi, I'm a reader. :) I know you through my husband Jesse, you were friends in high school and through church. He was fortunate to have such a great group to hang with. You're on my blogger friends list, so I look whenever you post something new. I have no idea how you make the time to blog so often, but it's fun to read. It's cheerful and beautiful. I'm wishing you more sleep in the nights to come...

Leslie said...

hi natalie! i always love your blog. don't remember how i found it, but i believe we are mutual readers. :)

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