Want to win either a Men's Tie or a Child's tie?
Contest Rules:
1. Go to My Favorite Pal and let me know in a comment on this post what tie you would choose if you win.
Deadline Tuesday, November 25th.
1. Go to My Favorite Pal and let me know in a comment on this post what tie you would choose if you win.

2. For a extra entry, let me know in a separate comment that you are a subscriber or follower (see right hand sidebar) of Natalie's Sentiments.
3. For a third entry, let me know in a separate comment that you have blogged about my Fall Giveaway Soiree and that you have the icon on your side bar.
4. For a fourth entry - leave a comment letting My Favorite Pal know how they could improve their website, their marketing or let them know where you would like to see their ties sold.
Winner will be announced Wednesday November 26th. Good Luck!
The winner of the studio jk vinyl giveaway is Hannah! Email me and we can get you your prize. Congrats!
How about the light blue polka dot? Matching ties...my 6 yr old son would love that.
I subscribe!
I would choose: Lt Blue Royal Stripe
Dad (59")
I am a follower
I blogged: http://jepeux.blogspot.com/2008/11/fall-giveaway-soiree.html
How they could improve:
It is nice that most websites have their locations on the bottom, (Rather than having to click contact us)
It helps if it's on the bottom to see where there main location is (If they have more than one store)
They should thrive to sell their ties at large department stores! Such as Macy's.
It may be a long shot, but that could be a great goal!
I am loving the light blue royal stripe Dad tie. But my 3 boys would all have to get some to match!! Thanks for the chance!
I subscribe!
Blue polka dot!
I subscribe!
The blue with orange spots for Dad! :)
subscribe too!
I would say the light yellow with blue strip for Dad:)
I love the light yellow and blue striped tie....so handsome! My boys would look great in it!
♥ Love the black pebble and the black and silver stripe ties!
♥ I'm a subscriber!
♥ I'm blogging about it now! :)
I like the black with silver stripe tie for both dad and sons!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a subscriber!
Thanks again!
My husband has a sweater that would match the Salmon Pink Polka Dot one!
I am a subscriber.
I blogged about your giveaway and have your button in my sidebar.
I would go for the Salmon polka dot baby tie. I need clothes for this baby.
My man and 15 mo. old would look great in the red polka dot for the holidays!
My husband desperately needs some new ties! I like the black with silver stripes.
My husband doesn't own a single tie & it would be nice to have one. I like the Black w/ Silver Stripe tie a lot.
Fall Giveaway Soiree is up on my contest blog!
I would choose the blue polka dot tie for my husband
I would get the light blue royal stripe for my husband! Thanks!
I am a subscriber. Thanks!
I like the black & silver stripes for kids.
I am a follower
I think my husband would like the lt blue royal stripe. He needs a good striking blue tie.
I'm a follower!
I blogged about this giveaway and have your icon!
I'm really loving the black flower tie! Gee!
I love the Red Dots and the Black Pebble ties.. for my baby or my husband.. either one! They have to match, right??
I am a follower!
I have your link on my blog.. and I tell everyone!
I think the site is pretty nice- easy to use and figure out. Maybe jazzing up the Home page a little bit. Love the ties!
How cute! To have matching ties for father and son. My son is almost two and still does not have a tie! I would love to get him the salmon pink polka dot one (toddler size.)
How to improve:
There is a boutique down the road from my house, called Daniella Jay's and they would be a perfect fit there. (Glendale, AZ). They need some ties.
Hey Natalie! - got your info from Mista. Glad to join!
I would choose the lt. yellow w/ blue stripe Dad's tie. LOVE IT!!
I subscribe now!!
I've blogged about this giveaway! I would love to put your link on the side of my blog - but i'm not sure how....
I figured it out! I have your blog box on the side with a link. :-)
I like the black flowers. I couldn't find any tall ties as that is what my husband has to wear.
I follow via Google Reader
I'd get my husband the Yellow w/ Blue Specs.
And I'm a subscriber.
I love the Red Polka Dot Tie in the Youth size! Very nice ties! They look like very high quality ties!
Thank you
I subscribed via e-mail!
Karen P.
I love the light yellow with blue stripes for my son!
I am a subscriber! :)
My son's baptism is coming up next month and it would be great to have matching ties for him and his daddy. I think I'd choose the Lt Blue Brown Specs for my hubby and then buy another for my son. So cute, thanks!
I'm a subscriber!
Hi, Cute site! I like the Black w/
Silver tie! How cute for my husband and our son. Thanks, Cindi
I am a subscriber! Thanks, Cindi
I love the lt blue polka dot infant tie
My son likes the yellow with blue specks for dad for Christmas...
as far as advice for the tie site...I was wondering if the adult and kid ties were the same? If so, this wouldn't matter, but if not, it would be nice to have them all on the same page. I did like that I could look at all of the adult or kid ones at the same time...but combined would be even better!
I LOVE all things little boy since my nephew was born, I would love to get him the Blue w/ Orange Specs infant tie and of course a matching one for Dad. They both have red hair and look great in those colors!
I subscribe! :)
I love the red w/red spec.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I love perfect Christmas presents like these ties! The black with Silver stripe is awesome
I would get the light green with silver stripe, perfect for EAster!
I am also a follower!
I also have you on my sidebar!
I am going with the red polka dot tie, that is very vibrant and just over all power tie!
I am an avid reader of your blog!
Great giveaway, Natalie! I would LOVE to win the Black Pebble Dad's Tie! It's gorgeous! The tie would be for my "executive" son who has two little girls.
I'm a subscriber by email:)
I think their ties should be sold at Macy's and JC Penney stores. Both cater to "family ties" (inadvertant pun) and I think the Dad & son tie combos would be a huge hit.
I love the salmon pink polka dot and the red polka dot! ...
I regularly read your blog! :)
And, to improve their site, I think they should sell the ties together...father and son...and give a discount if you buy both! :)
I love the Black w/ Silver Stripe.
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am a subscriber
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
It was a hard decision.... if I won this tie I would give it to my brother who just got a new job. With much consideration and many "maybe this one...or no maybe that one", I decided he would like the Lt. Blue with Brown Specs tie. Thanks for the contest. :D
Ooops, I forgot to add that I am linking your post to my blog.... :D
I really like the black flower tie and I think my hubby would wear it. :)
dover 381 at yahoo dot com
I am a follower
I love the polka dot ties! My son would look so cute matching his daddy!:)
That is HARD to pick just one!! I love the red and blue polka dot ties and the light yellow striped tie ... I've been wanting to find some adorable ties for my son! These are perfect!
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