Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for my beautiful daughter, this sunny day, and that the only thing on my schedule is to have a picnic, swing on the swings
and play pretty princess.

Loving this pic? Check out Flutter Photography. And fantastic news if you are in the Chattanooga area. Randi from Flutter is coming here the 2nd weekend in October. She still has a couple openings left (at an incredible price just for that weekend) Email me for details.


kristi lee said...

Count me in for sure! I've been making a few calls to some friends also to spread the word. CAN'T WAIT!

Anonymous said...

Kristi told me about this amazing photographer. Hope it's not to late to get in on the shoot.

Emily ~ Little Window Shoppe said...

This blog is beautiful. I love the colors and the photos, so pretty!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you are having a wonderful day with your beautiful daughter and my beautiful grandaughter! I love you both. Mom

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I love that picture! :)

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