Saturday, August 2, 2008

Breaking Dawn....or at least midnight.

Here I am blogging in the middle of the day.

Why? Because I have the entire weekend OFF! Shane and I made an agreement last week. I wanted some major "Breaking Dawn" reading time this weekend and a girl's night out. The deal is I will take the entire weekend for myself, Friday night thru Sunday night. Next weekend Shane is doing a triathlon so he will have all next weekend for that and a boy's night out. Nice no?
Last night I went with some friends to Mama Mia - and can I say FANTASTIC!!!!! I have a cheek ache from smiling. (What other fantastic movie is that last line from?) I can't wait to dance around the house with Lydia to the soundtrack.

After the movie we joined even more friends for a late dinner out and to the Books-a-million "Breaking Dawn" book release party. Party really isn't the right word. More like spectacle. First of all, Books-a Million is a poor man's Barnes and Noble. Instead of a place I would like to sit for hours, it feels like a warehouse. But, their release system is much more efficient, not to mention there you go.

Anyway. It was basically a lot of goth teenagers who seemed a little wannabee punk for my taste. Of course I was there with a large group of twenty-thirty something women, so I really can't judge. (Well, I can. I just won't do it publicly. )

Interestingly enough, I have had several people say that they are surprised that I read the Twilight books. Mostly friends from college. Probably because because in college I studied humanities (with a literature emphasis). Humanities majors have to read exorbitant amounts of material. Those of us who focus on literature...we basically never left our rooms.

Now I loved my field of study. The experience of being caught up in metaphors and deeper meanings can be intoxicating. I liked comparing works and finding new ways to see an authors intent. My professors would tell us that we would never be able to really enjoy the commonplace novel (or film) again. For the most part, this is true. I am a harsh critic. But one thing I did take away from my education was this...a talented storyteller is not to be scoffed at, no matter what the venue.

I admire and appreciate the works of Henry James, James Joyce and the like, but I am not staying up into the wee hours of the night because I can't set them down. Just like when we were in junior high; giggling under the covers and gasping at surprise twists can still be the most motivating reasons for reading. So here is to Twilight, Harry Potter, Eragon (don't judge by the atrocity that was the movie), Orson Scott Card's Shadow Series. Here is to wonderful stories that are loved by so many. What a cherished treasure in a time of such mediocre media.

Now don't bother me. I have to go read. (And eat the cookies that Shane and Lydia are busy making in the kitchen. This may be the best day ever.)

*****Update - Sunday Evening...... Just finished it. Another fun read from Stephanie Meyer. Your thoughts?***


Anonymous said...

Christina here. What do you think so far?


Hannah Ashmore said...

So sad I missed it. Looks like yall had a blast. Well, I am going to go back to reading before church comes. I am trying to stretch it out as long as possibe, but that plan doesnt seem to work so well.

BumbleBee Bagz said...

O!M!G! I told you we had alot in common. I LOVE the twilight series. Im in love with Bella and Jacob and cannot get enough

Gilbert Family said...

We had the SAME weekend! My mom, sisters and I went to see Mamma Mia, then had a late dinner and headed over to Barnes and Noble for our Breaking Dawn books and it was SO FUN but alittle too crazy at B&N (we actually went to Wal-Mart at midnight to see if the line was shorter and it was)! I had a busy Saturday and Sunday so I haven't finished it yet but I am totally intrigued! I LOVE the whole series but so far this is turning out to be my favorite one!

I am curious, are you an Edward fan or Jacob?

Natalie Jane said...

I like my men a little more mature. So, I would say Edward.

The fact that he is loaded helps. Sorry, but true. :)

Gilbert Family said...

I agree 100 percent! I don't dislike Jacob but Edward is WAY more my type :)

Olivia Carter said...

Haha! I love the Edward vs. Jacob conflict. I have to say I'd pick Edward for someone like Bella, but I'd personally pick a "Jacob-like" character. But, I have to say... I'm pretty lonely over here on "Team Jacob".

Emily Taylor said...

I haven't even bought the book yet. How does everyone have time? Can I please quit my job now?

RBS said...

I loved the last book in the "Twilight" series. It was probably my favorite. I read it twice as a matter of fact to make sure I didn't miss anything the first time around. (I have that luxury as I am an empty nester) Kudos to you Stephenie Meyer.

Chris J said...

okay, i don't know you at all, but i linked to your blog through paige's blog and i just happend to scroll down and saw this post. i'm waaay into the twilight series, so much so that i read the first 3 books in about 3 week or less. my husband is making me wait until we go on vacation to get breaking's driving me crazy. i'm so glad that there are more thirty somethings and twenty somethings that like this series. i'm very much an edward fan.....i so want him to be real! haha!!

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