In case you are wondering, she only got a present for the first time she went, since it was such a big deal. Of course, it has ended up being the ONLY time also. She was so afraid of what ended up in her potty chair that she hid in her dark closet until Shane was able to convince her that the poop wasn't scary. Now she won't go near that chair. Potty Training is super fun.
I would try potty training rewards. It worked great for our son. He love pushing the audio button hearing he is a Big Boy and opening a door to find a chocolate surprise. He really became involved. He was peeing and pooping in his potty within a week. I know every child is different, but have a look and see if this would work for you.
♥ Whatever it takes is my motto on potty training. It's so not my favorite chore! :)
First of all, what a gorgeous picture of Lydia Jane in your blog layout. You have a beautiful family!
I wanted to jot you a note because Dr. Pete Stavinoha, a child psychologist at the hospital where I work - Children's Medical Center in Dallas, Texas - just released a book called Stress-Free Potty Training (sounds good already, doesn't it?!).
His book suggests we train children according to their personalities. What motivates a goal-directed child may be different than what works best for a strong-willed child. The book offers specific tips for each of five distinct personality types.
Maybe this would be helpful when Little Miss decides she's ready (Dr. Pete also says there's no sense in pushing the issue before she's ready to start training, so you're off the hook for now. Smiles...).
Read more about his book at
Find a few immediately gratifying tips from Dr. Pete at
Good luck!
LOL!!! Are you kidding me? Princess Poo-Poo and Princess Pee-Pee! That is hilarious!
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