Isn't Elise adorable? She is so happy. She radiates joy. It's contagious.
This month I am focusing on finding daily JOY.
Since having this little darling seven months ago, I'm been spending my time getting the absolute necessities done. Laundry gets done, meals are made, homework finished: because these are mandatory duties. Church responsibilities get taken care of since I've made the commitment to keep on top of them. And I've spent my downtime focusing on having little moments of happiness. A bath here, some crafting there. Glossy magazines, chocolate and Diet Coke for a quick pick me up. These are all great and totally necessary for my sanity. But there is a serious lack of habits that bring joy into my life. Probably because I've been in survival mode for almost a year. But I need NEED to add these things back in on a regular basis. Even if they take a bit of effort. I'm ready to get back to an intentional life.
So, as an Easter month goal, I am going to do each of the following "Joyful routines" daily.
If I can do something for a month, I can make it part of my regular life.
1. Exercise. - Either a trip to the gym, a long walk with the baby or a dance party with the kids. Something to get my heart rate and endorphins up.
2. Spend a quiet moment in dedicated prayer. - When I am not falling asleep.
3. Spend special private time with each individual older kids. Away from the baby.
4. Spend a few minutes reading or listening to something spiritual.
5. Eat healthy foods. Write down what I eat to keep track.
6. LIGHTS OFF BY 10:45pm.
These things seem simple, but after only getting the basic things in life done for the last year, I've fallen out of practice. Being rested....brings me joy. Spending quality time with my kids....brings me joy. Having time to speak to my Heavenly Father brings me joy. I am happy. But I could be more than that.
I'll let you know how it goes.