*I love doing these posts. It totally eliminates my guilt for not journaling. *
Shane was gone this week. He left last Thursday morning before I woke up and got home yesterday. He went to his brother's wedding reception in Arkansas for 5 days and then a couple days of business. It just wasn't feasible for the kids and I to join him. But I was so happy Shane had a few days vacation without the kids. How often do we get that? Shane really deserves it too. His job is insanely stressful and has very long hours. When we were in Hawaii he made the mistake of turning on his phone after a few days to check the weather and he found 145 voicemails. 145! He needs detox time.
I do too, but he needs it more.
How cute is this thumbprint guest list?
Congrats to the beautiful couple!
Back at the home front, I had a little stay-cation of my own.
Usually while Lydia is at school and Collin is napping, I clean.
But what's the point when no husband is going to see my efforts?
Instead I had a week of naps. The house got really messy.
Bought the kids some "treat" cereal.
Two boxes = two backs to look at. No fighting.
We made rice krispy treats too.
Lydia made everyone saturday morning aprons showing off their favorite shapes. The placement of said shapes was a questionable choice, but then again I've never really understood high fashion.
We bought a ton of strawberries and made freezer jam.
Found this teeny tiny tupperware at the Dollar Tree.
Wouldn't these be cute to give away at Christmas with homemade bread?
Oh wait. I don't make bread. But now I make jam!
Made myself dinner only I like.
Looks like boobs :)
Collin made me wait in the garage until he finished his apple and book.
Got caught up on facebook.
Lydia was supposed to be vacuuming the kitchen.
When I came in, I found this note:
"I wint to play outside..Ha Ha"
She was looking in from the window laughing hysterically. :) Awesome.
Had a totally crappy weekend.
Lots of drama. And after having a period that was eight days late, I found that I wasn't pregnant.
Eight days late! Totally sucked. We've only been trying a few months so it's not that big a deal, but when your period is over a week late, you kind of think, hey, I'm having a baby! Just reminded me of the two years of trying before we got pregnant with Lydia.
Anyway, I felt bad. I wanted to make out, but Shane wasn't here.
So I made myself some comfort soup.
Ina Garten's Roasted Tomato Basil soup is AMAZING.
(I add a bit of heavy cream to my bowl right before serving. Heaven)
My friend Heidi heard I was having a bad day, so she brought me some chocolate comfort.
But even though I'm not pregnant, I have some pretty great babies already.
I mean, come on! So darling!
Shane got home early yesterday, armed with little gifts from his voyage.
More chocolate!
He got home around 1am and then left again for work before the kids were up.
(Told you, long hours)
So the kids didn't see him until he surprised them at lunchtime.
(Lunchtime. Notice Collin is still in jammies.)
They had welcome home signs ready.
Collin had to explain his.
He drew a picture of "dirty laundry" Not kidding.
Do you think he was trying to out me that our home was a disaster before the day long "daddy dash" cleaning effort the day before???
Shane got the last of the tomato soup so the kids had to settle for chicken soup with rice from the freezer. They weren't happy about that. So we watched "chicken soup with rice" on YouTube to inspire enthusiasm. It worked.
Good thing he got home since today is our anniversary!!!!!
Spending the day looking through my wedding album and getting our evening planned. (It's my year to plan the festivites. It's going to be epic. As epic as an 11th anniversary can be.)
(Camera photos of my wedding album then put into instagram. Not the greatest. But I'm too lazy to scan them.)
Isn't my family so cute??? Man I loved that dress. Good thing, since it took me months to find it even though I worked in a bridal boutique, and I totally had the sleeves redone. I was determined to have a 2/3 sleeve wedding dress, even if that was unheard of at the time.
Look at my sister Molly! A 13 year old bridesmaid. Now she has a husband and a baby. This may be the last photo of her with her natural hair color. Oh, me too.
Since this photo we've added a dozen more folks to our clan. Not bad for little over a decade.
Don't forget to call your mom this weekend!
Follow me on instagram @natssentiments
Not on instagram? I post all my instagram photos to my Twitter account @natssentiments
(I know! I have a twitter account! I just haven't used it until now.)
I would love the jam recipe if you ever have time to post it! And you should make homemade bread! You probably have a recipe you use, but here is a step by step one I wrote out a year or so ago. Its my Grandma's recipe and I wanted to learn/perfect it while she was around to teach me! Its delish and makes a ton of loaves so you could make a batch and pass it and the jam out to friends and be everyone's new bff!!
Not a bad week w/o hubs except the 8 day late part. I am sorry. TTC for some is no biggie but for others is filled with so many highs and lows. Thinking of you ♥ Happy Anniversary!!
btw, I started following you on instagram @thelucaszoo
Yes, the babies you've made so far are just darling! ;) & happy anniversary to you & Shane!
I almost choked at your artichoke boobs!!! lOL. You're killing me with all these foodie shots ;D Mmmm!
Looks like you had a great week! You have a beautiful family and I'm enjoying reading your blog. I love how Collin made you sit in the car while he finished his activities...SO CUTE! Newest follower:)
Spilling all of my dirty secrets via welcome home signs is totally something my daughter would do too!
Have a great weekend!
I'm so sorry for your loss! I just recently lost a baby at 6 weeks, after knowing for just 2 short weeks. I, too, am thankful for the 2 that I have. But I realize it's hard to take it all in sometimes. Comforted in knowing He has a plan greater than anything we could imagine. ;)
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