Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Our weekend was spent camping in the backyard. Still a little chilly here, but we'll take it.

Camping with a movie, candy and popcorn. These kids have no idea how good they have it. We all watched Kung Fu Panda together. Shane and I laughed throughout the entire thing. 
Collin mostly just wanted to jump on top of us all.

Shane even made s'mores on the grill. (He's rigging a clothes hanger into a double pronged marshmallow stick. I have to blog that sometime. It's genius.)

Today we had Father's Day.

And all Shane got was a lousy TV dinner. Poor Daddy. 
(cupcake instructions here)

He actually had it pretty sweet today. Breakfast in bed, nap, big dinner, lots of handmade cards and a few pretty cool gifts. And he deserves it.

Happy Father's Day to the best Daddy in the world!

(Want to see the flip-side of our weekend? Click here. Things aren't always so cheery.)


Don't forget to enter my Reader's Giveaway! Ends tomorrow.
The "Your Daily Jewels" Giveaway ends Friday.


Kathleen W. said...

What a great day! I think we might just have to pull out our tent this weekend for the yard. And I love those cupcakes. Hope Shane had a wonderful day with you all.

Anonymous said...

I love those cupcakes!! They look amazing! We love Kung Fu Panda too! :)

Natalie Jane said...

Wish I could claim them, but I got them from a baker friend of mine :)

TGS said...

I love the tv dinner idea cute. I like the camping in the backyard thing too.

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