Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter Wonderland

We did have a white Christmas in Spokane. But the snow wasn't great. Not like it can be. I used a bit of my snow power to change that. The day we were to fly out, we woke up to this....

I spent my last hour of Christmas vacation on a winter walk, all alone. There is something so blissfully serene about the perfect silence of a new snow. 

And I needed a bit of serenity after dealing with all the little kids with cabin fever.

Can you believe this is the driveway I got to turn into growing up? Had my first real kiss here too :) 
But not in the snow. It was summer and I was wearing pleated shorts. Not great. The kiss or the shorts. 

I prefer sweater weather. And kissing Shane.

To see the kids putting this baby together, check out my other blog. So cute.


Amanda @ Life with A.Co said...

WOW!! The pictures you shot are AMAZING. I'm not a fan of winter, and this looks just like my winter, but, these pictures almost make me CRAVE winter (how strange is that?!)


A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

The snow is beautiful!! We had a white Christmas with my grandparents this year, and it was lots of fun. Although, I prefer to visit; I don't think I'd want to live in it. :)

You're adorable, too! Have a lovely day.

Jessie Jones said...

Your pictures are just gorgeous! I am so jealous of your beautiful snow!

Tiffany said...

Love the pleated shorts part. Lol! The snow looks so pretty!

sharon said...

beautiful! you and the snow!

Kristin said...

Stop! I missed Spokane so much this Christmas. Your parent's house is seriously one of the best spots in WA. So pretty. And good job with the photos!

Stefaan said...

This is such a great blog with beautiful pictures. It's so good i'll add it to my sidebar so my visitors can have a look at your blog. If you will, add me to yours and leave a comment, it would be very appreciated. Oh, yeah, and a happy late New Year! Keep up the good work!

Lots of love,

House Queen said...

Beautiful pictures! We are enjoying a beautiful snow right now and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!!

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