Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Little Lady

One week old.

One year old.

Two years old.

Three years old.

4 years old.

How is my baby five years old today? And how does she keep getting more and more beautiful?

Happy Birthday Lydia Jane. Thank you for making me a mommy.


Krulls in Haiti said...

Five is such a big milestone (especially for a mom!!). Happy five years of being a mom, she is gorgeous :)

Love Being A Nonny said...

Beautiful is an understatement! Happy Birthday to your big, beautiful girl!

Emily Taylor said...

Happy Birthday Little Lyddie. Why didn't you proudly display her grandma stroke face picture in this series?

Unknown said...

Happy birthday! She is gorgeous! Isn't it amazing how you always think your child cannot be any more wonderful and amazing, and yet, as they grow, they manage to be more and more precious each year?

Paige said...

aww, I took that first picture!

Happy Birthday, Miss Lydia!

Natalie Jane said...

Yes you did. Thanks Paige! It's one of my favorites.

beba said...

Tell Lydi Happy Birthday from Kate!

Brady and Berta said...

Happy Birthday Lydia!!!! Wow! I am totally stealing this post to do for Sarah on Thursday. I cannot believe that they are 5 already!

Kahla said...

She is so pretty, even my husband commented on how cute she was. Hope she had a spectacular birthday! Five is an awesome age, I know, I have one that age!

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