Diet Coke on the other hand...that I really want. I saw the doctor regarding my insomnia and she assured me that the amount of Diet Coke I drink won't contribute to my lack of sleep. Unless I drink it after dinner. I'm still staying off it until the end of the detox. I want to get it out of my system and then see how I feel. Maybe make it more of a treat instead of an everyday thing.
And bread. I'm adding bread back in. But only whole wheat. Speaking of bread, I am deciding whether or not to get a bread maker.
Everything else is going good. I'm allowed to start working out again and I hit the gym yesterday. I don't miss the TV much since I'm going to bed early anyway. Sleep is getting better when I'm able to take a sleeping pill. What is the deal with that anyway? Why on earth can I not fall asleep?!?
Speaking of that, the other night I was lying in bed wishing I could sleep, and I ended up looking at my phone's photo gallery. I always forget about those photos. A few of my favorites:
Lydia dressing up to "run away". From the looks of that hat, back to Tennessee.
She said her hand was broken. Thus the toilet paper cast. Kids are awesome.
I don't know why I even bother trying to tame Lydia's room. 5 minutes after we clean, it's a disaster. She seems to see the beauty in utter clutter. She searches the house to add to her "art". Even diaper rash cream. I guess I should just be happy she's playing by herself and that she's creative. But it's just SUCH a mess!
Floor tea party. Poor Collin :) He's always stuck doing girl stuff.... getting dragged to Hobby Lobby. He was sleepy so he reached into the racks and got himself a yarn pillow.
I love kissing those soft chunky cheeks.
And sometimes it takes a Mother's love....
Love the yarn pillow and the Chunky cheeks, adorable!! I remember my detox about 4 days in my husband handed me carbs (I was trying to cut them out at dinner) and told me to eat because I was so grumpy.
good job keeping with the detox program. I don't think I could handle it! Love the picture of Lydia running away. So cute!
oh my gosh, my 4 year old and I were looking at the pics on your phone and laughed and laughed, esp the bowl on his head!
Your sleepy little one with his yarn pillow is absolutely precious.
And I love Hobby Lobby! Haven't been in awhile....
My youngest's room sounds like your daughter. Is your daughter creative? Mine is and I think that's part of it.
Those pictures of Collin are absolutely priceless!!!!!
I feel your pain. I had to give up diet coke last year for health reasons and it was incredibly hard to do. Some days I was absolutely miserable. After 2 weeks I really didn't miss it and if I have try to have a glass of it now it's just too sweet. Hang in there! Also you don't need a bread-maker. I got this book & I'm making bread a couple of times a week with very little effort:
Love the photos!
I love your daughter's skirt; my daughter got the same for a gift.
Ha ha my son is just a touch older than yours and loves playing tea parties. He is a boy amongst so many girls that everyone we know has (and all bar one in his room at daycare)he loves to have tea parties and play in kitchens. Probably as he doesn't have them at home.
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