Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Motivating myself. (And maybe you too.)

March is just about that time when the New Years Resolutions start to be forgotten. Sad, but true. This year I am determined it will not be the case and I am refocusing my efforts. To report...

Developing my photography skills. - On this one I am doing ok. I have taken a couple great courses, read some good books. I try and take a few photos a week until I get more free time.

Learn to make bread. - Working on it. Slowly but surely.

Be more positive. - Besides this post, I am actually doing pretty good in this area. I especially try to greet Shane with a big smile and kiss every evening when he arrives home. (No matter how hard my day has been.) I have so many things to be happy for, and as I try to look for them, they make themselves more prevalent.

Get into shape - especially through running. Argh! This goal is alluding me! At least the running part. Let me vent explain. Collin wakes up at 5:45am, so running before that would put me at around 4:45 AM. SO not happening. I'm still getting up with Collin at least once a night, and often Lydia too. By the time Shane gets home I am so incredibly exuasted, I just can't get myself out the door. Maybe when it gets warmer?The gym is out because Collin won't stay in the child care at the time being.

Instead I have been trying to work out at home. I have EA Sports Active, and some DVD's. Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred is a great one and really cheap. I'm trying to eat healthier. But for now, running is just not going to happen more than once a week.

In lieu of my time restraints, I am using the one bit of free time I have to focus my energy on getting healthier. My nightly "downtime" from 9pm to 9:45pm. I don't have the energy to workout that late (I've been on my feet for 15-16 hours at that point) but I do have the energy to blog some of my health goals. For the rest of the month I am going to post with a theme of "Health and Wellness". I have found some great products, books and recipes I would love to share with you. Yes, there will be a few cool giveaways too. If I try and motivate you, I know I will motivate myself.

How are you doing on your New Years Goals?


Jessie said...

It is very hard. You are doing great!
I run with our triple jogging stroller pushing the girls. By no means am I in shape or close to it but I could do a 5K running with the stroller now if I wanted. My goal though is a 1/2 marathon at the end of the year. I can't get out by myself b/c of my husband's job so I can understand what you are dealing with. My girls won't last much more than 1/2-45 minutes so I am not able to increase my mileage much at this point. I am trying to talk hubs into a treadmill.

Love Being A Nonny said...

I'm doing good. I get up at that unreal time you were talking about BUT I don't have little ones to get up with and THAT makes a HUGE difference. Don't be too hard on yourself. Every little thing you do helps. Hang in there. Your time with little ones is so short...there will come a day when you have time for yourself more...and those days are kinda sad.

Elizabeth said...

Treadmill helps me. I also sign up and pay for a race every 2 months. I just did a half marathon, which was one of my goals. It wasn't very cheap so once I paid for it there was no turning back. Hope it helps.

Dave and Abby said...

Nat, don't you have Netflix? They have workout videos on the instant watch. Maybe we could work out together...through video chat!

Laura said...

Jogging stroller all the way! I highly recommend getting one! When the weather is nice it is amazing to get out there with the kids...pack them a snack...and run to your hearts content! You will begin to look forward to it! I can't wait to get out there, it's almost warm enough!YAY!

Nama said...

Amazing how our goals are so similar?!

I've also been trying to improve my photography skills, which has been going great! I'm taking a class right now that's teaching me, among other things, what all of these buttons on my camera do. I've also started a post-resolution this month: to take and post a photo a day on my blog. I have loved it, and so far, so good. :)

I've also tried to start running. Ha! I signed up, with a friend, for a 5K in April, and I've been following a "couch to 5K" training regimen. It's been going...okay. I've had a few hiccups, and lately, I've felt like I've hit a wall in my training, but I'm still optimistic! Treadmills with TVs at the gym are wonderful. :)

Good luck with your photography! I think just taking out your camera and using it as often as you can does wonders for your abilities. And keep up the exercise kick! Jillian videos are pretty great. :) We can do it!!

sara said...

My goal for this year was just to incorporate one word into my life as a sort of theme. I chose "gentleness". Some days I am able to embody this and other not so much. But it's all about awareness--sometimes we fail and sometimes we soar. We'll get there. It's only March!

Oh, and if you haven't tried the books Healthy Bread (and/or Artisan Bread) in 5 Minutes a Day you totally should. I have always wanted to make bread as well and this concept is changing my life!

Sarah Seitz said...

I was just going to say the same thing, sara. Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day will change everything! Check it out, Natalie!!

Natalie Jane said...

Uh, preaching to the choir ladies! I wrote about that book here :

Cari said...

I have the best whole wheat bread recipe, just posted it yesterday with some bread baking tips The best white bread recipe is King Arthur Flour White Sandwich Bread

One of my resolutions is to lose all my baby weight (I've had 3 kids in 3 years) I've been doing the Jackie Warner circuit training dvd on On Demand (also avail. netflix) and have lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks, only 7 more to go!

Luke and Rach said...

I came across your blog a couple weeks ago and love it natalie. Funny, i read this post today because for the last two weeks I've been trying SO hard to get back into running. I printed off Hal Higdon's 10k Novice Training Program (he also has 5k and all different length programs). It really helps to have a goal each day! I live in MN so I'm looking forward to spring arriving. It's been drizzly for the last two days and thanks to your post I did get a 30min jog in! Im looking forward to it becoming more and more comfortable. Thanks for the motivation!

tinypaperheart said...

i LOVE your blog header! so pretty! :)

House Queen said...

Not too good either. I have a constant struggle to lose the last 25 pounds I desperately need too. I need some motivation....

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