Monday, September 22, 2008

First day of Fall

I think that I could be a pretty good photographer, but it is generally hard to do that without a good camera. Shane and I have been planning on getting the Cannon that has graced my sidebar for months, but with the situation I discussed in my previous blog, we are thinking it probably isn't going to happen anytime soon. Instead of moping however, I decided to celebrate the first day of fall, my very favorite season, by taking the old point and shoot camera out to the back yard. Today I am grateful for crisp air, macintosh apples and to whoever invented digital cameras. Happy fall to you!


SuperCoolMom said...

Happy Fall! We're not feeling it, but it's nice to see it anyway!

Mommystired said...

Awesome pic! You did that with a point and shoot?!?

Natalie Jane said...

Thanks. You flatter me :)

Jen R. said...

uhg, I want a camera too. My point and shoot flashes like a gazillion times. By the time it takes a picture my baby is cross eyed or closed eyed.

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