PF Chang's is loud, fun and delicious. The Chattanooga restaurant is particularly fabulous with its open floor plan, impressive decor and friendly waitstaff. - For my birthday last week my girlfriends and I visited PF Chang's for some much needed "non-mommy" time. Our waiter, Bryan was hilarious and helpful and the food nearly broke the table with its abundance (lots of leftovers guaranteed).

PF Chang's may not be authentic - my sister Molly never saw a lettuce wrap the entire time she lived in China- but I don't mind America takes on food. I never saw a "pizza" while I visited Italy, at least not the way we Americans make them..
P.F. Chang's has generously offered a $50 gift certificate to one of my readers! This is open to anyone in the United States. Simply leave a post here either telling me your favorite P.F. Chang's dish, or why you need a girls night out for yourself. (Or a guys night out. I don't discriminate.) For an extra entry, mention this giveaway on your own blog and tell me in separate comment. You can use the icon at the bottom of the post if you would like. For a third chance let me know that you are a subscriber or have my blog on your google reader, also in an addition comment. I will announce the random winner this Friday. Good Luck! Or as they say in China....Zhu ni hao yun!

My visit to PF Chang's is never complete without lettuce wraps at the beginning and the great wall of chocolate at the end. Thanks, Natalie!
I only ever ate at PF Changs once with a friend! It was so yummy! She asked what I was going to order but I told her I didn't know what was good so she ordered for me! It was heavenly! I had chicken and eggplant something!
I need to go visit her for a long talk and go to PF Changs again!Long talks are always good with a mentor!
I am subscribed to you in my Google Reader. And will add your giveaway to my blog asap!
I would LOVE a night out!!! With a handsome hubby in grad school and a pretty tight budget, getting out of the house (without the kiddos in tow) is a becoming quite rare.
A night out where there is no meal to prepare and no mess to clean up -- priceless!
I'm not sure I'd use a night out to spend with the girls (though I really do enjoy Girl Time). But this time I would take the opportunity to reaquaint myself with my wonderful husband (kid free) over a delious meal with all the extras (appetizers, drinks, and of course dessert)
I'm adding your giveaway to my blog momentarily!!!
Done! You are on my blog!!!
two words: mongolian beef!
LETTUCE WRAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, they are to die for. I lovvvvvve them!
It's my anniversary this Sat. and PF Changs would be a nice little reprieve from the kiddos!
You are on my google reader and I'm grabbing a button to stick on my blog!
I love their lettuce wraps! Yum, yum, yum.
I need to win this because I am typing one-handed with a newborn in my other arm and a hungry toddler nearby.
I subscribe to your blog via Bloglines.
what was the other thing I was supposed to do? oh right, I'll put something on my blog after lunch.
OK, there you go.
As to my earlier post, I didn't mean to insinuate that I needed to win that in order to feed my hungry child.
Just that I am busy. And hungry. And need a break. And I like P.F. Chang's.
I had never been to a PF chang until I started traveling to CA a year or so ago and a group of us went. NOW when I am there- it is a must. I love all their foods- especially their noodles with the chicken/vegetable. I am going out next week and it is most definately on my list to go! Thanks! Heidi
Wow...where do I start as to why i need a girls night out...hahah
well i am a single mother of 2..one is 16 and the other will be 4 next week... I am working extra hours for extra cash...
Making scrapbooks for cash... and just got a part time job at The Gap Kids...I have a busy hectic schedule....and i dont' get out much....needless to say... I don't go out to eat either...since I am always working.... so a girls night out is just what I need!!!
Thanks for a chance
Yay! A giveaway for my favorite restaurant!! :)
The lettuce wraps go without saying, but I absolutely adore the Crispy Honey Chicken... YUM!
Gonna give you a shout-out on my blog today!
And, I'm a long-time lurker... I've had you in my Google Reader for many moons...
Man Chatt gets all the good restaurants AFTER we move. Only eaten there in L.A. but loved it! Let me conform and say lettuce wraps as well yum! Sign me up!
I too, love PF Changs. Thought I'd comment just so you knew I was reading, but really if for some BIZARRE chance that I win, please give it to someone else!
I LOVE the lettuce wraps. Can't go to PF Changs w/out getting those as the appetizer!
Michelle M.
Ok, so I have only been to PF Chang's once when I was in Atlanta with my Church's children's staff. I really liked it, but haven't been able to get back.
Here's the deal. We moved to a new city about 9 months ago, my husband works evening (3p-11p) during the week and the few friends I have is hard to get together with them without children or husbands. I have been CRAVING a girl's night out!!! So please pick me!!
I too am having a giveaway through SITS. Come check it out and get in on the fun!!!Thanks.
So I just posted your giveaway on my blog. Hope it brings more people, but maybe not...that would then take away my chances....ok, so I won't be selfish!! heehee :o)
I just hit my google subscribe button. No offense, but I don't really know how it works and I'm not sure that I will get it figured out...anyways, I hit the subscribe button, so we will ahve to see how ti works!!!
As a new Mom, I am always open for new opportunities for "rest". Our 7 month-old son is my joy in life, but a night out with the girls sounds like heaven! =)
I found your great blog when at another site with a picture of your hair jewels on it. Awesome!
My favorite thing at PFChangs is their black bean chicken. And don't forget to have the chocolate torte when you are done!
I couldn't have PFChangs (well I did go there once and order the food with my specifications and it wasn't the same) for over 7 months. I found out I was allergic to a lot of foods, and only just recently have added those foods back in. I have missed it!
yummmy....we really do not have to share- oh wait we eat when we are on vacation there- yummy
Chang's Spicy Chicken! My birthday is at the end of this month and this would be perfect. I haven't really "gone out" since my daughter was born.
Hot fish is amazing.
I LOVE PF Changs so I am all over this give-a-way! Thanks again for another great one!
I am a subscriber too :)
AND I am posting the icon on my blog...chalk me up for ANOTHER :)
Lettuce wraps.
The end.
I love PF Changs! I always get the lettuce wraps and the orange chicken. I like the banana dessert, can't remember what its called and also the Great Wall of chocolate! YUM!
I love the brown rice with everything! And I need a girls' night out since I haven't had one (or a full night's sleep) since before my twins were born 14 months ago!
why I need a girl's night out:
I would say I enjoy life but the whole social aspect that I used to relish in so often is definitely missing. I would do anything if I could take Emily to PF Changs but she is long gone far away...I miss her.
ok well I have 2 girls age 2 and under and I babysit an 18 month nephew all day. I do a retarded paper route that makes me really tired all day and then there is Julia who is like having 3 kids in one- she has been screaming for 2 weeks straight and comes to find out why- was because when a pencil was lodged into her mouth 2 months ago- the eraser on the end stayed and flesh tried to heal over it and it finally emerged itself...it is gross- so I deserve a night out. I will go to PF Changs by myself- but I am sure my neighborhood girls would love the invite.
I put your giveaway on my blog:)
MMMMMM Lettuce Wraps! Sign me up!
Thanks so much,
I love the lettuce rolls! We took my mom for mother's day.
I love Buddha's feast with steamed rice. Mmmmmmmm! I also like the spicy green beans that they have.
I absolutely love the lettuce wraps. I could go and just eat those...they are soooo yummy! I would love a night out with my husband as we celebrate 5 years this month!!
I LOVE their lo mein. It's a little more crunchy than the soft noodles you usually get, and that makes it so much better. And the crispy honey chicken is great. I'm tempted to have my husband bring some home tonight...would beat the chili I'm planning to make!
I deserve a PF Chang's gift certificate because before the one in Chattanooga opened, the hubby and i used to time our trips to western New York so that we'd hit Cincinatti at mealtime (there is PF Chang's right off an exit up there!).
My favorite is Philips Better Lemon Chicken. Yummy!
my favorite dish is the chicken lettuce wraps
Our entire family loves PF Chang's! We always get the lettuce wraps. I could make a meal of those alone. I wish I could duplicate them at home...
I think $50 would be well spent ONLY on several pieces of the great wall of chocolate!
I really like the Beef Lo Mein and the Orange Chicken is the first Orange Chicken I've had that didn't taste chemically altered, sweet and fake.
Belive it or not...I've never been to P.F. Chang's, so this would be the perfect opportunity to go and discover my favorite dish!
chicken lettuce wraps of course along with their chocolate cake dessert (can't remember the exact name) add some friends for some good conversation and the night can't go wrong!
just subscribed to ya in my reader!
I found your blog from a friends and figured I've give it a shot.
Why I could use a night out:
I could use a night out because I had three kids in three years and my days are spent, changing diapers, kissing boo-boos, taking walks with one on my back and a great big stroller, answering questions like "Why can't I see God, Mama?", reading books like 'Good Night Moon' over and over, wishing for a second to sit and drink my tea, and being awed by my three precious children everyday.
With that said date nights with the my man are few and far between and I would love a chance to trade in my flip flops and T-shirt for a dress and have a little break from my mommy world.
I think I've only been there once and had the ginger chicken and loved it.
i have never been there! pick me!
"Why I NEED PF Changs Lettuce Wraps" by, Simply Kris.
Hubby still owes me an anni celebratory din din. We made it to 14 years on June 10th, but he was in Norway. On previous anni's he's been in Guatamala, Tennessee, Nebraska, Driving to our new home in Minnesota, So Cal~ (Ok I was there, too. But so were my kids AND my mom. 10th anni~Not very romantic) and last but NOT least, (as I plan to be married to him for a few more tries) he spent our 9th anni in Niagara Falls.
I could really use some lettuce wraps.
I shouted for you over on my bloggy!
Orange chicken. To die for!!!
Great wall chocolate cake!
Oh how I love me some PF Changs! Kung Pao Scallops are my favorite and they're really good done mongolian beef style (sub the scallops)with asparagus. Delish!
I have a few fav's. The all classic sweet n sour chicken, honey chicken and black bean chicken. Can you tell, I love Chicken! Chattanooga is slowly but surely getting much of what COlorado had to offer. It makes me so excited.
I need a girls night out because I haven't ad time to hang out with my friends in AGES! It'd be awesome to have an excuse to go out and have some fun.
oewiz@ yahoo.com
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