Monday, October 29, 2012

100% Dad-Made Costume Reveal!

We've watched Charlie Brown Halloween a lot this month. 

So much so that when I was taking a walk with Collin and he said to me 
"If you try to hold my hand I'll slug you!"

And Lydia decided she wanted to dress as a ghost this Halloween.

Great! How simple. A sheet with two holes.

But Shane had other ideas. 

"Natalie, can you buy me some black yarn and a yarn needle?"

Um, ok.

Two nights of hand stitching while watching 30 Rock.....

And we have this. Pretty much the coolest ghost costume I've ever seen.

He sewed in a pair of lensless glasses to make sure the sheet stays in place. 

The mouth opens in case Lydia wanted to snack on candy.

Yea. My husband is a genius. 

I was in charge of Collin's costume. It's pretty cute too. 
I spent a lot of time on it. 
If by spending a lot of time you mean finding it at a yard sale last summer and borrowing the hat from my mom's dress up box.

Cowboy watch out! Behind you!!!!!


Even the creator is frightened!

(Shane, you rock.)


Hanna said...

OMG! Kudos to dad - that is pretty much the coolest ghost costume I've ever seen!!

Katie said...

Oh I love this! Great costume and using glasses is so smart to keep the eye holes where they belong. Thanks for sharing!

Luke and Hailie Girl said...

That is too great! Crazy thing is hailie wanted to be a ghost this year too!! her costume though is much more girlie and involved a lot of white tulle :)

BrittneyPlummer said...

Collin might be the cutest little boy on earth.. And Lydias costume turned out wonderful!!Good job Shane!

Anonymous said...

This is a really great ghost costumes! Love the black stitching under the arms and on the sides!

HeidiK said...

Brilliant!!! I'm totally and completely impressed... and the glasses are PURE GENIUS!! Wow :)

J's mom said...

Just stopping by to invite you to My Wednesday Linky party.

J's mom said...

Just stopping by to invite you to My Wednesday Linky party.

Mandy Beyeler said...

Thanks for linking to Take-A-Look Tuesday over at Sugar Bee Crafts - you were featured today!
- Mandy,

Leah said...

Awesome costumes, the Ghost is perfect. Such a unique twist to a traditional costume.

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