Lydia is at that terrible stage when she still kind of needs a nap, but if she takes one she is up all night. At four o'clock on the dot, she have a break down in total exhaustion. It's usually sparked by Collin's crying. Almost every night I make dinner with crying, wailing children. Even if I save their TV time for 4pm, it just adds to the noise. I curse Lydia's peanut allergy from keeping me from Chinese delivery.
I then get a little angry at Shane, knowing he will walk through the door at 6 when they are happy and feed. He will be dressed in his pressed shirt and slacks. I will be covered in a myriad of grossness. They run into his arms yelling "DADDY!!" with utter jubilation. Haggard mommy is instantly the enemy. Daddy is home to save them from time outs and vegetables. (I then feel really awful about myself. I'm angry at my amazing husband for the long hours he works to support our family? For being a good dresser? For being a wonderful father??? Yeah. I'm a terrible person.)
Last week I was making dinner, crying children at my feet, and I felt that vein on my neck start to stand out as I lost my cool. I quickly though of my year's goal. Find Poetry in the Prosaic. I looked down and saw the most beautiful designs in the red cabbage I was cutting. It was amazing. The modern lines and curves. The bright jewel tone of the purple. Just for a moment I was able to tune out the little crazies and enjoy what I was doing. I thought of the healthy meal I was preparing. Of the fresh organic produce I was going to feed my family. It gave me just enough of a respite to regroup and continue on.
Shane surprised us by getting home by dinner and we sat together as a family. With help, Collin said the prayer. Neither kid ate any of the cabbage. (Well, Lydia sobbed through her one required bite. Collin tasted his, and spit it right out.) I thought it tasted great.
7:45 pm is my favorite part of the day. Children warm from the bath with fresh jammies. Excited to cuddle and read stories. Then 8pm. Blissful quiet.
What's the worst part of your day?
I think that is what is lovingly referred to as the witching hour! It usually involves a child with their behind up against the cabinet where you are trying to make dinner and their arms straight out pushing you away as they get older they start to walk up the cabinet to get perpendicular to the floor! It is amazing that there are not stitches involved. Mine is the last hour before Dad gets home and I am yelling at the kids to pick up before daddy gets home while I am cooking dinner, only to end up in a terrible mood with dinner STILL not done on time!
Thanks for always sharing about real life! Singing either count your blessings or there is sunshine in my soul today helps!
Sounds a lot like my house, except I generally have 3 at my feet!
The worst part of my day is generally just after naps when everyone wants a snack and I'm trying to do some last minute cleaning before daddy gets home, get dinner started and keep everyone happy. Crazy as they make us sometimes, we wouldn't trade them for anything!
We have a time like that, it's between 4:30 and 5. Some days the whole day is like that. Sigh.
Ahh the witching hour! Definitely the worst part of the day. I am so grateful when Jarom can go in early and be home by 4. It makes the day SO much better even though he's gone the same amount of time. Spring/Summer make it more tolerable too - if it we'd ever have some descent weather! I love cooking on the grill while they're out playing in the yard. Thank heaven for wide open spaces :)
Totally the witching hour! Everybody is tired and hungry and cranky! Keep your head up, you are doing great!
4 would be the time around here too and sometimes Spencer's therapist is here so it's super embarrassing to share Drake's break downs- just wait til you get to throw homework into that hour! Super fun! :)
I'm pretty sure your day is a carbon copy of mine. My oldest gets fussy now that he doesn't nap. My little one is always wanting to be held. I loose my patience with all the fussing! It just grates on me. I feel...I don't even know. Life is hard. It's nice to know I'm not the only one struggling with this mom stuff, but I also wish I was better. More patient. Less guilt. More enjoyment.
i just had to laugh because that is an all too familiar scene. 4pm is the worst. luckily my kids will usually sit through a show while i make dinner. sometimes dinner is scratched and i throw together whatever is easiest and quickest. anyway, you are not alone.
Yes, it does seem to be the 4:00 hr when I start reaching for the advil bottle for the headache that's starting .... it use to be two little ones pulling at my legs and crying, but now it's a 12 and 13 yr old girl and boy that want a snack as soon as they hit the door, both of them trying to tell me something that happened at school that day (at the very same time) both of them need on the computer at the very same moment to do homework ... he throws he's rolled up sock or crumbled up paper at her ... she let's out a scream ..... dinner is started ... by this time my heads usually thumping .....
:) I'll be thinkin of you during my 4 o'clock hr.
~ Katrina
I find that most of my ice cream consumption takes place between 3 and 5 p.m.
Between 6 and 7:30 in my house. This is when dinner must be made and kids have to do homework, and it is usually with a not-so-willing spirit.
When I saw your blog title on my reading list I thought my time of day would be 4pm! So I TOTALLY get it... so tought! Yet so rewarding to be a momma... I often wish I could hire someone to take my kids and play with them from 4-6 LOL
yep- it takes Chay about 45 minutes to an hour to drive home- the worst part of the day ever.
Today all 3 kids were crying about something, burned my finger on a hot pan while cooking dinner and then I exploded and told everyone to go downstairs until Dad gets home. They just cried more because I was being mean.
Usually I have the girls help me stir or measure out stuff while making dinner- that seems to help with the chaos.
I can COMPLETELY relate! This sounds exactly like my 4 O'clock too. I don't know what it is, it's like the kids know that you can't focus on them completely and they hate that.
Thank you for reminding me of the bright side. It's tough when you're in the thick of tears and wailing (um, either yours or the kids!).
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