Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"The Twins"


DisneyWorldFan said...

I already like you on facebook:)

DisneyWorldFan said...

I posted a comment about the contest on Facebook!

DisneyWorldFan said...

I like huggies on facebook!

Mami2jcn said...

I like you on Facebook (Mary Happymommy).

Mami2jcn said...

I like Huggies on Facebook (Mary Happymommy)

Jessie said...

I follow your blog.

amanda said...

i follow your blog.

S Club Mama said...

I'm a follower

amanda said...

and to be honest, i have a 11 month old, size 4 diaper baby who has only worn pampers BUT i've heard fantastic things about the huggies little movers and have been wanting to give them a try.

S Club Mama said...

I like Huggies on FB

amanda said...


my baby recently weaned himself as well. it was emotionally so hard on me and then the physical pain was horrible but in less than two weeks i've healed - in both ways. i still get upset about it though almost everyday but i'm not in tears anymore. so, chin up! it will get better. i promise.

and i know this doesn't count as another entry. i just wanted you to know that i was there two weeks ago and feel your pain. i'm sorry from one mother to another.

Anonymous said...

follow blog


Anonymous said...

like you on fb-Julie A Scott Laws


Anonymous said...

like Huggies on fb-Julie A Scott Laws

Elizabeth said...

Like you on facebook.

Elizabeth said...

Like Huggies on facebook.

Elizabeth said...

I am following your blog.

April said...

Natalie, you should try goat milk before soy- a little more expensive but a lot better for a 12 year old- it is the least allergetic milk there is. I love soy milk- but I think it gives everyone gas.

I'm subscribed to your blog in reader- I never understand the reason to follow if I'm subscribed and vice versa.

April said...

I liked your sentiments on facebook

April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

Huggies FB fan!


Chapel said...

I'm a public follower!

Chapel said...

I 'like' you on facebook!

Lauren said...

i am a follower!

Amanda said...

I became a public follower...not that I haven't followed your blog for a while anyways!!

The Need 2 Read said...

I'm a follower - yay!!

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

The Need 2 Read said...

Tweet Tweet!


jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

The Need 2 Read said...

I like you on facebook - Jamie Long Champagne - yay! :)

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

The Need 2 Read said...

I also like Huggies on Facebook as Jamie Long Champagne :)

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

Amanda said...

I already 'like' you on facebook!

Amanda said...

I like Huggies on facebook as well!

Heather said...

I follow your wonderful blog


sleckl said...

Like you on FB!

sleckl said...

Like Huggies on FB

Shanny said...

I like Huggies on Facebook!

Saylorsmom said...

I like you on facebook.

Saylorsmom said...

I like huggies on facebook.

Saylorsmom said...

I became a follower from my blog.

dnastribling said...

liked you on facebook!

dnastribling said...

reposted the giveaway on FB

dnastribling said...

I like huggies on FB!

dnastribling said...

I follow you via google follow...

Michaela said...

I'm a follower of your blog :)

Michaela said...

Like you on FB too!

Kinzie Sue said...

I'm a follower!

Kinzie Sue said...

I "like" you on facebook!

Kinzie Sue said...

I "like" Huggies on Facebook (and on my bubba's bum!)

Beth Anne said...

I'm a follower!

Beth Anne said...

I "like" you on FB. =)

Beth Anne said...

I just officially "like"d Huggies!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

I like you on FB!
Great giveaway - I've got twins, so diapers are ALWAYS appreciated! :D

Jessi said...

What a great giveaway! We are expecting our first baby in Septemeber...the diapers would be a huge help!

I am a public follower!!

Jessi said...

I like Huggies on Facebook!

Jessi said...

I like Natalie's Sentiments on Facebook :0)

Beth said...

My first baby had a milk allergy. Massive hives anytime anything dairy touched his body, let alone got ingested. BUT...He totally outgrew it by age 3! Here's hoping your son will outgrow his allergy as well. It's not easy to cook without cheese/milk.

Natalie Jane said...

We are expecting him to out grown it so that's great. Poor Lydia has a 2% chance of out growing hers :(

Beth Anne said...



Liz said...

I follow your blog.

Liz said...

I Like you on facebook.

Liz said...

I like huggies on facebook

JoEllen said...

I follow you...

jill said...

im a follower!

Lover of Books said...

I just now am following your blog. :)

Lindsey Simon said...

I like Huggies on Facebook! Cute website by the way!

Michelle said...

I'm a follower!

Michelle said...

FB'd the giveaway - I'm determined to win!

Anonymous said...

I like Huggies on facebook


Anonymous said...

I follow you on google


Unknown said...

I'm a blog follower!

Stacey B said...

I like Huggies on Facebook!

Stacey B said...

I like Natalie on Facebook!

Stacey B said...

I left a comment on Facebook about the giveaway!


Stacey B said...

I blogged about the giveaway! www.pillsplace.blogspot.com

Angel said...

I blogged about the giveaway http://angels-accents.blogspot.com/

Angel said...

I like you on Facebook

Angel said...

I posted a comment about the giveaway on my Facebook!

Angel said...

I like Huggies on Facebook

Angel said...

I tweeted about the giveaway http://twitter.com/angelsaccents

Angel said...

I became a follower on Natalie's Sentiments!

Kahla said...

I like you on facebook (really I do)!

Kahla said...

I like Huggies on facebook!

Kahla said...

I follow you :o)

Alice said...

I am a public follower of your blog.
alice.lapray (at) gmail dot com

Nickie said...

I don't need the diapers so please don't pick me :)

I just had to comment on the picture of Collin looking at the upside down baby....He seems a littled puzzled by that :) Very priceless picture!

Malissa said...

I am a follower :-)

Malissa said...

I "like" you on FB :-)

Malissa said...

Also like huggies on FB :-)

Stacie Aho said...

I am a follower :)

Stacie Aho said...

I like you on facebook!

Stacie Aho said...

I also like Huggies on facebook!

Stacie Aho said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacie Aho said...

Sorry I deleted the last post because I forgot to put the link...

I tweeted about this :)


I am private, so if you want to see it just ask to follow me.

daunfamily said...

new follower, feel free to follow me back

daunfamily said...

like you on fb

daunfamily said...

like huggies on fb

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog via GFC!

rmglaughlin at gmail dot com


Anonymous said...

I "liked" your FB fan page

rmglaughlin at gmail dot com


Anonymous said...

I liked Huggies on FB too!

rmglaughlin at gmail dot com


Laura O in AK said...

following the blog...

lauraoneill69 at yahoo dot com

PS ~ baby weaning before you are ready is NEVER easy!

Laura O in AK said...

like Huggies on FB

lauraoneill69 at yahoo dot com

Beth Anne said...

Participating in the chat. :)

Oh... questions. for the three entries do I leave one comment or three?

Myranda said...

I liked you on Facebook

Myranda said...

I liked Huggies on Facebook

Myranda said...

I participated in the Huggies Facebook chat.

Juliana Kay said...

I like huggies (Juliana Kay)

Juliana Kay said...

I like you of facebook

Juliana Kay said...

I tweeted about your giveaway

Juliana Kay said...

I emailed my friends about your giveaway and also to suggested to join your blog on facebook

Juliana Kay said...

i participated in the naptime chat(juliana Kay)

Juliana Kay said...

i posted a comment about the contest on facebook (juliana kay)

Juliana Kay said...

i posted a comment about the contest on facebook (juliana kay)

Juliana Kay said...

im a public follower ( juliana kay)

Beth Anne said...

I also posted the give away on my facebook, but it's privated so i'm not sure i can give a link to it...

Ashlee said...

I participated in the huggies chat (1)

Ashlee said...

I participated in the huggies chat (2)

Ashlee said...

I participated in the huggies chat (3)

Ashlee said...

I "Like" huggies

Ashlee said...

I "Like" natalie's sentiments

Tara said...

I like huggies on Facebook

tara said...

I like you on FB

tara said...

I tweeted this..

Kahla said...

I participated in the chat (after I figured out it wasn't like a chat room... duh)!

Kahla said...

I participated in chat!

Kahla said...

Participated in chat :o)

Burke Family said...

I am now following you publically

Tara said...

I participated in the nap time chat!! thanks for the advice about brushing teeth..its such a battle!

Beth Anne said...

blogged, comment #2. =)

Beth Anne said...

blogged about the giveaway 3!

tara said...

I posted a blog about this with the picture of all 3 of them..

Beth Anne said...

participating in naptime chat 2!

Beth Anne said...

participating in chat 3 =)

Melanie said...

I like you on facebook!

Melanie said...

I like huggies on facebook.

Melanie said...

I follow your blog publicly.

Jonnie (JB) said...

I'm a follower


Anonymous said...

I like you on Facebook! (Stephanie Bates) stef4916 @ yahoo . com

Rach said...

I like you on face book!!

Rach said...

I posted on face book!!!

Rach said...

Like LIKE Huggies!

Rach said...

I blogged about it and used your photo.

Rach said...

I blogged about used your photo, 2 .

Rach said...

I blogged about used your photo. 3

Rach said...

I'm a follower and love it!

Angela said...

I like Huggies on Facebook

Janelle said...

I'm a follower. (Why does that sound so weird?)

Janelle said...

I Like you on Facebook.

Janelle said...

I like Huggies on Facebook.

Janelle said...

I Facebooked the giveaway.


Janelle said...

Blogged about the giveaway using your 'Huggies Rock' picture.

Entry #1

Janelle said...


Entry #2

Janelle said...


Entry #3


David and Stephanie said...

i already "like" you on facebook

David and Stephanie said...

I "like" huggies on Facebook.

David and Stephanie said...

I put you on facebook http://www.facebook.com/huggies#!/profile.php?id=100000468681491

David and Stephanie said...

i'm a natalie's follower. Thanks for a fun blog to read!

David and Stephanie said...

I put the huggies rock picture on my blog

David and Stephanie said...

I put the huggies rock picture on my blog http://dsjarvis.blogspot.com/2010/06/huggies-giveaway.html

David and Stephanie said...

I put the huggies rock picture on my blog


We would love FREE diapers for our 8 month old...my husband is still in school!! 8 years and counting (phd)whew.

Kim Rahn said...

I am a "liker" of YOU, Natalie on Facebook!

Kim Rahn said...

I am a "liker" of Huggies on Facebook.

Kim Rahn said...

I follow your blog {and read it regularly}!!

Kara said...

I'm a follower!
millkara (at) gmail.com

Kerrie said...

I follow your blog!!

Kerrie said...

I "Like" Huggies on Facebook!

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