Okay. Before you look at these photos, I am just going to say upfront that I have A LOT of jewelry. A lot. I've always liked jewelry. It can totally change an outfit, doesn't take up much space and always fits. Once I started actually making jewelry, the collection started to grow. And grow. I would pick out an outfit and if I didn't have the perfect thing to go with it, I would head over to my jewelry desk and create something. It was a great way to practice different techniques and color combinations. Unfortunately, my fun hobby resulted in this:

I needed to take control. I had an idea to use some extra space in my closet to display some of my collection. I told Shane what I wanted and he headed over to Lowes and picked up some supplies. A few strips of molding and a couple boxes of white hooks.

Shane measured one inch increments and drilled holes for the hooks.

He created this for my necklaces:

And a larger strip for my longer dangle earrings:

This gave me enough room to organize the rest:

Chaos at bay. All for under $15.
What's sad is as I looked over my newly organized collection, all I could think about it how I really need some more cocktail rings :)
Natalie, I'm a jewelry lover too! And you are right, accesories can change an outfit totally =) Lucky that you have a hubby to od the works for you =)
Love your collection!
Wow, very impressed and jealous! Great job!
I love how simple this was to make!
Oh my heck, Natalie! Well, I guess if you use all of it...
I mean, you do always look great, but seriously. You have your own boutique in your closet!
Oh my word...I am so jealous of your collection!! I love how you have it organized...so beautfil!
I am so jealous! I am a jewelry lover too, but I'm not even kidding when I say I own 1 necklace and 2 pairs of earrings! And the earrings I just bought a few weeks ago on clearance at Target for $3! I can't imagine having a collection like that! Love how its organized now!
I'm so jealous! I would love to have all that jewelry. :)
I am impressed! Oh, how I wish I could get this organized. It was fun to see your new necklace hanging in the collection. :) I hope you're enjoying it!
How lovely! I love displaying my jewelry as art, too. Although, I'm not nearly as creative as you.
And is that a young women's necklace I see? I have no idea where any of mine are...
Brilliant! I love this idea! Wow, you have some beautiful pieces...
Great idea! I love your jewelry collection. What a great idea.
Hmm . . . I don't have one cocktail ring. What does that say about me? I make a lot of my own jewelry too, and it is not as organized as yours. Can't wait for the big giveaway day! Maybe I'll win THIS time . . .
♥ I love it ALLL!!! you have some fabulous pieces! I'm sure that you made all the best ones! :)
I love you organizing... My daughter was gawking over all the great pictures! Ooowing and Aaawing the whole time! :)
WOW... you have a FUN collection... LOVE it!
Wow! Your closet's like a jewelry shop! Can I go shopping sometime?? I love how organized it all looks. Nice job!
I love it!!!!! I need jewelry organization bad!!!
wow how wonderful!
Very cool.
This looks great!!! I need a system like you. I have lots of jewelry but always find it hard to locate!
I was just thinking how I need to go to Hobby Lobby to organize all my jewelry. I am trying to start to accessorize more and hope to build up my collection.
Thanks for the idea!
OMG, I am so inspired!!!! I have recently started making jewelry, as well! Your collection is like art!!! I wish I had room for a jewelry closet. It has been an ongoing journey to try to figure out how to store all of mine! Tangled necklaces are the bane of my existence! Thankfully I have a super dexterous and patient husband:)
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