It is August. In Tennessee. Yesterday we headed to the park right after we woke up.
It was already 85 degrees.

Lydia loved the way the morning dew felt on her feet. She makes me smile.

We brought a breakfast picnic as a treat. Collin stared at the trees moving in the wind for an hour :) Sometimes I still can't believe he is such a good baby.
Summertime is lovely here. Though I wouldn't mind if the humidity came down a notch.

I have to mention my new park blanket, a Tuffo. People are always asking me were I got it. It's big enough for all four of us to picnic on, is totally stylish and the best part is it's waterproof. You can use it on damp morning grass and stay perfectly dry. It works great to keep sleeping bags dry on camp outs. They even come with a handy little carrier. I highly recommend it.
♥ What a fun day! Fabulous blanket and pictures! :)
What a beautiful morning you had with the children. It looked quiet too like not many others were there! Hope it cools down there.
What an amazing start to a day! Hope the whole day continued that well! Many Blessings!
looks like a beautiful day for the park!
I found your blog through Taraka the other day with her post about your baby shower give away. Fun stuff! I just wanted to say that I LOVED the 'fallen princesses' link in your side bar! I have a little one that has recently become obsessed and am quite sick of them myself. We also just added a little Lydia to our fam. Congrats on the new baby! He's darling. Very fun blog.
Your children are so beautiful! You're doing such a great job!!
Think of you often,
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