Friday, July 10, 2009

Thank you.

My sister-in-law made me a "recovery package" as a baby gift. It had things to enjoy while in the hospital and at home after Collin was born. (Great idea right?)

Among the chocolates, lotion and other treats was a copy of Cookie magazine. I was touched by a paragraph in the letter from the editor.

"Everyone is good at talking about the fun side of parenthood. I'm reminded, in my late-night conversations with a new mom...that the instant we acknowledge how difficult, scary, and lonely parenthood can be at any given moment, it becomes easier, less scary and less lonely."

So thanks to you for reading my little blog and listening to my motherhood woes and delights. It really does makes me feel a lot less alone in the world.
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Rach said...

Thank you for writing. Sometime I feel this is the only communication I get with adults. I love that you write about real things. Thank you and keep on blogging!!!

House Queen said...

As I have said before...I feel like I have known you forever and have the feeling we would be awesome friends! Love your blog!

amydear said...

You are welcome. I love reading your blog. Hope to see you in person sometime too!

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