While my mom was here she announced that she was tired of seeing me wear nothing but my pajamas and she was taking me shopping. She was buying me some pants. Apparently my excuse that nothing fit was not an excuse for never getting dressed. After a few hours of panic attacks and a bit of crying, we left the store with a black top, yoga pants and a purse. Then she took me to PF Changs to cheer me up. Thanks for understanding Mom. :)
I still have 15 lbs of baby weight to lose, which doesn't sound too bad, but when you calculate that into the new size you have to purchase, tears tend to erupt. It came to a head yesterday. There was nothing in my closet that I could wear and still be comfortable in this southern heat and humidly. I pumped a bottle of breast milk for Collin and hit the mall. Why I first started out trying on my old size is beyond me. I hyperventilated a bit in the dressing room and then went out to find my real size. The girl in the room next to me was complaining that the size 3 she was trying on was just too baggy. I almost dumped my bottled water over the divider.

I made it home with three pairs of new capris and pair of dressy "date" slacks. I am not going to be losing this baby weight this summer, so I prepared for the long haul. As a bit of retail therapy, I bought myself this lovely little turquoise number. Much to my delight, it made my bloodshot eyes look extra green.
You look great. I understand what you mean about pouring that water...I wish you had! I would love to lose 30 more pounds! It is very hard. Don't get discouraged or depressed...I think you are beautiful!
Ah - I have been in your position so recently that reading this made all of those awful feelings come rushing back. I even had the same experience as you and once I decided to buy something that fit, I tried on my old size. Such a slap in the face!
I'm glad you have a few things that fit and that you can feel good in. The weight will come off, but it is so nice to have something you can wear in the meantime. Good for you!
I just heard the same comment from a young girl while out shopping. Before my twins I was one of those girls that a very small size fit, I never wishe extra weight on myself thought. Now though, I just keep reminding myself they don't have the great kids and life I have yet, the extra weight will come to them too someday and they will finally be blessed and things will not longer be baggy :) and they will be happier.
You family is so stinkin cute! I'm sure you look beautiful in your PJ's but new clothes are always a great pick me up.
Ugh, I HATE that phase. I still (11 months later) feel like an old burlap sack. When I come out there we'll need to do some light retail therapy together...or manicure therapy...or nap therapy...or lunch therapy...
I was at work and some women were joking about the 10 worst excuses they read for not coming into work. One said, the worst one she read was. "I could't come in to work because I'm too fat, and nothing in my closet fits me." They all started to laugh. But I chimed in. Wait, I seriously have that problem every morning. I still don't fit into anything, and am late almost everyday for that reason. Of course they tried to slip in the words of encouragement, but come on.
I'll cook healthy for us when I come. I still have 25 to go.
I however refuse to buy myself new clothes.
Sara- let's do ALL that therapy.
Emily - I have lots of clothes that will fit you. Come shopping in my closet. :)
Oh Natalie. I bet you look better than you think. You look great in all of your pictures I have seen.
ya... I understand... I'm still working on the weight I gained with my third. And I have totally had the urge to throw SOMETHING at those darn size 3's complaining about being "fat" or "too slim".
sheesh. Therapy sounds great :)
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