This is all fine and dandy, but it does impact me in two ways. First, people always assume I have more help than I do. I can't count the times I have been running an errand with a cranky Lydia and a well-meaning stranger has advised me "Next time, you should probably drop her off at Grandma's house before you go shopping". Seriously. It happens all the time. However, 14 hours in a car to see the in-laws or 15 hours flying to see my parents may be a little excessive for a trip to pick up some milk.
The second issue we have found is that holidays are a lonely proposition when everyone you know is spending it with their own family. I don't begrudge anyone spending time with their families, we would be doing it too, if they lived closer. But since family is not around, I try hard to make our holidays memorable. So if it ever seems like some of the things we do are a little over the top, it is only because I don't want holidays to past by with barely a blimp on the radar. Even if it is just the four of us. Check out our Fourth of July activities here. Nothing too extreme, though we did dress up. Not Shane- he says his patriotism shines from within. :) Cocky Eagle Scout.
By the way - for the next three weeks my family is coming to visit in hordes. I can't wait!
We are the same way about holidays. At first I found it so lonely and depressing. But now that we have three children I find our private holidays more enjoyable. :D
Your children are beautiful.
Even though we have family in town, we only saw them for 2 hours out of the whole weekend. We're the same way as Valeta in the fact that the more kids you have it's just a time to cram in some family activities that don't happen when dad's not home. Like the lookouts baseball game (that sold out before we got in!) or the pro soccer game that we missed most of or fireworks that kooper decided were too noisey 10 minutes into the show! Exactly the reason why scheduling things too far in advance just doesn't work for me!!! Things NEVER go according to plan.
Don't assume that because we have family in town that we automatically have a free babysitter. It's very rare! We end up forking out the money for our very awesome babysitter. I feel it is worth it to spend some one on one time with Steve. I need it. I am like Kristi, also. We saw family for about 2 and 1/2 hours on Saturday. Not much.
I think that is a great way to celebrate the 4th! You made it so idyllic with everything you did. We celebrated without family this year also (which we had never done before). It really is something special and I can tell from your pictures, is was for you guys too. Great Job Natalie!
♥ that is hard! We're 14 hours from our families also...
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