Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Proper Lady's Tea

While my mom was here she spent most of her time entertaining Lydia. Lydia especially liked riding horsey on my mom's lap. They would ride slowly like the "Old Indian Chief", fast like the cowboy...but her favorite was to ride like "the proper lady". She rides side saddle of course. Lydia started asking endless questions about what proper ladies do. "Grandma, how does a proper lady brush her teeth?"...."How does a proper lady make the bed?"

I thought it would be a fun ending to the visit to have a "Proper Lady Tea Party". It was a little last minute, so I didn't have a chance to go to the store, so I worked with what I had. After a three week hiatus, it was nice to get back into the kitchen again. I made some chocolate chip "biscuits", pulled out the nice china, and even let Lydia wear my pearl necklace. Lydia thought the floral napkins were "so wonderful".

A Perfectly Proper Little Lady

Lydia loved her "Apple Juice" Tea. I would have taught her to hold her pinkie up, but again, we were using my nice china.

You can see Collin, banished in the background. No boys allowed.

Thank Mom for the lovely visit. I needed you more that you could ever know.

The randomly chosen winner of the Sew Cute Shop Giveaway is... TJ and Amy. Congrats! Email me and I will get you your prize. Don't forget to enter my Redbuds Designs Giveaway, and check back next week for another great giveaway. I guess I am just in a giving mood lately!


Rach said...

Now thats my kind of tea party, What fun! Oh man I didn't win maybe next time.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I love the proper lady, so cute! What a wonderful idea! Lydia looks like she's loving it!

Dave and Abby said...

So what was your response to "How does a proper lady brush her teeth?" My patients will love this story.


Natalie Jane said...

Dave - A proper lady brushes her teeth with a soft bristle toothbrush, gently and with one pinkie extended.

Unknown said...

yah I am sooo excited! I cannot find your email to email you my info. I looked in your profile and on your blog. maybe i am just missing it. but my email is I will keep looking unless i hear from you first. thanks. You made my day!!!

Unknown said...

sorry to bug you again! but I cannot find your email anywhere to claim my cute prize. I am really excited! could you email me at and I can give u my shipping info. thank you sorry i have looked several times on all your blogs too. thanks.

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