"It will be gone before you know it. The fingerprints on the wall appear higher and higher. Then suddenly they disappear. "
- Dorothy Evslin
Lydia - 5 months old.
Lydia - 5 months old.
Baby update - I mentioned in an earlier post that I was exposed to the parvovirus and am now a high risk pregnancy. I have been having weekly ultrasounds to watch the baby's development. So far, things look good. We couldn't get a good reading this week since he was so low in my pelvis, but the doctor is optimistic. (We also can see that his head is covered in hair!) Unfortunately, my amniotic fluid level is very low. Two weeks ago my doctor said to drink more water to see if we could improve my levels. I thought that was strange because I drink a lot of water. I really like water and I am always carrying a water bottle around. For the last two weeks I have been drinking copious amounts of water and running to the bathroom (literally) every 15 minutes.
This week my fluid level was even lower. My doctor said that if I don't get it up he is putting me on bed rest and that I may have to deliver much earlier than planned. (We are already planning on the baby being born at 38 weeks.) His advice - drink more water (!!!!!) and slow way down. No more visits to the gym, no more running around the park with Lydia, no more mad cleaning days - or even mild cleaning days. I am supposed to stay off my feet. At that point I could feel the tears springing to my eyes. For the love! I have an extremely active 3 year old and a baby to get ready for. Stay off my feet?!? I have no relatives around to help me. How exactly is this supposed to work? I would vent more, but I have to pee.
Well, I wish I lived closer to help you out. It would be fun to watch Lydia again with Evie. I have admit, I'd love to help you out around house as I have always wanted to see your beautiful home. Wish I could have seen you at the wedding. Maybe it will have to wait till another Pendleton adventure. I wish you well.
Oh, goodness! My heart is breaking for you...this would be so hard. This too shall pass. Your daughter will continue to love you just as much even if you can't run around the park. The laundry will get done eventually. Wishing you a healthy remainder of your pregnancy.
I am sorry. I hope the fluid level comes up for you. I know what you mean about not being able to stay off your feel with a little one in your house. But...do try to take it easy! The other stuff really is not that important in the grand scheme! I will be praying for you!
Lydia will be ok. Now is a great time to practice her art skills and read mountains of books as she becomes your buddy in bed. I hope your fluid levels improve!
I can definately understand what you are going through. At 32 weeks, I found out my fluid was low also... I had to go on bedrest and they planned me for a Csection at 37 weeks (he was breech). But I was going in 2x week for checkups and they couldn't even hold out to the 37 weeks. I delivered at 36 weeks. It was hard to be out of work and on the couch drinking water all day. Hang in there!!! Have your husband prepare things for you and put them in the fridge and Lydia can get them for you! She'll probably LOVE helping out.
First of all, that picture is adorable.
Secondly- I hope you feel better soon. Lydia seems like a great big help, I'm sure she'll love to be your little helper while you're down. It'll make her feel helpful and part of the whole experience and you'll still be able to get the rest you need... good luck!
Oh, Natalie. That stinks. I'm glad the dr is keeping a close eye on you. I had to deliver Maddy at 36 weeks because of low fluid. I know it's hard but try to rest. Let me know if you need anything.
I am very sorry to see that you will be on bed rest. It sounds like you are very active, and like it will be a big challenge. Best Wishes!!!
Anytime you need me to pick her up for a few hours it's not a problem at all. I'm just too lazy to ever make playdates. Oh...I'd still totally go to the Y and put her in the child watch...then go read a book for a couple hours! You're paying for it if you use it or not.
That's when you call the VT and get some babysitting! I spent two and a half months on moderate bedrest with my last (I've spent time on bedrest with each) and it's always hard!! I wish you the best and bet your Mom will be out there to help you if she can at all. And I hope you have a laptop, because we'll all miss hearing from you.
Oh my goodness! It's nearly impossible to "stay off your feet" when you're a Mom, that is certainly not in the job description! I'm so sorry! I wish I could do something to help! Hang in there... you're almost done! :) BTW that picture is priceless! Love it!
You have a visiting teacher who is willing to help (with housework, laundry, kid watching, etc). You just need to let me know!
Just call me whenever you need ANYTHING. I am always here - okay, most of the time. I really don't mind helping so please don't mind asking. If there is anything I have gotten out of my 4 pregnancies, it is sympathy for anyone else going through a pregnancy.
♥ I hope the levels go back up for you!!! 3 year old do not understand slow down! That would be very stressful!
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take it easy. I know hard to do with a 3yr old. It will be well worth it.
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