To be honest, I never would have signed Lydia up for Pee Wee soccer had I known the times that they would be playing. The paperwork indicated morning games. That to me means between 9 and 11. The schedule came back showing games at 12:30 and 1:30. Nap time. Lydia is one of those children that needs a nap. Skipping naps usually results in disastrous consequences in her (and my) sanity.

Shane and I decided to try one game to see if she could make it. She yawned the entire drive to the YMCA. When we got there she jumped out of the car and ran off to pick dandelions. Shane gave me one of those "This does not bode well" looks. It is a well known fact in my family (mostly because my Dad will not let the story die) that when I "played" softball in Elementary school, I was always put in right field where I would promptly sit in the grass and pick dandelions. My poor parents. They showed up to every game.
Anyway - Lydia was not a fan of Soccer. All the practicing, the new equipment and pump-up sessions we engaged in as a family did not prepare her for the screaming, whistle blowing and in short...total chaos that is 3 and 4 year old boys racing around on the gym floor. The sideline was as close as she came to playing. To be fair, she was the only girl on her team, and the girls on the other team didn't make it out either. I think we will wait on soccer for a few years.
Maybe gymnastics next?
Bless her heart!
Gymnastics or a cute little dance class. I called on that gymnastics class in collegedale. TOTALLY good price but the class was already full. I'd say call and get her on the list for fall.
You should definitely try a ballet class! I was 4 when I had my first class and even though my Momma had to stay and watch me through the tiny window in the door for the first class I soon grew to love it!
I bet she will have more fun in gymnastics. My friend has had her daughter in since she was about that age and she absolutely loves it. Ballet is a good one too :)
Kristi - The one at the college?
Oh, we have done that - along with tap and ballet, gymnastics and swimming. Now we are onto art and hope that sticks.
Or ballet. What girl doesn't like to wear a tu-tu?
♥ She looks so cute in her outfit though! :)
Stopping by via SITS to say hallo.
Have a great day!
I would stick to naps and dandelion picking...for awhile anyway- So little so little...they grow up so fast-
I think Kenzie would like something musical maybe....dance or something but I don't know how into it I want to get at the moment...I am anti kids being involved with everything under the sun...more for my sanity than anything.
I do a joy school with 6 other moms and Kenzie loves it! She is learning so many random things- so that is fulfilling enough for now- plus she can still nap her 3 hours every day.
Good Luck. Lydia is beautiful by the way- too beautiful.
saying hi from SITS, your daughter is absolutely beautiful!
How fun though. At least you tried it out. I keep thinking about all the things I want Evie to try out. I hope that I can find something that she likes also. So far we are doing good with dance class.
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