We spent the day walking around the park, listening to country music and watching our little girl have the time of her life. (I'm not a country music fan, but living in Tennessee, I have found it has its place. ) Midway through the day we were already planning our trip back. Lucky for us, you can make a one day pass into a season package for less than a second day's ticket!

To enter, just comment on this post about what you think sounds fun about Dollywood. If you have already been, mention your favorite part. Check out the website if you need some ideas. For a second entry, mention in a separate comment that you are a Natalie's Sentiments reader/subscriber/follower. You must be able to take advantage of the tickets within 6 months. So if you live in Oregon and aren't planning a visit to Tennessee, don't enter :) I will announce the randomly selected winner on May 1st. Good luck!
I love Dollywood!!
I am a follower
Dollywood ROCKS! They have something for every age group. Thanks for the chance! afdsm@hotmail.com
I'm a follower!
I love Dollywood! We were just talking about possibly going this summer! What a great giveaway!
I am a follower and a reader!!! =)
I've never been to Dollywood, but the rides featured on the website look like so much fun! Thanks!
I am a subscriber.
It is my DREAM to go to Dollywood!!
Also, I am of course a reader of your blog :)
OMG!!!! Now you went and did it! I am now officially, 100% percent green with envy. Dolly Parton is my IDOL!!!! I have everyone of her cd's, I have read her autobiography and I am in the process of annoying my husband to death for a brigh pink "backwoods Barbie" t-shirt for mothers day. We are planning to go to Dollywood, either this year or next so bring on the luck and make those tickets mine!
The food and cleanliness.
I follow
I love the water rides! Great childhood memories.
I'm a reader.
I have been there as a kid , and loved all of the rides I would love to take my hubby there he has never been
Who can say no to Dollywood. . . rides, food and fun? It's a no brainer for anyone with kids.
I am a reader too.
I love Dollywood. I have been twice and it is everything you say it is. Kids love it, and we can find great things to love about it, also.
I am a follower.
I love Dollywood! We're coming for a visit to TN in a couple of weeks and this would be great to win to complete the fun that we'll be having!
I have you on my google reader
We would love a trip to Dollywood!!!
I'm a reader
The funnel cakes and popcorn are the best at Dollywood!
I'm a reader!
I google reader you!!!!!!
Going next month. We've never been before but I'm sure we'll ride EVERY ride and eat some delish but crazy unhealthy food!
I would love to win
My family of four will be traveling to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge in June for our family vacation. We have never been to Dollywood and have decided that we are going on this trip. We visit East Tennessee at least 3 times a year and dream someday of moving there. I have a 5 year old boy, Garrett and a 3 year old boy, Levi. I think they will enjoy the rides and especially the train ride. My 3 year old LOVES trains (we have to watch Polar Express all year long!) and will be on cloud 9 when he sees the train!
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