Saturday, September 26, 2009

Guilt Trip.

I'm talking to you. Yes you reading this post right now. I really thought we were friends. I thought you liked this little blog. You and I are old roomies/mom's night out friends/high school friends/cousins/church friends/sisters/blog buddies/internet soul mates....or maybe you are just a blog lurker. In any case, I am talking to you.

I added up my blog followers, google readers and email subscribers and came up with almost 1,000. 1,000! My first thought was, well, actually it made me feel really good. Thanks for reading! My second thought was...where's the love?!? I am up for a Divine Caroline Love this Site Award and I don't exactly have 1,000 votes. So I am asking, pretty please vote for me. My blog is in the most competitive category and I am up against some of the biggest bloggers in the nation! Wouldn't it be fun to help an underdog take the lead?

If you do vote (and I know you will) make sure to enter my "Love! That Site Giveaway". I've decided to add one more thing to the grand prize winner's package. I just finished the book Mommy Confidence: 8 Easy Steps for reclaiming balance, motivation and your inner diva. It was written by Kimberly Clayton Blaine, who you may recognize as the "Go-To Mom". This little book is basically a published blog, full of Kimberly's tips on maintaining mommy sanity. The whole time I was reading it, I was thinking how it would be a great a book club choice. It is a very quick read and would be fabulous to insight a bit of conversation and debate on motherhood. She talks about some of the problems mom's deal from judgmental peers to dealing with body after baby. Kimberly has tons of great advice - she was the one who recommended I check out the Sophie Giraffe for my Baby Shower Giveaway.

The winner of the giveaway will receive their own copy of Mommy Confidence!

(If you are one of those "non-commenters", that's okay. Just vote and don't comment. :)

If you have already voted, thank you!


jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Well, I voted, so no guilt trip there! I really do love your blog, Natalie. =)

I'm not a mommy yet, but that book looks interesting! If I won, I'd probably read it and glean whatever I can, than pass it on to another mommy!

Oh, Natalie, I wanted to tell you; I know you had added The Sweetest Petunia to your reader, but now I've moved to a new blog, {This Time Around}. I just needed a new start, but his hard because now I have 2 followers instead of 91...anyway, I'd love a visit! =)

kristi lee said...

I SWEAR I went to vote the first day and then when I had to register I got sidetracked by one of the kids...put it in the back of my mind as something to do later...later just got know I love ya...sorry...I'll get to it! Missed ya tonight.

LesleyannAustin said...

I voted and truly love your blog.

Jill said...

I voted the first day...I LOVE your blog!! Can we vote more than once? If so, I will do so. :)

April J. said...

I did vote, I like your blog so much I even registered over there so I could vote!

Kyla Armstrong said...

I voted! Good luck :)

The Pyper Fam said...

I just voted for you!!! :) I really hope you win.

Lisa B. said...

I really hope you win Natalie!!

Note: I've been a follower for awhile, and can't understand why your site name isn't among the list of sites I follow, on my profile. I'm still on your Followers list, under a faceless "Lisa". I'm a follower, I promise :) I even re-clicked to follow several times.

Mary Lea said...

I'm vote #61 - good luck! :)

null said...

I voted, don't usually post anything but I do follow and read often. Good luck!

Natalie "The Pampered Mom" said...

I voted!!

Green Acres in the City said...

guilt worked!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I voted.....

JT42 said...

i voted, and now i don't know if i entered your giveaway...hmmm...
the book sounds great...mommy of almost 5 needs some help, no matter how much people say i should be an expert!! :)
good luck

Anonymous said...

You won a custom canvas from Sassy Hippo Designs! Contact me through to claim your canvas. :-) Congrats (and good luck with your award contest)!

Michaela said...

I voted! This is one of my favorite blogs! :)

Jenn said...

Am I the only one having trouble registering and voting? I have tried it about 4 times--GRRR--can't stand computers and internet sometimes--if anyone has any input that would be great!

Jenn said...

Ok I finally got it to work! It took me long enough! I voted! :o)

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