Did you have anything that you did in your family that you just assumed everyone did? Some tradition that you were surprised later in life to find was totally unique. My Mom invented the tradition of "The Valentine Lady". (She says it is based on how Valentine's day use to be. In the olden days.) This was basically the equivalent to the Easter Bunny. Every Valentine's day - usually after dinner, the doorbell would ring. All the kids would race to the door, only to find gifts left for us by the Valentine Lady. No matter what we did, we could never catch her. Each child would get a few things: some candy, a card, two or three small gifts. One year I was thrilled to find a pair of pale pink dress shoes. I remember this because I was about 11, the age when I was way too short for my weight. Every photo of me for a year has those pink shoes showing off some major kancles. Lovely.
Anyway, it was such a fun tradition, Shane and I are continuing it for Lydia. I thought maybe you would like to start this Valentines day tradition in your home.
I am 6 months along today! I really need to start preparing for this baby!
This is such a cute idea, I'll have to remember this when I have kids.
♥ What a cute idea! Yay for the 6 month mark! :)
How creative your mother is. My mom always gives us a valentine package each year and still does. But, I think that the Valentine lady is a very cute idea. Happy Valentine's Day if I forget to say it later.
I love it. My mother-n-law is awesome like that. Even the Birthday Bahama brings presents along with mom and dad. She also dye's(sorry if misspelled) the milk green on St. Patrick's Day!
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